The War of 2032, also known as the First Alien Invasion, HET Offensive, HET Invasion, Human-HET War, or War For Earth, as well as various other names was the first conflict the human race fought against beings from another world. The war lasted for over seven months, but the impact afterwards was enormous; irradiating much of the world's surface. Mostly taking place on Earth, but with some events taking place on the surface of the Earth's moon and in a distant region of space, the war was fought by the Hostile Extraterrestrials, or HETs, and the Human race. When the HET opened a wormhole in the sky above the Earth, the planet's artificial orbital satellites were immediately disabled and fell to the surface.
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| - War of 2032 (HET Invasion Scenario)
| - The War of 2032, also known as the First Alien Invasion, HET Offensive, HET Invasion, Human-HET War, or War For Earth, as well as various other names was the first conflict the human race fought against beings from another world. The war lasted for over seven months, but the impact afterwards was enormous; irradiating much of the world's surface. Mostly taking place on Earth, but with some events taking place on the surface of the Earth's moon and in a distant region of space, the war was fought by the Hostile Extraterrestrials, or HETs, and the Human race. When the HET opened a wormhole in the sky above the Earth, the planet's artificial orbital satellites were immediately disabled and fell to the surface.
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| - The War of 2032, also known as the First Alien Invasion, HET Offensive, HET Invasion, Human-HET War, or War For Earth, as well as various other names was the first conflict the human race fought against beings from another world. The war lasted for over seven months, but the impact afterwards was enormous; irradiating much of the world's surface. Mostly taking place on Earth, but with some events taking place on the surface of the Earth's moon and in a distant region of space, the war was fought by the Hostile Extraterrestrials, or HETs, and the Human race. When the HET opened a wormhole in the sky above the Earth, the planet's artificial orbital satellites were immediately disabled and fell to the surface.