| - It is recommended that players deposit Diamonds of Azzanadra in the bank as soon as they obtain them, as a level 116 stranger may appear and attack anyone holding one of these gems. Each additional diamond in one's inventory increases the likelihood of being attacked.
- A Blood Diamond is a diamond that is so red it looks like blood. That's all it is. It has nothing to do with any alleged movie, or whatever. Oh, and Leonardo DiCaprio is gay. This page was brought to you by DeBeers™.
- It is recommended that players deposit this gem in the bank as soon as they obtain it, along with the other Diamonds of Azzanadra, as a level 95 stranger may appear and attack them if they are holding one of them. The more diamonds you have on you, the more likely the stranger will appear and attack you.
- Blood Diamond is a flag on the Viridian Ocean that was founded in the year 2007 on February 15.
- It is recommended that players deposit Diamonds of Azzanadra in the bank as soon as they obtain them, as a level 116 stranger may appear and attack anyone holding one of these gems. Each additional diamond in one's inventory increases the likelihood of being attacked. If you lose your diamond you can obtain another one by speaking to Malak again.
- Blood diamond eli Veri timantti on yksi neljästä Azzanadran timanteista Desert Treasure tehtävässä. Sen saa kun voittaa Dessous:in ja puhuu Malak:ille. Se kannattaa laittaa pankkiin, koska 95-tasoinen Stranger voi ilmestyä ja hyökätä pelaajan kimppuun dragon dagger:illa. 1.
- Caught on DVD, this movie's not bad at all for an action movie with a message. The weakest link, I'm sad to say, is Jennifer Connelly. She's just outmatched by DiCaprio and Honsou.
- Blood Diamond is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the one-hundred tenth case of the game and the fifty-fourth case of Pacific Bay. It is the fourth case to take place in , a district based in Pacific Bay.
- They can be found underground as ores in clusters of varying sizes that increase the deeper you go. They can also be obtained by extracting Blood Crystal blocks in the Extraction Lab.
- Blood Diamond is a 2006 American political war thriller film co-produced and directed by Edward Zwick, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou.
- Blood Diamond is a 2006 film about blood diamonds. It was directed by Edward Zwick and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou and Jennifer Connelly. Set during the Sierra Leone Civil War in 1999, the film shows a country torn apart by the struggle between government soldiers and rebel forces. It follows two main points of view. Solomon Vandy is a Mende fisherman; his village is attacked and his son taken to be a child soldier, and the rest of his family goes missing while he himself winds up working in a slave camp. Danny Archer is an Anglo-African amoral ex-mercenary from Zimbabwe (though he adamantly keeps referring to it as Rhodesia) and diamond smuggler. He is arrested trying to smuggle diamonds by using a herd of goats as cover, and meets Solomon while in prison.
- Blood diamonds are diamonds that help to finance war. The United Nations decided early in the 21st Century that diamond trade is contributing to prolonging war in many cases. The Kimberly Process was introduced to try and help people ensure diamonds they purchase won’t help finance war and killing. Unfortunately the system isn’t reliable and diamonds that fuel war sometimes get a deceitful certificate suggesting they are OK. What can customers do? Antique diamonds won’t fuel any conflict so you can splash out on them with a clear conscience.
- Sierra Leone, 1990, Bürgerkrieg: Die bisher völlig verschieden verlaufenen Wege des Diamantenschmuggler Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) und des armen Fischern Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) kreuzen sich. Gemeinsam machen sie Jagd auf einen speziellen Diamanten, der ihr ganzes Leben verändern könnte. Für Archer ist er die Möglichkeit das Elend des Krieges hinter sich zu lassen. Vandy könnte er seinen Sohn, der als Kindersoldat im Krieg eingesetzt wird, zurückbringen. Doch sie sind nicht die Einzigen, die den Diamanten suchen. Nicht nur die Rebellen, auch die Spezialeinheit des Oberst (Arnold Vosloo), unter dem Danny einst als Söldner für die süd-afrikanische Armee diente, macht den beiden die Diamantenjagd unnötig schwer. Eine glückliche Fügung also, dass die idealistische amerikanische Jo