| - 10px default Primary eye colour. (eg. Blue) (Else use Eyes2) desc none 10px default Primary hair colour. (eg. Brown or Bald) (Else use Hair2) desc none 10px default OPTIONS : Married, Single, Widowed or click for more options... desc none 10px default Use only if character is currently deceased. desc none 10px default The creators of this character, separated by ;'s. (eg. Stan Lee; Steve Ditko) desc none First appearance Unknown
- El más importante entre los Moff es Morlish Veed. Sus habilidades tácticas son solo opacadas por su perspicacia política y su difícilmente guardada ambición por el trono imperial. Durante la toma de mando de Darth Krayt y el asesinato del supuesto Emperador Fel, Veed estuvo presente en la misma sala donde ocurrieron los asesinatos. Mientras se daba lugar la matanza, Veed detuvo a los otros Moffs para que no intervengan. Cuando Krayt se autoproclamó Emperador y Morlish Veed, le mostró su lealtad; quedó demostrado que este estaba coludido con los usuarios oscuros de la Fuerza. Pero las verdaderas intenciones de Morlish Veed no eran las de servir a nadie, el trono era su anhelo.
- Morlish Veed was a male Human who served as an Imperial High and Grand Moff, as well as Grand Admiral and one of the foremost leaders of the Fel Empire around 130 ABY until he reached the rank of Lord Regent of the Sith-controlled Empire during the Second Imperial Civil War in 137 ABY. After the death of Darth Wyyrlok and the reappearance of Darth Krayt, Veed was removed from his position as Regent. Veed remained Krayt's lead military officer and commanded the assault on the Hidden Jedi Temple and coordinated the defense of Coruscant when it came under assault by the allied forces of the Empire-in-exile and the Galactic Alliance Remnant. Veed was killed during the battle by his former lover, Nyna Calixte.
- Morlish Veed was a male human and Imperial High and Grand Moff, as well as Grand Admiral and one of the foremost leaders of the Fel Empire around 130 ABY. Constantly plotting to become the ruler of the Empire, by 137 ABY, year of the Second Imperial Civil War, he had reached the rank of Lord Regent of the Sith-controlled Empire. After the death of Darth Wyyrlok and the reappearance of Darth Krayt, Veed was removed from his position as Regent. Veed remained Krayt's lead military officer and commanded the assault on the Hidden Jedi Temple and coordinated the defense of Coruscant when it came under assault by the allied forces of the Empire-in-exile and the Galactic Alliance Remnant. Veed was killed during the battle by his former lover, Nyna Calixte.