Heroes & Rogues is a supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. It was written by Paul Sudlow and Rick D. Stuart, and was first published in June 1995. The book provided information on creating character backgrounds, guidelines for role playing Imperial characters, sixty character templates, and forty-three gamemaster characters.
Attributes | Values |
| - Heroes & Rogues
- Heroes & Rogues
| - Heroes & Rogues is a supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. It was written by Paul Sudlow and Rick D. Stuart, and was first published in June 1995. The book provided information on creating character backgrounds, guidelines for role playing Imperial characters, sixty character templates, and forty-three gamemaster characters.
- Heroes & Rogues, to pierwsza wersja podręcznika do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40086). Podręcznik wydano w 1995 roku i jego autorami są Paul Sudlow i Rick D. Stuart.
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| - *Bantha
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| |
| - *Greg Farshtey
*Peter M. Schweighofer
*Bill Smith
*George R. Strayton
*Paul Sudlow
*Eric S. Trautmann
Publish Date
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| - *Ahleazah
*Hako Armado
*Elbren BaChorin
*Alexsandr Badure
*Espan Balfed
*Abran Balfour
*Blue Max
*Janstren Brell
*Sularus Brenn
*Lando Calrissian
*Jakke Clamont
*Airen Cracken
*Ixxis Cranata
*Dark Underlord
*Riggins Delahrg
*Vella Derwayne
*J'fe Din
*Everik Dondarvan
*Myleena Dystra
*Myleena Dystra's father
*Myleena Dystra's mother
*Selas Ferr
*Ballifore Figg
*Inos Fonada
*Dennix Graeber
*Victor Grieves
*Noshy Heer
*Alendar Jarvis
*Talon Karrde
*Debin Karre
*Vasnish Kay
*Deena Kinnet
*Prengahl Kreen
*Hailey LaMelle
*Brahle Logris
*Osira Mavron
*Dana Meimonda
*Kavree Mile
*Lett Minak
*Chackron Nasplek
*Olian Okamie
*Platt Okeefe
*Sandrex Olotho
*Angrail Ryhl
*Gibsun Robalto
*Thrackan Sal-Solo
*Cobb Salfur
*Devlor Samt
*Fenris Sarhl
*Nardo Sau
*Luke Skywalker
*Han Solo
*Leia Organa Solo
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Patra Tefilous
*Zag Tefilous
*Blair Temquill
*Shasa Tiel
*Salishh Tilloman
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure
*Serdif Tount
*Shelby Tribold
*Ploovo Two-For-One
*Darth Vader
*Jessa Vandangante
*Klaus Vandangante
*Veedo Vaocan
*Veerdo Veerone
*Noran Vran
*Becca Westone
*Salla Zend
*Dasar Zorm
| - *Binder
**Blaster pistol
***DL-18 Blaster Pistol
***DL-44 heavy blaster pistol
***Heavy blaster pistol
**Blaster rifle
***E-11 blaster rifle
***Heavy blaster rifle
**Hold-out blaster
**Sporting blaster
**Sporting blaster rifle
*Breather mask
**Medical datapad
*Diagnostic scanner
*Energy cell
*Field-medic kid
*Fragmentation grenade
*Jawa ionization gun
*Laser cutter
*Motion sensor
*Palpatine Cluster
*PLX series
*Power cane
*Recording rod
*Shockboxing glove
*Smoke grenade
*Stormtrooper armor
*Stun blaster
*Stun cloak
*Stun grenade
*Tangle gun
**Tangler Elite 1
*Thermal detonator
*Tractor beam
*Z2 stun baton
| - *Clone Wars
*Day of the Hunter Ceremony
*Dentaal Uprising
*Dissolution of the Imperial Senate
*Emperor's Masquerade Ball
*Expansionist Era
*Festival of Hoods
*Galactic Civil War
**Battle of Yavin
**Destruction of Alderaan
**Evacuation of Yavin
**Matacorn campaign
*Great Protector's Gladiator Festival
*Pacification of Praadost II
*Perkel sector Mining Fleecing
*Trancret Stock Exchange Swindle
*Ursellin Sun Jammer Race
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| |
| - *Paul Sudlow
*Rick D. Stuart
Additional material
*John Beyer
*Matt Busch
*Sterling Hershey
*Pablo Hidalgo
*Matt Hong
*Wayne Humfleet
*Wayne Peacock
*Philip Reed
*Eric S. Trautmann
*Chuck Truett
*Floyd Wesel
| - *Alderaan Star Scream
*Asaari tree
*Candorian plague
*Ch'hosk Cave Drawings
*Chindinkalu flute
*Flying circus
*Fregeni sandwich
*Flagn horn
*The Force
**Force sense
*Great Tree
*High Galactic alphabet
*Honor Amongst Thieves
*Imperial Truth
*Kloo horn
*Medal of Conspicuous Gallantry
*Mother Jungle
*Mystic Martial Arts of Squib Combats and Transactions
*Namana candy
*Namana liquor
*Skull of Thalemute
*Swoop racing
*Talon Roll
*Trench Warfare
*Vendusii Crystal
*Venra root
*Wroshyr tree
| - *Airspeeder
**Xy-2 Aircoupe Racing Airspeeder
*Compact Assault Vehicle/Wheeled PX-10
*HAVr A9 Floating Fortress
*LAVr QH-7 Chariot
*Space station
**Death Star
**Death Star II
*Speeder bike
**Carrack cruiser
**Corellian Consort
**Luxury liner
**Mon Cal cruiser
**Squib scout ship
**Star Destroyer
***Interdictor cruiser
***TIE interceptor
***TIE fighter
***TIE bomber
***Y-wing starfighter
**Sudden Restoration
*World Devastator
| |
| - *Barabel
*Ishi Tib
*Mon Calamari
*Sand People
*Voegliss's species
| - Art Director
*Stephen Crane
*Tim Bobko
*Steven Brown
*Tom O'Neill
*Brian Schomburg
*Steve Bryant
*Robert Duchlinski
*Tim Eldred
*Pablo Hidalgo
*Mike Jackson
*Chris Trevas
*Mike Vilardi
book title
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| - *ACW
*Alliance to Restore the Republic
**Alliance Special Operations
**Alpha team
**Beta team
**Sector Commander
*BaChorin's Spaceways, Unlimited
*Bakur Corp
*Big game hunter
*Bounty hunter
*Con artist
*Corporate Sector Authority
*Crime lord
*Damorian Manufacturing
*Dweomilis Advisory Foundation
*Field medic
*Galactic Empire
**43rd Salagori Lancers
**543th Denbari Attack Company
**656th regiment
**76th Assault Regiment
**Commission for the Preservation of the New Order
****CompForce Assault trooper
****CompForce Demnadi Relief Operation
****Sub-Adult Group
**Dark Side Adept
**Grand Moff
**Imperial Academy
**Imperial Army
**Imperial commando
**Imperial Navy
***Flight officer
***TIE pilot
**Imperial HoloVision
**Imperial Morale Corps
**Imperial Orphanage Authority
**Imperial Ruling Council
**Imperial Security Bureau
**Imperial Survey Corps
**Space Rescue Corps
**Storm Commando
*Galactic News Service
*Galactic Republic
*Gowix Computers
*Honor Clan
*House of Tagge
*Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes
*Imperial Customs
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Master
*Justice Action Network
*Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.
*Moisture farmer
*New Order
*New Republic
**New Republic Intelligence Service
**New Republic Security Force
**Stunt pilot
*Red & Black League
*Sector Ranger
*Sienar Fleet Systems
*SoroSuub Corporation
*Squib Reclamation Fleet
*Tagge Industries
*TriNebulon News
*XySpeeder Corporation
| |
| - *Assassin droid
*Medical droid
**2-1B surgical droid
**MD-0 medical droid
*Mouse droid
*Nanny droid
*Protocol droid
**3PO-series protocol droid
*R2-series astromech droid
*Secretary droid
*Z2-9 hover vid-cam
| - *The galaxy
**Deep Core
**Core Worlds
***Corellian sector
****Corulag Academy
****Imperial City
*****Imperial Palace
****Manarai Mountains
***Jastro III
***Herstell V
****Raithal Academy
***Yir Tangee
**Inner Rim
***Anthos sector
***Larrin sector
***Relatta system
**Expansion Region
***Sumitra sector
****Tierfon Rebel Outpost
**Mid Rim
****Tower of Law
***Maldrood sector
***Hutt Space
****Nal Hutta
*****Nar Shaddaa
***Rintonne system
***Trax sector
****West County
****Xanas City
**Outer Rim Territories
***Anoat system
****Anoat Belt
***Antmuel VI
***Barab I
****Cloud City
*****Port Town
***Carosi XII
***Corporate Sector
***Deadon Ice Temples
***Empartheca system
****Salfur's Trading Post
***Lan Barell
***Minos Cluster
***Ottega system
***Praadost II
***Skor II
****Metrobig City
****Jabba's Palace
****Mos Eisley
***Teh'Jar II
****Great Ice Floes
***Yavin 4
**Alderbatbe Monastery
**Corellian Trade Spine
**Enarc Run
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| - Heroes & Rogues is a supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. It was written by Paul Sudlow and Rick D. Stuart, and was first published in June 1995. The book provided information on creating character backgrounds, guidelines for role playing Imperial characters, sixty character templates, and forty-three gamemaster characters.
- Heroes & Rogues, to pierwsza wersja podręcznika do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40086). Podręcznik wydano w 1995 roku i jego autorami są Paul Sudlow i Rick D. Stuart.