| - Fenna was het alter ego van Nidell, dat gecreëerd werd toen Nidell de controle over haar psychoprojectieve telepathie kwijtraakte. Toen Nidell en haar man, professor Gideon Seyetik, op Deep Space 9 aankwamen aan boord van de USS Prometheus, raakte ze de controle over haar telepathie kwijt, waardoor ze op de Promenade verscheen. Benjamin Sisko werd verliefd op haar en was verrast toen hij Nidell op de Prometheus aantrof. (DS9: "Second Sight")
- [[Datei:Fenna.jpg|thumb|Fenna, eine halanische Psychoprojektion.]] Fenna ist das Alter Ego von Nidell. Sie wird kreiert, weil Nidell die Kontrolle über ihre psychoprojektorische Telepathie verliert. Fenna ist ein Wesen aus purer Energie und ein Doppelgänger von Nidell. Fenna wurde von Salli Elise Richardson gespielt und von Roswitha Hirsch synchronisiert.
- Fenna was a psychoprojective telepathy projection of the unconsciousness mind of Nidell. Fenna was actually a being of pure energy, a doppelganger for Nidell. While Nidell and her husband, Gideon Seyetik, visited Deep Space 9 on the USS Prometheus in 2370, Fenna appeared on the Promenade where Benjamin Sisko noticed her and took an interest in her. After several evenings meeting with her on the Promenade, Sisko fell in love with her but became frustrated when she wouldn't tell him anything about herself or where she came from. He was surprised when he met Nidell, who appeared identical to Fenna, on the Prometheus. The next time Sisko saw Fenna he called Lt. Dax into the room. Dax immediately scanned Fenna and found no life signal, only energy. Sisko and Dax took Fenna to Gideon and it was
- Quando Nidell ed il marito, Gideon Seyetik, si recarono su Deep Space 9 con la USS Prometheus, nel 2370, Fenna apparve sulla Promenade. Era l'esatto contrario di Nidell. Era socievole ed appassionata. Benjamin Sisko se ne innamorò. Rimase sorpreso quando incontrò Nidell sulla Prometheus e scoprì quello che stava accadendo. La sua manifestazione stava uccidendo Nidell a causa dell'intenso stress provocato dalla proiezione di Fenna. Quando Fenna capì di essere una proiezione di Nidell, tornò da Nidell per salvarle la vita. (DS9: "Il sogno di Nidell")
| - Fenna was a psychoprojective telepathy projection of the unconsciousness mind of Nidell. Fenna was actually a being of pure energy, a doppelganger for Nidell. While Nidell and her husband, Gideon Seyetik, visited Deep Space 9 on the USS Prometheus in 2370, Fenna appeared on the Promenade where Benjamin Sisko noticed her and took an interest in her. After several evenings meeting with her on the Promenade, Sisko fell in love with her but became frustrated when she wouldn't tell him anything about herself or where she came from. He was surprised when he met Nidell, who appeared identical to Fenna, on the Prometheus. The next time Sisko saw Fenna he called Lt. Dax into the room. Dax immediately scanned Fenna and found no life signal, only energy. Sisko and Dax took Fenna to Gideon and it was discovered that Fenna's manifestation was killing Nidell due to the extreme stress of projecting Fenna. Desperate to do anything to save his wife, Gideon confided in Sisko that unlike his other wives, Nidell would never divorce him because her species mated for life. Gideon said that Fenna had appeared at least once before, and then he came to the realization that Nidell was using Fenna when she was in deep emotional distress. Privately, Sisko convinced Fenna that she should stop fighting for her own existence in order to save Nidell's life. Fenna told Sisko goodbye and that she would always love him, and they kissed. Meanwhile, before the crew of the Prometheus could stop him, Gideon left the ship and was about to commit suicide by colliding his shuttle with Epsilon 119 (re-igniting the star) in order to set Nidell free. After Gideon's death, Nidell woke up and Fenna disappeared. Nidell claimed to have no memory of Fenna's activities; when she asked Sisko "What was she like?", Sisko replied, "She was just like you", and watched her walk away. (DS9: "Second Sight") Fenna was played by actress Salli Elise Richardson.
- Fenna was het alter ego van Nidell, dat gecreëerd werd toen Nidell de controle over haar psychoprojectieve telepathie kwijtraakte. Toen Nidell en haar man, professor Gideon Seyetik, op Deep Space 9 aankwamen aan boord van de USS Prometheus, raakte ze de controle over haar telepathie kwijt, waardoor ze op de Promenade verscheen. Benjamin Sisko werd verliefd op haar en was verrast toen hij Nidell op de Prometheus aantrof. (DS9: "Second Sight")
- [[Datei:Fenna.jpg|thumb|Fenna, eine halanische Psychoprojektion.]] Fenna ist das Alter Ego von Nidell. Sie wird kreiert, weil Nidell die Kontrolle über ihre psychoprojektorische Telepathie verliert. Fenna ist ein Wesen aus purer Energie und ein Doppelgänger von Nidell. Während Nidell und ihr Ehemann, Gideon Seyetik, Deep Space 9 auf der USS Prometheus besuchen, erscheint Fenna auf der Promenade. Sie ist das genaue Gegenteil von Nidell, aufgeschlossen und leidenschaftlich. Benjamin Sisko verliebt sich in sie. Er ist sehr überrascht, als er Nidell auf der Prometheus trifft und herausfindet, was los ist. Fennas Manifestation könnte Nidell töten, weil es überaus anstrengend für Nidells Körper ist Fenna zu projizieren. Als Fenna herausfindet, dass sie nur eine Projektion von Nidell ist, kehrt sie zu Nidell zurück, um ihr Leben zu retten. (DS9: ) Fenna wurde von Salli Elise Richardson gespielt und von Roswitha Hirsch synchronisiert.
- Quando Nidell ed il marito, Gideon Seyetik, si recarono su Deep Space 9 con la USS Prometheus, nel 2370, Fenna apparve sulla Promenade. Era l'esatto contrario di Nidell. Era socievole ed appassionata. Benjamin Sisko se ne innamorò. Rimase sorpreso quando incontrò Nidell sulla Prometheus e scoprì quello che stava accadendo. La sua manifestazione stava uccidendo Nidell a causa dell'intenso stress provocato dalla proiezione di Fenna. Quando Fenna capì di essere una proiezione di Nidell, tornò da Nidell per salvarle la vita. (DS9: "Il sogno di Nidell") Fenna è stata interpretata da Salli Elise Richardson.