| - Colonial Marshal Metta Lawson spoke to Scaler at the Crystal Mines outside Badrock.
- Scaler is the titular main protagonist of the game of the same name, Scaler which came out in 2004. His true name is Bobby Jenkins.
- Synopsis: Scaler follows the story of a 12-year-old boy named Bobby Jenkins who stumbles across the evil plot of his next door neighbor to dominate the world through use of mutated lizards. His neighbor, Bootcamp, captures and restrains Bobby, striking him with a bolt of energy that transforms him into a shape-shifting alter-ego, Scaler—a vivid blue and yellow mutant lizard with razor sharp claws, a long tongue, and the ability to shift into several other kinds of lizards. Unbeknown to Scaler, Bootcamps leader, Looger controls a network of unstable portals that are the only connections between the different dimensions in the multiverse. Any being in control of these portals would have the ability to move freely between the different worlds, and even capture them. Looger has managed to
- Scaler is a 2004 Platform Game, released for most major platforms of the era. Bobby Jenkins is a kid living with his mom somewhere in suburbia. We'd call him "ordinary", but frankly, that's a lie--he's an animal activist, with an especial love of lizards. He's currently gotten himself a dose of local infamy for protesting--in slightly-less-than-honorable ways--a motion picture currently being shot in his town. Unfortunately, the director, Looger, and his henchmen don't take too kindly to Bobby's meddling. Their solution? Drag him into a basement for some torture. Electric Torture.
| - Scaler is a 2004 Platform Game, released for most major platforms of the era. Bobby Jenkins is a kid living with his mom somewhere in suburbia. We'd call him "ordinary", but frankly, that's a lie--he's an animal activist, with an especial love of lizards. He's currently gotten himself a dose of local infamy for protesting--in slightly-less-than-honorable ways--a motion picture currently being shot in his town. Unfortunately, the director, Looger, and his henchmen don't take too kindly to Bobby's meddling. Their solution? Drag him into a basement for some torture. Electric Torture. In the process, they also open up a gate to another world--their world, where Looger and all of his henchmen turn out to be scaly lizard-people who want to mutate Bobby's pet lizard eggs into horrible monsters! Luckily for Bobby, he's also been turned into a lizard--a cool, blue-and-yellow alter ego called Scaler, and he quickly adapts. He also manages to quickly piss off another lizard man named Leon. But Leon, at least, hates Looger as much as Scaler does, and the two form an extremely uneasy team to take down the devious director for good!
* Animal Wrongs Group: Bobby is a "lizard activist," and he sometimes plays dirty.
* Bear Hug: When Leon finally warms up to Scaler--and realizes that he's his son--smothering ensues.
* Boss Dissonance: Some of the worlds (and their associated Lizard Eggs/Crystal Gems) are challenging, but if a level itself is hard, the eventual boss will make you want to pull out your hair in frustration. The first boss is relatively easy, but after that... Ugh.
* Corrupt Corporate Executive: Looger's form on Earth.
* Death Is a Slap on The Wrist
* Disappeared Dad: Scaler's dad left when he was really little.
* Drill Sergeant Nasty
* Genius Bruiser: Leon. Brilliant scientist, and surprisingly muscular force.
* Giant Enemy Crab: One of the bosses. You even attack its weak point For Massive Damage!
* Giant Flyer: Leon's "Repadactyl," or "Reppy," as he calls her. She can also apparently, uh, serve as the shop by absorbing energy balls and then spitting up upgrades. Or something.
* Grind Boots: Scaler does this with his bare claws. It also serves as the only way to charge an electrical attack.
* Lantern Jaw of Justice: Leon has an especially prominent one. He's also the local Top-Heavy Guy.
* Lizard Folk
* Luke, I Am Your Father: Scaler, Leon is your father!
* Mascot with Attitude
* Mega Manning: Scaler gets the ability to transform by defeating enemies with the form he wants.
* Older Sidekick: Leon, for Scaler.
* Parental Substitute: As they start to get along, Scaler comes to see Leon as a kind of vague replacement for his Disappeared Dad. But, surprise! Leon is Scaler's dad.
* Racing Mini Game: One level is almost nothing but races, in Scaler's ball-like form. Some of them are just time attack, but others have enemies for you to race against.
* Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Swung all the way in the other direction--reptiles are awesome! Well, unless they're evil Lizard Folk.
* Scenery Porn: Leon calls his world the "Worst plane in the Multiverse," but it's so pretty!
* Super Drowning Skills: Scaler even says it himself: "CAN'T SWIM!" However, one transformation allows him to swim in a few levels.
* Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: It takes several levels before Scaler and Leon even start to get used to each other, let alone get along.
* Trapped in Another World
* Totally Radical: Scaler. Egads.
* Unexpected Shmup Level: Several, usually from Repadactyl-back. In particular, the boss fight against the Sky Crab is entirely one of these.
* Voluntary Shapeshifting: Scaler can change between different forms on certain levels to solve puzzles and the like.
* Video Game Flight: One of Scaler's transformations lets him fly... but only in one level. Awww.
* Wall Crawl: One of Scaler's abilities.
- Colonial Marshal Metta Lawson spoke to Scaler at the Crystal Mines outside Badrock.
- Scaler is the titular main protagonist of the game of the same name, Scaler which came out in 2004. His true name is Bobby Jenkins.
- Synopsis: Scaler follows the story of a 12-year-old boy named Bobby Jenkins who stumbles across the evil plot of his next door neighbor to dominate the world through use of mutated lizards. His neighbor, Bootcamp, captures and restrains Bobby, striking him with a bolt of energy that transforms him into a shape-shifting alter-ego, Scaler—a vivid blue and yellow mutant lizard with razor sharp claws, a long tongue, and the ability to shift into several other kinds of lizards. Unbeknown to Scaler, Bootcamps leader, Looger controls a network of unstable portals that are the only connections between the different dimensions in the multiverse. Any being in control of these portals would have the ability to move freely between the different worlds, and even capture them. Looger has managed to accomplish this through the use of a device created by a scientist named Leon, who was consequently exiled through a portal to a desolate world. With the portal being his only escape route, Bobby "Scaler" Jenkins escapes from Looger through the portal and must now travel the strange world he arrives upon in his new form in order to find and defeat Looger or all of the universes will go into darkness. Gameplay: The main attraction of Scaler is the ability to transform into five different types of mutant lizards, each one giving some sort of advantage depending on the environment. As the character journeys to different areas of the world, he will occasionally be given a challenge to defeat a number of special foes, thus giving the ability to transform into them and use their unique abilities to his advantage. Each area he journeys to allows him to transform into only one of this five forms. Reception: After its release in 2004, Scaler received mostly positive reviews. While receiving praise for its high production values and gameplay, some reviewers criticized it for having an unexciting plot and formulaic design. It currently bears a composite critic score of 70 out of 100 on Metacritic.