| - Leonard Simms is a former U.S. naval officer who Hurley knew at Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. Leonard was stationed in the South Pacific before and/or during 1988 and, along with his friend and fellow officer Sam Toomey, monitored longwave radio transmissions at a government listening post. At an unknown time, Leonard was admitted to Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. He spent all of his time playing the game Connect Four with himself, while endlessly repeating the Numbers. ("Numbers") ("Dave")
- Leonard Simms was in the United States Navy alongside a man named Sam Toomey; the two of them were stationed at a listening post that monitored long wave transmissions out of the Pacific. While listening one night, they heard a mysterious voice suddenly begin repeating the numbers “4 8 15 16 23 42”. When Sam used the numbers to win $50,000 at a fair, bad luck suddenly fell upon him.
| - Leonard Simms was in the United States Navy alongside a man named Sam Toomey; the two of them were stationed at a listening post that monitored long wave transmissions out of the Pacific. While listening one night, they heard a mysterious voice suddenly begin repeating the numbers “4 8 15 16 23 42”. When Sam used the numbers to win $50,000 at a fair, bad luck suddenly fell upon him. Leonard was committed to the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute where he would spend a lengthy amount of time. Leonard would spend some of his free time playing Connect Four, and quietly repeating the numbers to himself. Leonard was doing just this, when he was visited by a former patient Hugo Reyes who questioned him about the numbers and informed him that he believed he was the victim of bad luck after playing them in the lottery. Upon hearing them, Leonard became erratic and told Hugo that he shouldn’t have used the numbers, to get away from the numbers, and that he had “opened the box”. As Leonard was carried away by an orderly he informed that he received the info from Sam Toomey and that he was living in Kalgoorlie, Australia.
- Leonard Simms is a former U.S. naval officer who Hurley knew at Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. Leonard was stationed in the South Pacific before and/or during 1988 and, along with his friend and fellow officer Sam Toomey, monitored longwave radio transmissions at a government listening post. In 1988, the station picked up a transmission consisting of the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 repeating on a loop. (Danielle Rousseau and her science team also caught the transmission around that same time.) The Numbers stayed with Leonard and Sam. After Toomey used the numbers in a game of chance, a plague of bad luck seemed to befall those around him. Leonard and Sam believed the Numbers to be cursed, driving Sam to suicide, and Leonard to insanity. ("Numbers") At an unknown time, Leonard was admitted to Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. He spent all of his time playing the game Connect Four with himself, while endlessly repeating the Numbers. ("Numbers") ("Dave") After Hurley got out of Santa Rosa, he won the lottery by playing the numbers he had heard from Leonard, and came to believe they were cursed. Visiting Leonard at the institute to find answers, Hurley told him he used the Numbers in the lottery, to which Leonard broke from his near-catatonic state and became hysterical, screaming, "You've opened the box!" He told Hurley to get away from the Numbers or it wouldn't stop. Leonard then told Hurley that he heard the numbers from Sam Toomey in Kalgoorlie, Australia. ("Numbers")