| - Things were starting to escalate out of control. It was starting to get worse than any other UFO related mass hysteria we ever had. People were calling the CIA, the FBI and even the secret service talking about "sensible information" they knew at least three times more than Roswell. A new grainy video was sent to a TV station almost everyday and...well, you get the picture. Anyway, the higher-ups were starting to get worried with the thing, not because the open conflicts on the streets of course, but because more and more people were asking questions about the "UFO" crash. And I won't even mention how many people stalked around area 51. The FBI decided to send one of its best agents and his trainee to investigate the matter and arrest some people for obscure reasons. Nathaniel White was a respected member of the bureau, even though he entered mere eight years earlier. He had attended to Harvard and was a rich lawyer, but decided he wanted a more active role in law enforcement so he began his career all over again at thirty something to join the FBI. Larry, on the other hand, was the son of Julian Black, the third richest man in the country, owner of the "private security" corporation, Blacksec, which was nothing more than a band of mercenaries, working for dictators, presidents and kings world-wide. Because of his "lineage", Larry lived with no worries, enjoying all good things in life until he was about twenty seven years old. It was at this time that his "old man" decided he needed to start fending for himself, so he used his influence to get him in the FBI so that he could "learn the ropes" of the trade...yes, I like doing the finger quote thing, thank you very much. So, when Nathan and Larry reached Notroswellville, they didn't even stop at their hotel before going to the house of Jenny Greta, whom they had seen on national TV. Upon reaching there they noticed that there was no buzzer, before knocking on the door. Jenny, of course was not used to have people with black suits appearing at her door in the middle of the day, so, she was understandably surprised when she answered the door. I have a transcript somewhere here...okay, *cough*: "W-who are you guys?" To which Larry answered...how is this word here pronounced?...oh thanks: "Yo! I be Larry, chick. My friend here's Nat. We from FBI, chick." "Is this some kind of joke?" "No ma'am, we are from the FBI, we have no sen..." "Sheesh, dog! Don't ya finish dat sentence. We iz already infringin enough copyright as it is. Anyhoo, can we's git in, chick?" Gosh, what language is this man speaking? And who the hell says "chick" nowadays?...Anyway, *cough*: "As my...partner was saying, we are from the FBI and we would like to ask you some questions about the...things occurring in this town. The government fears it could cause mass hysteria. If you could be as kind as to answer" blah, blah blah, you get the drift. "I did not invent it, if that's what you mean." "We ain't meanin nothin. Jus answa da queshun, chick." "Look here you...people. I am just a girl that went through a lot. I am not a liar and certainly not crazy. So if you would get out I would be glad." "Yes, yes. You are right, miss. I am terribly sorry for any problems I and my...partner have caused to you. Could I wash my hands before leaving? If you don't mind of course. It has been a long drive from the nearest airport to here and..." "'Course. the bathroom is the second door to the right." "By da way, can I gets a glass o water?" "Sure. The kitchen is right there. The refrigerator is broken, but there is water in the filter." "Wat da hell is a filter?" "It's a device to obtain drinking water from raw water by removing impurities. By God Larry, have you never gone to school? Ma'am, would you have, by any chance, aromatic oils in your bathroom?" "N-no." Jenny was starting to let fear in her voice, she had suddenly realized that there were two very strange men in her house. "Oh, that's too bad. I like those. Well, we have pestered you enough, I am terribly sorry ma'am, see you later."