A broodmother is a giant sessile ghoul capable of spawning vast numbers of darkspawn in a manner reminiscent of an insect queen.
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| - A broodmother is a giant sessile ghoul capable of spawning vast numbers of darkspawn in a manner reminiscent of an insect queen.
- Black Arachnia, die Broodmother (Brutmutter), ist eine Agilitäts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Nahkampf-Einheit der Dire. Im Spiel kann sie die Rolle einer Pusherin, eines Carrys und einer Escaperin übernehmen. Mit ihrer Fähigkeit Spin Web kann Broodmother bis zu acht Netze auf der Karte hinterlassen, in denen sie sich verstecken, frei bewegen und regenerieren kann. Diese geben ihr auch einen zusätzlichen Geschwindigkeitsbonus, verlieren durch True Sight aber ihre Unsichtbarkeitswirkung auf Broodmother. Daneben kann sie mit ihrer passiven Fähigkeit Incapacitating Bite Gegner durch ihren Biss lähmen und mit Spawn Spiderlings ihren Nachwuchs in eine gegnerische Einheit injizieren, welche allerdings nur schlüpfen, falls diese unter dem Einfluss der Fähigkeit stirbt. Die Spiderlings
- Broodmother is a monstrous creature fought in Dragon Age: Origins that resembles a titanic mass of flesh and tentacles - despite being female Broodmother does not have much in the way of appealing aspects and is very much a grotesque nightmare-inducing horror. Yet nothing is quite as horrific as the process that it takes to create a Broodmother, which involves the victim being kidnapped by evil demons, being tortured to the point of screaming, swelling in size, being violated and finally being fed members of their own race to destroy any reminents of humanity within them.
- In creating the broodmothers, Kerrigan was trying to ensure the Swarm could function even if she herself died, a change from her attitude during the Brood War. They were in use by 2501. After the death of the Overmind, Abathur altered queens' essences, suppressing their ability to fly in order to improve their ability to care the hive, this change however, did not extend to the broodmothers, which have retained their ability to fly, possessing wings. Compared to regular queens, broodmothers possess more protective bone armor around their skulls, which is thickened and spread outward across both sides, akin to an umbrella. This makes broodmothers almost impervious to attacks from above. Running along the back of the skull are a set of horns. The upper parts of the knees are equipped with sp
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| - +12 Angriffsschaden für Spinnen
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| - Vergiftet Gegner bei einem Angriff.
- Verursacht einen Schwächungseffekt bei Angriffen. Falls eine geschwächte Einheit stirbt, schlüft aus ihr ein Spiderite
- Zerstört das gewählte Spinnennetz.
| - Fähigkeit: Kein Ziel
- Fähigkeit: Passiv;Schaden: Magisch;Durchdringt Zauberimmunität: Ja_Dauer: 6;Dauer : 2;Schaden: 8;Verlangsamung: 8 %
- Fähigkeit: Passiv;Lebensdauer: 60;Debuff-dauer: 2
| - +60 Schaden mit Spawn Spiderlings
| - Destroy Spin Web
- Poison Sting
- Spawn Spiderite
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| - +225 Lebenspunkte für Spinnen
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| - Gas
- Scream
- Vomit
- Sweep
- Ranged Spit
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| - Broodmother.png
- Destroy_Spin_Web_Ikon.png
- Poison_Sting_Spiderling _Ikon.png
- Spawn_Spiderite_Spiderling_Ikon.png
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| - A broodmother is a giant sessile ghoul capable of spawning vast numbers of darkspawn in a manner reminiscent of an insect queen.
- Black Arachnia, die Broodmother (Brutmutter), ist eine Agilitäts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Nahkampf-Einheit der Dire. Im Spiel kann sie die Rolle einer Pusherin, eines Carrys und einer Escaperin übernehmen. Mit ihrer Fähigkeit Spin Web kann Broodmother bis zu acht Netze auf der Karte hinterlassen, in denen sie sich verstecken, frei bewegen und regenerieren kann. Diese geben ihr auch einen zusätzlichen Geschwindigkeitsbonus, verlieren durch True Sight aber ihre Unsichtbarkeitswirkung auf Broodmother. Daneben kann sie mit ihrer passiven Fähigkeit Incapacitating Bite Gegner durch ihren Biss lähmen und mit Spawn Spiderlings ihren Nachwuchs in eine gegnerische Einheit injizieren, welche allerdings nur schlüpfen, falls diese unter dem Einfluss der Fähigkeit stirbt. Die Spiderlings haben zwar nur eine zeitlich begrenzte Lebensdauer, verfügen allerdings über zwei passive Fähigkeiten: Mit Poison Sting verlangsamen und schädigen sie gegnerische Einheiten über einen Zeitraum und durch Spawn Spiderite werden ihren Angriffen Debuff-Effekte hinzugefügt. Einheiten, die während dieses Debuffs sterben, spawnen bei ihrem Tod Spiderites, die eine schwächere Version von Spiderlingen darstellen. Broodmothers Ultimate Insatiable Hunger lässt sich am besten in Kombination mit Spin Web einsetzen, da sie dadurch aus der Deckung auf ein Opfer losgehen kann und zusätzlichen Schaden sowie eine hohe Lebensraub-Rate erhält.
- In creating the broodmothers, Kerrigan was trying to ensure the Swarm could function even if she herself died, a change from her attitude during the Brood War. They were in use by 2501. After the death of the Overmind, Abathur altered queens' essences, suppressing their ability to fly in order to improve their ability to care the hive, this change however, did not extend to the broodmothers, which have retained their ability to fly, possessing wings. Compared to regular queens, broodmothers possess more protective bone armor around their skulls, which is thickened and spread outward across both sides, akin to an umbrella. This makes broodmothers almost impervious to attacks from above. Running along the back of the skull are a set of horns. The upper parts of the knees are equipped with spikes, and their arms are more dextrous and nimble than that of regular queens. The broodmother template allowed complex problem solving, learning, the ability to command broods and multiple focuses. However, extraneous brain matter was deemed unnecessary for their role in Swarm. This was partly because extra matter required extra energy, but it also led to increased independence, which contradicted the imperative that the zerg must not present a danger to the leader of the Swarm. The broodmothers were told by Kerrigan to be strong, to fight, to conquer, and that the zerg led by force of will. The individuals of the new breed were more independent, stronger, and more evolved than the cerebrates, able to survive without their creator and fragmentation of the Swarm. In the event of the Queen's fall, the broodmothers would war with each other until the strongest of them would come to rule the Swarm. The broodmothers were imprinted with overriding directives that made them pursue evolution and respect strength; this ensured loyalty to Kerrigan, who was the strongest, while allowing the broodmothers to have their own personalities, act independently, and pursue their own ambitions. Kerrigan felt the zerg were always stronger when they had to strive against something, forcing them to adapt. The independence of the broodmothers was also a notable fault. When Kerrigan demonstrated weakness by being defeated and deinfested at Char, she lost the allegiance of the broodmothers. However, as no brood mother had the psionic capacity to control the entire Swarm, the Swarm fragmented as each broodmother took their own brood and dispersed into the Koprulu Sector. Infighting resulted as broodmothers vied for control over the Swarm. The broodmothers opposed Kerrigan's attempt to regain control of the Swarm. Kerrigan was forced to track down the broodmothers and prove herself to regain their loyalty. During Kerrigan's search for Jim Raynor, the broodmothers disliked working with terrans and requested permission to destroy the Hyperion once those aboard were no longer useful. At Kerrigan's command, Izsha told them that Colonel Orlan, Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk and Raynor's Raiders were not to be harmed. After the End War and the departure of Sarah Kerrigan, Zagara created the position of Overqueen, which served as the leading broodmother of the entire Zerg Swarm.
- Broodmother is a monstrous creature fought in Dragon Age: Origins that resembles a titanic mass of flesh and tentacles - despite being female Broodmother does not have much in the way of appealing aspects and is very much a grotesque nightmare-inducing horror. Yet nothing is quite as horrific as the process that it takes to create a Broodmother, which involves the victim being kidnapped by evil demons, being tortured to the point of screaming, swelling in size, being violated and finally being fed members of their own race to destroy any reminents of humanity within them. What is left is the horrendous Broodmother, who will attack any who invades her home with the use of tentacles that can burst at random from the ground itself. The race of the broodmother directly influences which kind of darkspawn she will birth. An elven broodmother will spawn shrieks, a dwarven broodmother genlocks, a human broodmother hurlocks, and a Qunari broodmother ogres. Each broodmother is capable of spawning thousands of darkspawn.
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