| - Jon: It’s been great playing with you all. Nate: So, where are you off to next? Jon: You know I’m heading somewhere? Nate: It’s you Jon. You left soon after arriving back from Johto. Jon: True. I’m going to travel around the Alola Region this time. Nate: Alola? Interesting. Jon: How so? Nate: Because I’m going there too. Zoey: Not soon you aren’t. Jon: Why not? Michael: There are no planes to Alola from any region other than Kalos. Nate: Okay, we’ll get a connecting flight from Kalos. Zoey: That’s the other bad news. Michael: After what happened in Kalos, not many planes are leaving and none are leaving to Alola. Jon: Aw man. Nate: Steven Stone. Steven: Hi. I’m sorry if I was interrupting something. Zoey: No, not at all. Michael: What can we do for you? Steven: Actually, I’m here for Jon. Jon: Me? How can I help? Steven: I’m going to be out of Hoenn for a few months and I want you to look after Hoenn. Nate: Seems like you won’t be going to Alola any time soon. Steven: Unfortunately, no planes are destined to leave for Alola for two to three months. Jon: Okay. In that case, I accept. I will look after Hoenn for you. Steven: Thank you. Jon: So, I guess I’m now looking after the Hoenn Region for a bit. Nate: That is a big responsibility. Jon: Yep. Woman: Which one of you is Jon Spencer? Jon: I am. Woman: Right. I have this letter for you. Jon: Dear Jon. I am hoping this letter has reached you in time before your next journey to whatever region you choose. Nevertheless, I want to give you something. Something you have wanted dearly. The woman delivering this letter, Megan, will tell you everything. From Flannery. Megan: Flannery wants to give you her fire type gym. Michael: No way! Jon: Whoa! For real? Megan: Yes, for real. However, I need to test your gym battling experience. I want you to battle as a Gym Leader against this trainer here. Megan: This is Gilbert. Gilbert: Nice to meet you. Jon: Nice to meet you too Gilbert. Megan: You will be having a three against three battle against him using only fire type Pokemon. Zoey: The problem is, Jon only has two fire type Pokemon. Megan: I see. Then we’ll make this a two on two battle. As a gym leader you will have to make clear and precise decisions and also make sure to give helpful advice to your challenger. Jon: Right. Nate: This two on two battle is about to begin. Each trainer can use two Pokemon each, however, only the challenger, Gilbert, can substitute Pokemon. Battle begin! Jon: As the gym leader, I need to show you my Pokemon first. Talonflame! Gilbert: A Talonflame. Right, go! Jon: Who is that Pokemon? Jon: Another Alolan Pokemon. Sweet. Gilbert: I do come from Alola. I came here on a holiday. Jon: Nice. Now, you can go first. Gilbert: Brionne, use Water Gun! Jon: Double Team! Jon: Using a water type move is a good strategy. Gilbert: Moonblast! Jon: Powerful move. Now, Steel Wing! Gilbert: Talonflame is fast. Now, Scald! Jon: Flame Charge! Gilbert: What? Jon: Moves are just offensive or defensive. You choose what moves your Pokemon has. But you can make offensive moves turn into defensive moves. Double Team! Gilbert: So you can make defensive moves offensive! Now, Disarming Voice! Gilbert: Water Gun! Jon: So, you made Talonflame land on the ground. Interesting use of Water Gun. Gilbert: Thank you. Jon: Now, Acrobatics! Gilbert: Dodge! Gilbert: What? Jon: It’s due to Talonflame’s special ability, Gale Wings. Gilbert: What does Gale Wings do? Jon: It gives priority to flying type moves like Acrobatics and Wing Attack. Gilbert: Oh, I see. Now Scald! Jon: Thanks for that. Gilbert: Uh oh. Jon: Steel Wing! Gilbert: Moonblast! Nate: Brionne is unable to battle, Talonflame wins! Talonflame: Flame! Gilbert: You done well. Jon: Brionne did very well. But before you send out your next Pokemon, you need to think who would be best to defeat Talonflame and my next Pokemon. Jon: Another one I haven’t seen before. Gilbert: This is Lycanroc but Lycanroc has two forms. Jon: Interesting. You can go first. Gilbert: Stone Edge! Jon: Flame Charge! Gilbert: Rock Slide! Nate: Talonflame is unable to battle, Lycanroc wins. Jon: You were great Talonflame. Jon: Okay Typhlosion. Gilbert: Oh god. Now, Brick Break! Gilbert: This is so frustrating. Jon: It’s all part of a Gym Leaders job to test you. Now, Focus Blast! Jon: So, what are you going to do? Gilbert: Go for an all-out pummelling. Jon: All-out pummelling? Jon: What on earth was that? Gilbert: It was a Z-Move. We got the Z-Ring and the Fightinium Z-crystal while in the Alola Region. Jon: I see. Jon: Right. We’ll give them our full power! Gilbert: You haven’t been giving us your all? Jon: We have, but we are turning it up a notch. Gilbert: Whoa! What is that? Jon: This is Jon-Typhlosion. It’s a form that my Typhlosion gets when our bond is at its fullest. It’s due to something called Bond Phenomenon according to Professor Sycamore of the Kalos Region. Gilbert: I see. So how much power do you have? Stone Edge! Jon: That was a good move. Now, let’s show them your signature move. Shuriken Blaze! Nate: Lycanroc is unable to battle, Typhlosion wins. Therefore, the Gym Leader Jon is the winner. Gilbert: You were great thanks. Gilbert: That was amazing! Jon: Thanks for being a good challenger. Gilbert: How can I improve? Jon: Well, I can see all your Pokemon have offensive moves. Try and give them at least one defensive move like Protect or Double Team. Or try and use and offensive move as a defensive move. This will improve your battle style. Gilbert: Right, thank you! Jon: No problem. Megan: That was very good. But I wouldn’t use that form you had, Jon-Typhlosion, unless the challenger either requests it or has mega Pokemon on the field. Jon: Right. I’ll keep that in mind. Megan: So, are you ready? Jon: But, I only have two fire type Pokemon. And there’s more I need to learn. Gilbert: Alola has this school which helps trainers understand how to battle and how to look after their Pokemon. Nate: Plus Jon and I want to go to Alola. Megan: Okay then, when you get back from Alola, you will be instated as the Laveridge Town Gym Leader. Jon: Thank you! Zoey: So you are now a Gym Leader. Jon: Not yet. Nate: But pretty much. Michael: I’m proud of you Jon. Jon: Thanks. Zoey: Shall we have some lunch? Jon: Yeah. I’ll help with feeding the ranch Pokemon with Nate. Nate: Cool. Narrator: So, at the end of Jon’s journey, he has been tasked to protect Hoenn from Steven and then become a fire type Gym Leader when he returns from Alola. Now, having to wait a few months till he can get to Alola, what challenges will be arriving at his door? Find out in Battle Journey! Also, catch the new series featuring Jon in the Alola region in Alola: The Next Chapter!