| - Located in Bree in The Prancing Pony
- The secret organization "Striders" send in their best agent and their youngest Special A Class member, Hiryu, on a solo-mission to infiltrate Kazakh City and eliminate Grandmaster Meio. In order to reach him, however, he will have to go through Meio's Army of bounty hunters, corrupt generals and scientists.
- The Strider is a medium-sized, horse-like machine found in Horizon: Zero Dawn. By using Override, Aloy can utilize Striders as mounts.
- The Strider is one of the general classes available to the player after completing Act 2-3. Striders are more or less archers; they have the highest AIM and CLM parameters of any class which allows them to pick off their opponents from high places. Unfortunately, when equipped with a bow they cannot attack any HEXes adjacent to them; their defenses are also low.
- The strider is an elite creature of the Dungeon in Might & Magic: Heroes VII. Its upgraded form is the soulless.
- Strider specialise in balance bikes.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Strider.
- The Strider is completely harmless to Creatures, and their eggs provide a nutritious food source. Fun fact: The Strider was originally created as part of Ghosthande's Bai-Loki series of metarooms, but was eventually dropped, although its head was later reused on the Strider duckbill included with KT. It was originally intended to be a skinnier relative of the Gnarler.
- Strider (also known as Rogue in some translations) (Russian: Бродяга / Brodyaga) is a former Monolith stalker in Call of Pripyat.
- Striders are charmable animals native to the Kingdom of Ascalon.
- Strider is the unofficial fan name for a manned water-type MT that appears in Armored Core 2: Another Age.
- Leon Calorath, nicknamed "Strider" for reasons never expounded upon, is the primary character of the head GM. Strider runs the events in a director position and is the lead coder for TM. Strider is the incarnate of Loki and carries several characteristics of him. Though many of these characteristics are broken after the Interlude Era. Strider leads the guild Testimony of the Blade, which is often shortened to "Testament" for ease. The guild is disbanded at the end of the Testimonial Midgard Era when Requiem is formed.
- Kategorie:Maschinen der CombineStrider sind biologische Kampfeinheiten der Combine. Sie haben sowohl biologische als auch mechanische Teile, weshalb sie zu den Synth-Einheiten gezählt werden. Die gewaltigen Kampfläufer treten ab Half-Life 2 in Erscheinung. Arne Magnusson entwickelte das nach ihm benannte Magnusson-Gerät, um Strider besser bekämpfen zu können.
- The Strider is a large three-legged Combine Synth. Introduced in Half-Life 2, they serve as the Combine's main heavy ground assault unit.
- They are the P. Atk (melee or ranged) focused 1st job change option for Asurans.
- The Strider is very tall and a NPC that come's with the More Combine NPC's Pack. Like the Spider Monster, it can be quickly be killed with anything explosive. It act's the same as a normal Strider with all the cow sound's and that kind of stuff so there's not really alot about this NPC. In Gmod 13, the Strider comes with the game version so theres no need for the addon. It will be hard to import it to Gmod 13 anyways if it wasn't even in the game in the first place.
- The Striders were a race of aliens that fought against the humans in what was called the Strider Wars. They were originally going to appear in Unreal 2, but was reject. they were, however, mentioned. This article is a . You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
- Strider is a formidable class available in Rogwel. Like its Elerd counterpart, the Warden, it is able to "tame beasts as battle companions."
- Striders come in various species, dependent on their particular habitat. Regardless, they all have similarities. Their torsos are similar in size to a horse's, and covered in a short fur. Their heads resemble those of a wolf, except for their extremely long and prehensile proboscises which reach almost to the ground. Striders live in small herds, and their migration patterns are not wide-reaching. When the infants finally leave the pouch, they will stand approximately 1.25 spans tall. The tallest striders will grow to a height of 2.7 spans, most of which is leg.
- The Strider is an unlockable class in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness and its remakes. It has an excellent Weapon Mastery with Guns, and a nice movement and jump range, but what makes it unique is its two special abilities, Geo Change and Dark Cannon. Note that while Striders are strong at long-range, they are mincemeat at close-range. Therefore, the player should take care to leave their Striders next to their Healers and/or Mages, out of harm's way and ready to be supported. A level 200 Strider is required in order to unlock the Majin class.
- Es begann alles am 31.3. 2003. Ich war noch im Wald unterwegs und habe versucht, ein Foto von einem Reh zu schießen. Ich suchte alle Futterplätze ab, wo sich Rehe normalerweise aufhielten. Um circa 18:00 habe ich Schluss gemacht, weil es schon dunkel wurde und selbst wenn ich dann ein Reh gefunden hätte, hätte ich kein gutes Bild machen können. Als ich dann einkaufen wollte, schnappte ich mir noch schnell meine Kamera in thumb|Striderder Hoffnung, dass ich an diesem Tag doch ein Reh finde. Es frisst noch aber bald bist du auch dran. Kategorie:Kreaturen Kategorie:Kurz
- Weapon Proficiency: A Strider loses proficiency with daggers and UFO’s and gains proficiency with Firearms (Heavy). Skills: In addition to the normal skills earned by a Rogue, a Strider gains Martial Practice: (Firearms, Heavy). He loses The Martial knowledge’s for miscellaneous and blades. Evilties Striders use the same evilties as Masked heroes. You gain a +1 deflection bonus to your armor class for every 20 feet you travel in this round. This replaces sneak attack. This replaces Trap Finding.