| - First off, I'd like to clear up any confusion by saying this is an RFFA (Request For Forum Adminship), not an RFB. Instant (Cash) went ahead and nominated himself, so I thought I would. The forumadmin feature has not been added to the site yet, RuneScape:Yew Grove#Adding Forumadmin to UserRights. I've been on the forums since they were created in June of 2007, which is over two and a half years (sorry, my bad that's one and a half, idk why I wrote that). I've made over 1000 posts (1051 as I'm writing this), I've locked many threads [1] [2], I've helped enforce the rules [3], and I've helped many new users. As a forumadmin I will give a helping hand to Dtm and Instant (who has not been given the powers yet, but will be soon) by creating polls, creating stickies, making announcements, and ev
| - First off, I'd like to clear up any confusion by saying this is an RFFA (Request For Forum Adminship), not an RFB. Instant (Cash) went ahead and nominated himself, so I thought I would. The forumadmin feature has not been added to the site yet, RuneScape:Yew Grove#Adding Forumadmin to UserRights. I've been on the forums since they were created in June of 2007, which is over two and a half years (sorry, my bad that's one and a half, idk why I wrote that). I've made over 1000 posts (1051 as I'm writing this), I've locked many threads [1] [2], I've helped enforce the rules [3], and I've helped many new users. As a forumadmin I will give a helping hand to Dtm and Instant (who has not been given the powers yet, but will be soon) by creating polls, creating stickies, making announcements, and everything else that a forumadmin does. I've shown that I can use these powers in an effective way that is beneficial for the forums and its users by being mature and by using my forum mod powers. Probably the only time I've ever acted immaturely on the forums was on the I'm sick of this thread, which was basically an arguement between many users about how the forums and the wiki were "crap". I created a rickrolling thread, but it was locked by Dtm. Stinkowing took the thread offensively and found it a "mockery" of his real life problems, which it was certainly not meant to be. Stinkowing and I began arguing and Rendova brought up the subject of the blackmark I recieved many months ago. I explained that the blackmark was only there because someone "ratted on me" and that it was none of anyone's business. Dtm and other users kept pointing out that the blackmark was my fault and that it was "immature" of me to blame it on someone else (which I wasn't, I knew that it was my fault, but friends don't report eachother). This angered me because I had asked for everyone to stop talking about my blackmark, and had said that it was none of their business. Dtm and other users kept bugging me about it, and I lost my temper [4], telling Dtm that he was a noob and an idiot, and pointing out that he did "not understand the true meaning of friendship, partly because you [Dtm] have [has] no friends.". I have appologized for that many times, and I'm going to appologize for it again here, but I was not the only user acting immaturely on that thread. Dtm and Stinko (Dtm not as much) were also being very immature; Stinko for making a big deal out of nothing over the rickrolling thread and threatening to block me for no reason, Dtm for point out my blackmark (I had asked him many times not to). I was giving a month block from the forums (also see this). Even the most mature of sysop lose their temper every now and then, but by acting mature about the ban and waiting it out I have shown that I'm not just some 8 year old with anger management problems or a vandal.File:Yellow partyhat.png Ilyas Talk Contribs 17:23, 1 January 2009 (UTC) Support - I think we talked about this on RS. InstantWinstonFile:Dragon 2h sword old.pngold edits | new edits 17:57, 1 January 2009 (UTC) Support - Impressive is all I can say. Everybody makes mistakes, some make bad mistakes and choose to continue acting on them. But admitting to having made a mistake, and apologizing, is something many people cannot do. Through humility you have shown your maturity and, I'm going to say yes. File:Bandos godsword.pngJmoFile:Dragon platebody.png, 18:17, 1 January 2009 (UTC) Support - Per Puremexican. I takes a lot of maturity to admit your mistakes. You're obviously trustworthy, so I definitely support. Andrew talk 18:21, 1 January 2009 (UTC) Support- per Puremexican. but also: "I've been on the forums since they were created in June of 2007, which is over two and a half years." that's incorrect, it's over a year and a half, not two and a half. :P File:Rollback crown.svg Kudos 2 U Talk! Edit count! Contribs! Support - Admitting you are wrong takes a lot of courage and responsibility. Perhaps if I could change anything about this RfF, it would be that you stated Dtm and Stinko were also immature. Perhaps this is to be true, but publishing this is solely your opinion and people who ally with Dtm or Stinko might consider it an insult. I however do agree that you are more then prepared for Forum Admin. Hope it works well for you. Bonziiznob Talk 05:34, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Strong Support per Soldier. 14:06, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Support - Per others Buzz (Talk • # • √ • P ) 16:17, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Comment - To Kudos: Sorry lol I got confused with all the new year stuff, I'll change it.File:Yellow partyhat.png Ilyas Talk Contribs 16:30, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Support ILLLLLyas does some good stuff on the forums. File:Cooked chicken.pngAtlandy 20:41, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Support It was very mature of you to own up to your mistakes and to apologize for those mistakes. I think that is a good characteristic in an admin and I think you will honor that with forumadmin powers. Good luck :) Spencer File:Lieutenant icon.gifTalk | Contribs | EditsFile:Lieutenant icon.gif 21:21, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Support Per all =D C.ChiamTalk Calebchiam 11:40, 3 January 2009 (UTC) Support I think you will make a great forum admin =). Ancient Fofo 15:38, 4 January 2009 (UTC) Support Per everyone else. :) Tien 13:40, 5 January 2009 (UTC) Comment you should go for RFB instead, its still gonna work and i feel ur best as a crat File:Explorer's ring 3.pngBtzkillerv has entered the building! File:Cape (blue).png 15:50, 14 January 2009 (UTC) Comment - You sure do have the experience for it... Bonziiznob Talk 16:02, 14 January 2009 (UTC) Closed - Ilyas is now a Forum Admin. File:Quest map icon.png Laser Dragon File:Task map icon.png 00:02, 15 January 2009 (UTC)