| - The Varia are a para-military group that uses Dying Will Flames. They serve the Vongola Famiglia, a powerful, though thankfully benevolent intergalactic Mafia Family, and largely specialize in assassination.
- A former bandit and smuggler, she would be targeted due to her actions being inconvenient to Simon's plans. In an ironic twist of fate her extraordinary luck causes her nothing but despair.
- Die Varia sind eine Einheit innerhalb der Vongola-Famiglia in der Serie Reborn! von Akira Amano. Die Varia besteht aus sieben Top Auftragskillern, die für die Vongola-Famiglia arbeiten. Man sagt ihren Offizieren nach, dass sie Missionen beenden könnten, die für normale Menschen unmöglich zu bestehen wären. Auch wenn die Mitglieder niemandem Respekt zollen und nichts von Loyalität halten, so sind sie ihrem Boss Xanxus doch treu ergeben und führen dessen Befehle kompromisslos aus. Außerdem haben die Varia noch mehr als 50 Untergebene, die auch auf einem sehr hohen Kampflevel sind.
- Varia, Queen of the Amazons, was a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was the successor of Marga, Queen of the Amazons. After Marga was killed in "Dangerous Prey", Xena took Varia under her wing as her protege, giving her the correct training to rule as Queen. Varia resembled Amarice in some ways, very much having a "strike first, ask questions later" attitude towards fighting.
- The Varia (as they are apparently called) are the villainous force from Syvalion. This mysterious alien race is plotting an invasion to Earth, abducting humans to be converted into robotic slaves. They are mutants with no shape of their own, being able to manifest out of thin air and possess human bodies.
- The Varia are the Vongola Famiglia's elite independent assassination squad. They are genius assassins who work in the deepest recesses of the Mafia. Each member takes on missions that are said to be impossible to accomplish by humans; however, they do not accept a mission unless the chance of success is 90% or higher. Those that see them work often say that their high-level assassination skills are demonic.
- Die Varia ist die Topauftragskiller-Einheit der Vongola. Sie setzen sich aus den besten Assassinen der Mafia zusammen und jedes Mitglied wird auf Missionen geschickt, die für normale Menschen unmöglich sind (so sagt man). Für die Varia werden außerdem nur die Besten der Besten angeheuert. Jedes ihrer sieben Mitglieder verkörpert eine der sieben Todsünden. Lussuria verkörpert die Wollust, Xanxus den Zorn, Superbia Squalo den Hochmut, Gola Mosca die Völlerei, Levi A Than den Neid, Mammon/Viper die Gier und Belphegor die Faulheit.
| - Die Varia ist die Topauftragskiller-Einheit der Vongola. Sie setzen sich aus den besten Assassinen der Mafia zusammen und jedes Mitglied wird auf Missionen geschickt, die für normale Menschen unmöglich sind (so sagt man). Für die Varia werden außerdem nur die Besten der Besten angeheuert. Sie nehmen jedoch keine Mission, deren Chancen zu gewinnen niedriger als 90 % sind, an. Auch wenn die Mitglieder vor fast niemandem Respekt zeigen und niemandem gegenüber loyal sind, so zeigen sie sich ihrem Anführer, Xanxus, treu ergeben. Außerdem hat die Varia mehr als 50 untergeordnete Offiziere mit hohem Kampflevel. Jedes ihrer sieben Mitglieder verkörpert eine der sieben Todsünden. Lussuria verkörpert die Wollust, Xanxus den Zorn, Superbia Squalo den Hochmut, Gola Mosca die Völlerei, Levi A Than den Neid, Mammon/Viper die Gier und Belphegor die Faulheit.
- The Varia are the Vongola Famiglia's elite independent assassination squad. They are genius assassins who work in the deepest recesses of the Mafia. Each member takes on missions that are said to be impossible to accomplish by humans; however, they do not accept a mission unless the chance of success is 90% or higher. Those that see them work often say that their high-level assassination skills are demonic. Despite lacking loyalty and respect for other members, they are extremely loyal to their leader, Xanxus. As professional killers, they obey only him. The Varia also appears to have more than fifty subordinates ranged under the command of the main members. The Varia are based in Italy and apparently reclusive, only showing themselves after Iemitsu Sawada disappeared.
- The Varia (as they are apparently called) are the villainous force from Syvalion. This mysterious alien race is plotting an invasion to Earth, abducting humans to be converted into robotic slaves. They are mutants with no shape of their own, being able to manifest out of thin air and possess human bodies. Since the story of the game is played in a scenario system, every time you play the story is played differently, always revealing a small portion of the general plot. In most scenarios the unnamed hero steals the Syvalion ship from the aliens to fight them. As it turns out, they were actually humans who were bio-engineered by scientists, but ended forgotten on another planet, where they evolved and plotted their revenge. In one of the scenarios, the hero meets with a pale old scientist, who was apparently one of their creators, trying to create a super intelligent being. In most endings (the game is said to have about 100) the hero thwarts the alien's schemes, but in some he fails to stop the invasion or is killed by them. While the hero's fate is unknown, the Syvalion ship have been somehow stolen by the Belser, who later converted it into the Dark Helios battleship.
- Varia, Queen of the Amazons, was a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was the successor of Marga, Queen of the Amazons. After Marga was killed in "Dangerous Prey", Xena took Varia under her wing as her protege, giving her the correct training to rule as Queen. Varia resembled Amarice in some ways, very much having a "strike first, ask questions later" attitude towards fighting. When Varia was young, Livia raided her village, which resulted in the death of her sister. Years later, when she first met Xena, Gabrielle and Eve, Varia was in awe at Eve. She did not instantly recognize her as Livia, and it wasn't until Eve showed her a move that she had only ever seen Livia execute. Under Xena's orders, Marga and Varia let Eve off lightly, by forbidding her from ever returning - but when she later tried to make peace with Varia and the rest of the Amazons, Eve was inadvertently accompanied by Romans, which did not improve her chances of peace. Varia did eventually see that Eve and Livia were two completely different people and forgave her.
- The Varia are a para-military group that uses Dying Will Flames. They serve the Vongola Famiglia, a powerful, though thankfully benevolent intergalactic Mafia Family, and largely specialize in assassination.
- A former bandit and smuggler, she would be targeted due to her actions being inconvenient to Simon's plans. In an ironic twist of fate her extraordinary luck causes her nothing but despair.
- Die Varia sind eine Einheit innerhalb der Vongola-Famiglia in der Serie Reborn! von Akira Amano. Die Varia besteht aus sieben Top Auftragskillern, die für die Vongola-Famiglia arbeiten. Man sagt ihren Offizieren nach, dass sie Missionen beenden könnten, die für normale Menschen unmöglich zu bestehen wären. Auch wenn die Mitglieder niemandem Respekt zollen und nichts von Loyalität halten, so sind sie ihrem Boss Xanxus doch treu ergeben und führen dessen Befehle kompromisslos aus. Außerdem haben die Varia noch mehr als 50 Untergebene, die auch auf einem sehr hohen Kampflevel sind.