| - The probe does not engage monsters, but will pick up any gold it runs over.
- The Probe is a Lower-Class Enemy in the Platformer games. The Probe is a user of Power (It shoots lasers at its opponent.) and it can fly in order to dodge attacks or pivot its firing range. The Probe is also the 11th Enemy shown in the Enemies and Hazards Game Category in the Platformer.
- A probe is an unmanned spacecraft designed to explore and gather information within a particular area. Many starships carried various types of probes for exploratory and tactical applications.
- A probe was an automated spacecraft which were used to gather information. Starships were often equipped with probes, as they could perform tasks a starship couldn't, or go into areas that no manned vessel could.
- Full EM/subspace and interstellar chemistry sensor pallet for in-space applications.
- A probe is
- Probes are Autobot drones.
- Es gibt Eigenschaftsproben und Talentproben. Zauberproben funktionieren prinzipiell genau wie Talentproben, allerdings werden in Drakensang die Würfe bei Zaubern nicht auf der Konsole angezeigt. Dies ist eine Begriffsklärungsseite — die andere Seiten mit ähnlichen Titeln auflistet die mit diesem Begriff gemeint werden können. Kategorie:Spielmechanik
- Special Part(s): The Probe is a unique pistol manufactured by Maliwan. It is only obtainable as a temporary mission item in Torgue-o! Torgue-o!.
- The Probe is large compared to most Minmatar frigates and is considered a good scout and cargo-runner. Uncharacteristically for a Minmatar ship, its hard outer coating makes it difficult to destroy, while the limited weapon hardpoints force it to rely on fighter assistance if engaged in combat.
- A Probe (Szonda) a protossok dolgozóegysége. Jellem: Robot, földi egység Fegyverzet: Particle Beam (részecske sugár) Sebzés: 5 Páncél: 0 Képességek:
* Gather(G): Ásványt bányászhat (8-at adagonként), gázt hozhat a finomítókból.
* Build Stucture(B)
* Build Advenced Stucture(V)
- Probes are remote-controlled drones that Ming and Rankol use to send through rifts, and recover people and objects on Earth. A probe is sent through in , to find the Imex. Ernesto Lupe shoots it down with a rifle. Rankol sends another probe to Earth in , to recover the Mind tap.
- A Probe is a drone or automaton whose primary purpose is the gathering of information.
- Typically, probes are not programmed with personality aspects such as bravery or curiosity.
- Allows visibility of the affected target and anything it detects. Lasts for a long period of time. Extracted from the game. 'Probe' as a researched technology allows the Arcovas the Probe ability, and the second stage of the research adds another 5 minutes onto the duration of the ability. It is extremely useful for monitoring a planet you intend to conquer, or a planetary body where the enemy amasses their fleet before attacking your worlds, as a 'forewarning' of sorts.
- The Probe is a Protoss robot designed to gather resources and warp-in prefabricated structures. In service long before war with the Terrans and Zerg, these drones preformed countless duties for their creators. Hundreds of them often work in Protoss cities streets maintaining most minor operations. Though equipped with a particle beam, Probes are not the best machines to use in direct combat. Some engineers have tinkered with the idea of equipping them with more powerful energy weapons, but found the drones to be too fragile to last in a fight. Special abilities:
- The Probe is a unique flying and burrowing enemy that is sent out from The Destroyer as it takes damage. When probes are deployed, they are invincible to attacks for a short period of time. Probes shoot lasers which do moderate damage, though the lasers themselves do not pass through solid blocks. Most notably, Probes have a 100% chance to drop a Heart upon death. For this reason, killing Probes while fighting The Destroyer is an excellent source of healing. Like The Destroyer, Probes are immune to lava.
- A probe was an automated spacecraft used to gather information. Probes were often used for tasks that starships were not suited to handle. Such tasks included:
* Collecting information in environments that were too small for starships to examine
* Collecting information in environments that were too dangerous for starship to examine
* Extreme long-term deep space exploration
* Recording and transmitting remote sensor telemetry to a starship or base that is occupied with other mission objectives.