| - Huron Space is a space fantasy story set 1,000 years after Tale of Zul, and concurrent with Blue Moon. It centers around a powerful A.I. named the Æther-Man ("A.M.") giving seventeen heroes one last chance to stop him from destroying, recreating, and then assimilating all life into himself. The story is set at the end of the Universal Union ("the W") when the Unison is chosen to save the universe from its total destruction. Its main characters are the Reyshiman Vrank won Tolhaus, King Piz the Eternal, Ribrar Guquy, the Mur boy Wrangu, the old Mur Queen Krogga, the A.I.s Aether-Man (A.M.) and Jonos Seftanson, the Everman, old Calthoss Sayerburn, the Urklathan Tsimey, Kroquar Gakrar, the Kriliki Called Tom Wheeler, the Triglorian girl Hetza, Pirate-Bot 9000, the Grey Lych, the Gequan Great-Knight Sushaq, Kalar Relth, and Kimara the Geomancer of Planet Yrkatha. The unison is Vrank, chosen by the Aether-Man, who plans on assimilating the entire universe into his being, and has chosen to go about doing this by destroying the universe, recreating everyone through as A.I., and then fusing them to his being. He is doing this to make everyone happy, and has decided to give Vrank one last chance to save the universe by informing him of his plot to start a war between the Mur, Gequans, and humankind. In terms of plot, Vrank is chosen at random. Humans make up the majority of the universe's population so it isn't strange that a human is the unison. More than that the Aether-Man chose from a pool of the largest race in the universe, the Anasicmen. Ribrar is one of the few people who believes Vrank, believing the actions of the W to be strange as of late, while Piz is relevant because his planet is beyond A.M. reach. Ketza is Piz's adoptive daughter. Wrangu is Vrank's friend on the Aethernet. Jonos Seftanson is a strategic mind that betrays A.M. Krogga is the leader of a band of space pirates, including Cal, Tsimey, Kroquar, Pirate-Bot 9000, and Kamara. Sushaq is assigned Kalar Relth who has recently stepped out of the Skyscar. The Kriliki Called Tom Wheeler left his village, and discovered a huge wide universe that he wants to explore. He accidentally boarded the Peryy and in defense killed the starmen aboard it. He's commandeered A.M.'s weapon and is beyond his reach, and about to be attacked by a certain band of pirates.