| - (The Disneycember logo is shown, before showing clips from Wreck-It Ralph) Doug (vo): When Wreck-It Ralph first came out, the term that was being thrown around a lot is that it was the Roger Rabbit of video game movies, and from the advertising, it kind of looked like that. You saw kind of a Donkey Kong-ish knockoff suddenly in with all these really famous characters. There’s Bowser, there’s a bunch of Street Fighter guys, there’s the ghost from Pac-Man. Nothing like this has ever been done in a movie, at least not with video games. It really was the equivalent of seeing Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny together, it was so surreal. However, where in Roger Rabbit, a lot of these characters keep popping up throughout the entire film, in this one, it’s only the first couple of minutes. Because of
| - (The Disneycember logo is shown, before showing clips from Wreck-It Ralph) Doug (vo): When Wreck-It Ralph first came out, the term that was being thrown around a lot is that it was the Roger Rabbit of video game movies, and from the advertising, it kind of looked like that. You saw kind of a Donkey Kong-ish knockoff suddenly in with all these really famous characters. There’s Bowser, there’s a bunch of Street Fighter guys, there’s the ghost from Pac-Man. Nothing like this has ever been done in a movie, at least not with video games. It really was the equivalent of seeing Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny together, it was so surreal. However, where in Roger Rabbit, a lot of these characters keep popping up throughout the entire film, in this one, it’s only the first couple of minutes. Because of this, there was definitely a crowd of people that kind of felt ripped off. I mean, in the commercials, they showed every scene that had a video game character in it. So when you actually watch the film, there’s practically nothing left. I, kind of like these people, wanted a little bit more of them, but the good news is, the story and characters were so good that you almost don’t notice. Much like Roger Rabbit, the story can completely hold up on its own even if you didn’t have those characters in there. The main leads and ideas are more than enough to keep it afloat.