| - 7/2/2011 04:31 PM Image:Doac jpg.JPG Robustus has been busy off and on the past solar cycle since he finished the repairs upon Shred. At the moment the mech is doing some overdue medical file work, typing entries and doing updates on those that came in for medical care. Shred slowly starts to move, her systems letting out a soft mechanical groan as she remains laid upon the berth. The 'additive' the Autobots had put in her energon is finally working its way out of her systems. Robustus looks over at the soft sound and smiles, he saves his work and moves over to stand by Shred's berth. "You are safe Shred, back home where you belong. Slipstream is too." he tells her. Shred 's optics blink slowly, and she slowly pushes herself into a sitting position.. "H..home? but how? Last thing I remember... I was stuck in an Autobot cell.. I was given some Energon.. " Robustus frowns a bit at the comm then says to Shred, "There was a prisoner exchange. One of the newer recruits nabbed a neutral and we traded him for you. Slipstream was released the solar cycle before you were, still bearing some injuries that I have fixed up." a little nod to her, "They sedated you is all, to make you more agreeable to being moved." Shred visibly shivers at Rob's words, but she nods.. "I see.. but.. they traded a neutral for me? Not even one of their own?" Robustus notes, "We didn't have any prisoners to tap and as I understand it the new recruit wanted a easy target that would pull at the sympathetic nature of the Autobots." he pauses and squeezes your shoulders lightly, "Looked like you gave them slag trying to Slipstream out of there." Shred hmms, and she nods, "Yeah, I did.. But.. what do you mean 'The Sympathetic nature of the Autobots'? " She knows what she has seen and heard for herself in her incarceration, but her own earlier ignorance still shocks her. Robustus considers how to put it thoughtfully, "Basically using their own inclinations against them. Autobots are typically more willing to help out those in need than say Decepticons. It’s just a known fact." Shred turns away for a moment, but she nods.. "The Autobots.. Also seemed surprised at my actions. That I would take such risks on my own for a friend." Robustus inclines his head to that, "I am sure they were and that you did the best you could to spring her. However I do believe that you have learned your lesson not to go out of your way like that again. It just wasn't worth the risk Shred." Shred frowns, "What the slag is that supposed to mean Rob?" now she gets to her feet, looking at Rob seriously. "I would not hesitate to do it all over again to help a friend.. You.. or Slip.. " Robustus looks at Shred just as seriously, "I mean you risked not only your life, but hers as well as my own since I knew you were going out there. If Megatron finds out that we both knew about Slipstream being there and that I kept mute about you going to Iacon to spring her.. it will not be pretty for any of us. I know you care about her as a friend, but she got released repaired enough to make it back to us. She would have been fine without the intervention. That is the truth." Shred shakes her head, "We couldn't know that Robustus. We had no idea what the Autobots would do to her. " there's determination in her voice now. "We have no proof the Autobots would have just released her had I not gone." Robustus vents softly, "Proof we may not have had, but in my spark I feel like they would have done so anyway. Remember that I was a neutral for a very long time before I joined the Decepticons. I have seen both sides of the war through a neutrals optics. I have a unique perspective on things." Shred sighs, she dies not turn around though. "Tell me something Rob. Why did you choose to join the Decepticons?" Robustus cocks his head to the question, "I told you that when I first arrived here Shred, because there was no full time medic that the Cons could tap for repairs. Remember how you were not physically able to do work and you know who was being the way he was... that's why I joined. Cons needed me." Shred shakes her head, "Is that it? You joined the Decepticons because the Decepticons needed a medic? Then what is your view on the ways of the Decepticons?" Robustus nods, "That's the only reason I joined Shred. My view of the Decepticons has changed slightly since being among you, before I thought you were just a group of dangerous warriors intent on getting your way no matter the cost. But now it’s more a group of warriors intent on getting what they believe they deserve and doing so any way that is necessary." Shred nods faintly, "I see. Rob. There are only two things keeping me from faking my own death and just.. running.. from here. " Shred says, "You know I ultimately had no choice. About joining the Decepticons." Robustus frowns at Shred now, "No faking death Shred. No running. You made a choice to be here, just as I did. I want to make the journey of remaining here, together." Robustus picks up the dicebag and rolls against his awareness. Robustus's roll succeeds! Shred snorts, and she shakes her head, "Some Choice, Rob. Join the Decepticons or die an empty. You know as well as I do how bad things are in the dead end. Yes I was feared there, but that doesn't mean I was truly safe. But I'm not running. I can't abandon you and Slip." Robustus listen to the comm chatter and shakes his head a bit, "Nor would I leave you or those I am responsible for here among the Decepticons. My oaths are my honor Shred." Shred nods, though she hmms, looking at Rob, noticing him shaking his head. "What's going on, Rob?" You say, "Don't have your comm on Shred?" Shred frowns, and she shakes her head, "No... " Shred says, "I think my comm unit must have been deactivated by the Autobots.." Robustus nods, "I wouldn't be surprised. So to answer your question, apparently Skywarp, Slipstream and the new recruit Nova Black are going to bring in a neutral, if they can convince him to follow them." Shred hmms, and she nods, "I see. Who is the neutral? Any more info?" You say, "Unknown at this time." Shred nods, "Ok. " Shred deactivates her optics a moment, reactivating her comms.