| - Danny Stratton was the manager of Whittingham Place Hotel in December 2011. Becky McDonald set up a meeting with him about a possible account after ex-husband Steve received a letter from the tax office saying that as a result of an audit of their taxi firm Street Cars, he was being charged back-tax. He realised the business could have been in jepoardy and was thrilled that Becky had set up the meeting, assuming he'd represent the business. However, Becky insisted that she would go, determined to prove that she could be professional. The meeting was going well, but a distraught Steve decided to head to the hotel and despite the tension, he and Becky worked as a team and eventually persuaded Danny to sign a contract. Steve's girlfriend Tracy Barlow discovered the two were at the hotel and a
| - Danny Stratton was the manager of Whittingham Place Hotel in December 2011. Becky McDonald set up a meeting with him about a possible account after ex-husband Steve received a letter from the tax office saying that as a result of an audit of their taxi firm Street Cars, he was being charged back-tax. He realised the business could have been in jepoardy and was thrilled that Becky had set up the meeting, assuming he'd represent the business. However, Becky insisted that she would go, determined to prove that she could be professional. The meeting was going well, but a distraught Steve decided to head to the hotel and despite the tension, he and Becky worked as a team and eventually persuaded Danny to sign a contract. Steve's girlfriend Tracy Barlow discovered the two were at the hotel and assumed they were having an affair. As Steve and Becky left the hotel, Tracy entered and after frantically running around the hotel looking for them, collapsed in pain resulting in a miscarriage. As Danny continued to do business with Becky in January 2012, he became attracted to her and asked her out on a date. Becky accepted but after turning up at this house and seeing another woman with a young boy, she was put out. However, Danny explained to her that the young boy was his son Billy and the woman was his sister. They then enjoyed a successful date. When Tracy accused Becky of causing her to miscarry (she claimed that Becky had pushed her down the stairs at 15a Victoria Street instead of mentioning the incident at the hotel), Danny recognised Tracy and recalled how he had seen her at the hotel causing a scene and had witnessed her being taken away in an ambulance. This information pleased Becky as somebody finally believed her story, as most of the Street residents believed that she was guilty of deliberately causing the death of Tracy's unborn babies out of spite. Danny soon had to break the news to Becky that the hotel chain he worked for was moving him to a position in Barbados and asked her to emigrate with him, although she initially refused as it was too soon into their relationship. However, after proving that Tracy had lied about her miscarriage and upon clearing her name, Danny, Becky and Billy jetted off to embark upon their new life. The following month, the couple had got engaged and Becky relayed the news to her friends Roy and Hayley Cropper by phone.