| - Fun with Milk & Cheese (often referred to as simply Milk & Cheese out of convenience) is a comic book by Evan Dorkin and published by various companies, later collected by Slave Labor Graphics. It follows the (mis)adventures of an anthropomorphic, misanthropic carton of milk and a wedge of cheese. The eponymous "dairy products gone bad" tend to drink copious quantities of gin and become embroiled in unbelievably violent situations. They hate everything except for liquor, TV, and each other. Tropes associated with this work:
* Big Ol' Eyebrows
* Blessed Are the Cheesemakers
* Catch Phrase: "Merv Griffin!"
* Comedic Sociopathy
* Dead Baby Comedy: The comic runs on this trope. The level of brutality involved is so excessive that at one point, a guy from the Guiness Book of World Records appears as they're beating a hippy pot dealer to a bloody mess and crowns them as "World Class Abuse Kings".
* Face on a Milk Carton: Milk has his childhood face featured on him in this fashion.
* Freudian Excuse: Parodied in a story called "Society is to Blame!", where the duo commit their usual horrific fit of violence, but this time decide to do so all the while spouting cliched excuses as to why they're doing it.
* Furry Fandom: Violently attacked in Dark Horse Presents #10, "The Fur Suit Of Happiness".
* Grievous Bottley Harm: A regular tactic, usually with gin bottles.
* Unusual Chapter Numbers: The first 5 issues were numbered #1, Other #1, Third #1, Fourth #1, and "First Second Issue."