- Sinclair (シンクレア, Shinkurea) is a video game character introduced the Art of Fighting 3. She acts as a type of sub boss for the game. She is voiced by Harumi Ikoma. __TOC__
- Sinclair made his first appearance 7 February. He is portrayed by Colin Michael Carmichae.
- Sinclair was a prosecutor in the District Attorney's office in Los Angeles in the early 1960s. He was set to manage the campaign of fellow prosecutor Arno Conklin until a coworker discovered pornographic pictures belonging to the case of a fellow prosecutor hidden under the blotter on Sinclair's desk. Sinclair was convinced that he had been framed by coworker Gordon Mittel, but could not prove the allegation.
- Sinclair Khan De Chagny is the product of Nadir and Georgiana in an early relationship. He has been previously involved with Parisa.
- Sinclair is the secondary antagonist in Home Alone: The Holiday Heist. He is one of the boss of Jessica and Hughes.
- Sinclair was that appeared in the Alone in the Dark II film.
- Sinclair is a Senior Chief assigned to the Patrick Henry.
- Sinclair has lines in behavior he wont cross (certainly far short of where Fontaine or Lamb were willing to go - like killing people who were in their way), there are things he just wont do. He might be somewhat dishonest in his business practices, but "Let The Buyer Beware" is nothing new in the World, and is a part of personal responsibility which Rapture is much about. He is an Opportunist, but he appears to have largely worked within the law (perhaps why he came to Rapture with fewer of them).
- Die Sinclair Familie ist eine "ausgelöschte", adlige Familie. Kevin Regnard (später Xerxes Break) war ein Diener und Ritter der Familie. thumb|306px|Die jüngste Tochter der Sinclair Familie im Anime Doch nachdem die ganze Familie außer der jüngsten Tochter von Lord Sinclair ermordet wurde, verließ Kevin das kleine Mädchen, da er in seinen Augen als Diener und Ritter versagt hatte. Vor lauter Selbstvorwürfen und um die Vergangenheit zu verändern ging Kevin einen Vertrag mit dem Chain Albus ein. Kevin Regnard wollte wenigstens noch versuchen das Schicksal seines Meisters und das des kleinen Mädchens zu ändern. Im Abyss bittet Kevin dann den Willen des Abyss die Vergangenheit zu verändern und das tut sie auch.