| - Beep beep beep. Phineas slammed his hand on his alarm clock. "Morning Ferb." Ferb replied with a thumbs up. The boys got dressed and picked up Perry. They were walking downstairs when Phineas stopped abruptly. "Ferb, something's not right." Phineas checked the time. It was 7:28. Phineas put Perry down and he and Ferb ran to Jessie's room. "Hey guys," she said cheerfully. "You okay?" "Bobbi hasn't shown up yet today, has she?" "Now that you mention it, no." Her response set a wave of shock through her brothers. Ever since Bobbi moved in, she enforced strict rules. The rules go as follows: 1.
* You may only open the door between sunrise and nine. 2.
* Do not let anyone in unless approved by Bobbi. 3.
* Be inside by sunset. 4.
* Only person to leave the house at dark is Bobbi. 5.
* If Bobbi is not home by 7:30, do not go looking for her. 6.
* If Bobbi has not returned in 24 hours, she is probably dead. Go to city coucil immediatly and give the same instructions. Do not lift instructions until Bobbi returns. Phineas respected the schedule, as fear of what would happen if he disobeyed (Bobbi has never threatened that, but she can be unpredictable). She has always been back by seven. He didn't want to think the worst, but it was very possible-- Ryan was very powerful. "Hello?" Jessie's voice brought him back to reality. "I asked you a question like two minutes ago." "Sorry. What was it?" "Do you think she's dead?" Phineas didn't want to admit it, but he did. -- It was 9:14 when there was a knock on the door. Phineas was hesitant to answer it, remember Bobbi specifically said not to open the door after nine. "Phineas, it's me!" Bobbi's voice. Hearing her voice was like an old pair of shoes: sure, you got used to them, but after a while you start to miss them and you get all excited when you have them back. Phineas opened the door and gestured for her to come in. "Are you okay? What happened? Was it Ryan? Should we warn people? What's the squareroot of nine?" "Okay. Uh, yeah, I'll explain later, yes and no, no, and three." "Phew." Phineas heard steps coming down the stairs. Bobbi waved to someone apparently behind him. He turned around and only saw Ferb and Jessie, but neither one waved back. "Who did you wave to?" Bobbi sighed and sat down. "Let me explain. You see--" "Bobbi!" Jessie ran to her roommate and gave her an aggressive hug. So aggressive, in fact, it lifted Bobbi a few inches above the ground--without Bobbi flying. "I was so worried!" "I can tell, roomie." "Tell us everything," said Ferb. His usually solemn face seemed to be filled with worry. "Okay, but ya might want to sit down." The kids heeded her suggestion and sat on the sofa. Bobbi sighed. She knew she was going to have to tell this story, but something about her face said she didn't want to. As if there was something that she feared to tell them. "Let me start from the beginning..."