| - Eleanor Roosevelt was First Lady under her husband/cousin FDR. She was once considered for an endorsement deal for Camel cigarettes,until she found out that she her face had to appear on the pack. She allegedly fancied the occasional touch of a woman. Upon leaving the White House after the death of her husband, she continued to be a media whore for such causes as desegregation and human rights.
- Eleanor Roosevelt appears in Hayley's student film comparing famous women to her mother in "Helping Handis".
- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (s. 11. lokakuuta 1884 - k. 7. marraskuuta 1962) oli amerikkalainen ihmisoikeusaktivisti, diplomaatti ja Yhdysvaltain presidentin Franklin Delano Rooseveltin vaimo.
- [[Bild:Eleanor Roosevelt.jpg|framed|right|Eleanor Roosevelt. Daguerrotypie von 1771]] Eleanor Roosevelt ist eine amerikanensische Politikerin und Frauenrechtlerin und derzeit Vizepräsidentin Amerikaniens.
- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was an American politician, diplomat, and activist. She was the longest-serving First Lady of the United States, having held the post from March 1933 to April 1945 during her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt's four terms in office, and served as United States Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly from 1945 to 1952. President Harry S. Truman later called her the "First Lady of the World" in tribute to her human rights achievements.
- Eleanor Rosevelt is the first lady in the White House of America.
- Anna Eleanor ROOSEVELT (n. 11-a de oktobro 1884 – 7-a de novembro 1962) estis unua damo de Usono ekde 1933 al 1945. Ŝi subtenis la projekton New Deal de sia edzo, prezidanto Franklin D. Roosevelt, kaj rolis kiel porparolanto por civilrajtoj. Post la morto de sia edzo en 1945 ŝi daŭris kiel internacie eminenta verkisto kaj oratoro por la Koalicio New Deal. Ŝi laboradis por plibonigi la statuson de laborantaj virinoj, kvankam ŝi oponis la Amendon de Egalaj Rajtoj ĉar ŝi kredis ke ĝi malfavore influus virinojn.
- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (October 11, 1884 — November 7, 1962) was the longest-serving First Lady of the United States, holding the post from 1933 to 1945 during her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt's four terms in office. She was born into the Roosevelt family, so in addition to being married to Franklin (who was also her sixth cousin), she was the niece of President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a controversial First Lady for her outspokenness, particularly her stands on racial issues. She was the first presidential spouse to hold press conferences, write a syndicated newspaper column, and speak at a national convention. On a few occasions, she publicly disagreed with her husband's policies.