| - Dank Honk is a trap lurker who posts once and only lurks around Waifu Hell, liking and commenting. One eventful day, Dank Honk released a Face Reveal, a popularized normie trend that plagued Waifu Hell at the time. He jumped on the bandwagon, but with a twist, he released face reveal as a trap. Subsequently, he was contacted by "some chubby white kid got turned on by trap" and was asked for nudes over PM. Of course, Dank Honk isn't gay, so he turned the dude down. In an interview he stated,
| - Dank Honk is a trap lurker who posts once and only lurks around Waifu Hell, liking and commenting. One eventful day, Dank Honk released a Face Reveal, a popularized normie trend that plagued Waifu Hell at the time. He jumped on the bandwagon, but with a twist, he released face reveal as a trap. Subsequently, he was contacted by "some chubby white kid got turned on by trap" and was asked for nudes over PM. Of course, Dank Honk isn't gay, so he turned the dude down. In an interview he stated, "Ok, so he knows that I'm a guy, because it was a Waifu Hell trap post. He asked if it was me and I said yes with a winking face. Then, he fucking sent me a friend request, which I ignored. But then he fucking sent me his nudes! So, I'm just like- Blocked!" As such, he was blocked and never heard of again. Rumors say that he attended the same school as Dank Honk but, was never verified to be true. What was true though, was that he was an ugly ass bitch nigga. Dank Honk is, that is.