| - Most of the non-Fate-locked renown 40 items at this time of writing (some time after the relations with the Urchins have been revamped) are quite straightforward to obtain; having obtained 7 Favours and 40 ranks of Renown, the player would go elsewhere, and claim the items through a storylet. This is not so simple for the Urchin's renown 40 item, which requires the player character to enter [[File:|20px|link=The Mind of a Long-Dead God]] The Mind of a Long-Dead God. Of course, there are items which do require the player to enter one of the "purgatory" states (for lack of a better word to describe places where the player can do little that is productive and profitable), namely prison and the tomb-colonies, but this one is different: there is a reason to linger as long as possible. This is due to one option, File:Candlesmall.png Refuse the gift (Urchins), within the storylet that appears in this "purgatory" state. With this option, the player character exchanges 1 CP of [[File:|20px|link=Stormy-Eyed]] Stormy-Eyed with 1 CP of Wounds and more importantly, [[File:|20px|link=Aeolian Scream]] 1 x Aeolian Scream. The player could expend all but 1 CP of Stormy-Eyed on this option before claiming [[File:|20px|link=What Might Be A Thunderbolt]] What Might Be A Thunderbolt, but that would mean the player character is saddled with 19 ranks of Wounds after they let go of the thunder. That would lead to a long, long time on the boat. The boat is not a great "purgatory" state. The solution to this problem is actually a long-term one, i.e. something that the player will need to have planned before. The key item/resource in this solution is the [[File:|20px|link=Horsehead Amulet]] Horsehead Amulet. Arguably, this item had not much use, since careful tracking of the player character's Wounds would prevent a trip on the boat. However, in this case, this item would be incredibly handy, for the following reasons:
* Firstly, when the Horsehead Amulet triggers, the player character is stalled from getting onto the boat.They are still technically in London, and can receive aid from other player characters through the File:Mercyhandsmall.png Nurse a friend back to health which they enact.
* Secondly, consuming the Horsehead Amulet is a free Action, i.e. it does not consume any Action Points. Upon consuming one, if the player character still has a Wound rank over 8, the Amulet's storylet will trigger again, allowing the player character to consumer another amulet again for free (this has been done on this author's several player characters). Obviously, if the player character has lots of amulets, they can consume as many as needed to lower Wounds below rank 8. (Of course, the player would want to save the last amulet, if only for the previously mentioned reason.) If the player character has been doing a File:Treebluesmall.png A thieves' cache! expedition a lot, chances are, thay would have accumulated a lot of amulets. Expending them all to clear Wounds from getting the Urchins' Renown 40 item would be a great way to make them worthwhile.