Immanuel Benavent was a mage and the discoverer of a magical portal on Thanedd Island. He is also the author of a work on the portal at Tor Lara which is cited by the Ars Magica.
Immanuel Benavent era una mago e fu lo scopritore del portale magico, a cui a dato il nome, sull'Isola di Thanedd. E' l'autore di un'opera sul portale di Tor Lara, citato nell'opera enciclopedica "Ars Magica".
Immanuel Benavent was a mage and the discoverer of a magical portal on Thanedd Island. He is also the author of a work on the portal at Tor Lara which is cited by the Ars Magica.
Immanuel Benavent war ein Zauberer und Entdecker des magischen Portals auf der Thanedd-Insel. Das "Ars Magica" beruft sich auf Immanuel Benavent durch den Quellennachweis auf sein Buch "Das Portal vom Tor Lara". Immanuel Benavent wird im Roman "Die Zeit der Verachtung" ("Czas pogardy") erwähnt.
Immanuel Benavent era una mago e fu lo scopritore del portale magico, a cui a dato il nome, sull'Isola di Thanedd. E' l'autore di un'opera sul portale di Tor Lara, citato nell'opera enciclopedica "Ars Magica".
Immanuel Benavent was a mage and the discoverer of a magical portal on Thanedd Island. He is also the author of a work on the portal at Tor Lara which is cited by the Ars Magica.
Immanuel Benavent war ein Zauberer und Entdecker des magischen Portals auf der Thanedd-Insel. Das "Ars Magica" beruft sich auf Immanuel Benavent durch den Quellennachweis auf sein Buch "Das Portal vom Tor Lara". Immanuel Benavent wird im Roman "Die Zeit der Verachtung" ("Czas pogardy") erwähnt.