| - The episode starts out inside Calthor’s lair, where Clay is on the ground while Dradikor and Grapliton are moving some things around and Samuraxx and Osperio are ordering the artificial Mechtogan to move to this location. The artificial Mechtogan say in a mechanical voice yes sir and they move. Tivala then comes forward to Clay, ANDRUS, Shiori, Jin and Floria and asks if everything is preceding as planned. Everybody bows to her and says yes – everything is being done according to their Master’s plan. Tivala smiles and says very well – continue as you were. As everybody gets back to what they are doing, the Chaos Mechtogan are watching all of this doing nothing as Braxion says what is the purpose of this - they should just attack and take control like they did with Mag Mel; at least they were doing something. Deezall says don't be so hasty, brother as Venexus Titan says that for the time being, they will follow his orders exactly as agreed upon with as the other Mechtogan agree. Miserak then says that they may not understand Calthor's plan but from what he sees - it will be devastating. The scene now shifts back to the confrontation and upcoming battle between Marucho & Lindsata against Calthor. Dan says good luck guys – we’ll be here for you and you better get Amazon back. Marucho gives a thumbs up and says don’t worry – they will. Lindsata says she is new to tag team battles but she hopes she and Ginryu will be of assistance. Preyas says no problem – the more the merrier. Ginryu says Aquas, let’s work together like old times with Aquas saying optimistically okay, but try to keep up. Calthor then says if they are finished with the pep talks – let us begin. Marucho says okay, your move as Calthor smiles and says my pleasure and throws his Gate Card. He then levitates Amazon with his hand, grabs him and says you have no idea what you are about to experience as he throws Amazon and says “Rise my servant – Aquos Torrent Amazon!” Amazon appears out of a shroud of shadows and water and roars at them and looks like a crazed animal. Everybody is in shock as Drago says that's looks even worse when he battled against Coredem when he was changed. Preyas says whoa – he didn’t expect that big of a makeover. Marucho says don’t worry, they have this as he loads Preyas and Aquas into his BakuStrike Launcher and launches them at Amazon in an attempt to knock him back. But Amazon notices and uses his tail to strike them back hard and they come out but already a bit injured. Aquas says that was some impressive speed with Preyas says yeah – my head is still spinning. Marucho says okay, let’s start strong – Aquos Tsunami Preyas! and says “Ability Activate – Whirl Ripper!” as Preyas forms a sharp tornado of water and launches it at Amazon. Marucho then says you too, Aquas and says “Ability Activate – Water Saint!” as Aquas fires a stream of water into Preyas’ tornado and makes it speed up faster. As it approaches, Amazon just stands there but then roars loudly and only using his hands, punches the tornado fast and breaks it apart. As the water falls down, Dan says no way with Drago saying he’s never seen any Bakugan use their bare hands to break something that strong. Marucho says that was something as Calthor says there’s more and says calmly “Ability Activate – Hail Blitz!” as Amazon holds his arms up high and a storm brews but then, an enormous amount of sharp hailstones falls on them and injures both Aquas and Preyas with Preyas dodging in unusual ways. After the storm clears, Aquas and Preyas are down as Amazon then starts to act wildly again and goes on the offensive. Ginryu then asks if it is time and Lindsata says yes, it’s time and throws him. Lindsata then says “Ability Activate – Master Combat!” as Ginryu gains some fighting armor upon his release and punches Amazon in the stomach but Amazon recovers quickly. Ginryu takes his place in front of Aquas and Preyas as he goes on the attack, able to meet Amazon punch for punch. While that is going on, Marucho then says time for a little refreshment and says “Ability Activate – Ice Rejuvenation!” as Aquas encases both herself and Preyas in ice which breaks quickly and they are fully healed with Preyas looking super buffed but quickly turns back to normal. Marucho says they need to get back into it and says “Ability Activate – Tsunami Ninjitsu!” as Preyas gets into a fighting stance and water comes around his legs and arms. He then coordinates with Ginryu, who is losing against Amazon, and they manage to hold it off. But then, Calthor says that’s really pathetic and says Amazon – change to Darkus now. Amazon does while battling and then Calthor says “Ability Activate – Shadow Blaster!” which causes Amazon to release a massive amount of dark energy within him – knocking both Ginryu and Preyas back. Calthor smiles and says this is the power of Torrent Amazon and says now Amazon – change to Haos. Amazon does and Calthor says this will be the end of round 1 and says “Ability Activate – Light’s Darkness!” as Amazon fires a blast of concentrated light and dark together and Ginryu and Preyas. Aquas says now, Marucho as Marucho says “Ability Activate – Ocean Prism!” as Aquas uses her tail and neck to form a glowing wall of water which reflects the blast back at Amazon, injuring himself in the process. Marucho says this ability is unique to Saint Aquas and is a continuous defense ability as Calthor says that is impressive but futile and says “Gate Card Open – Aquos Lockdown!” The Gate Card negates the Ocean Prism ability and freezes Ginryu, Preyas and Aquas. Calthor says this Gate Card automatically negates all Aquos abilities and freezes all Aquos Bakugan on the field and drains their power but since Amazon is now Haos – he is unaffected. He then tells Amazon to switch to Subterra, which he does and says it’s finished – “Ability Activate – Ebon Rocket!” as Amazon charges up with dark energy and charges at all three. But before it hits, Marucho yells out to Preyas to attribute change to Ventus and says “Ability Activate – Wind Mist!” Preyas says okay as Amazon hits and Aquas and Ginryu and they both return to ball form. Amazon backs up and acts crazy looking for Preyas but then, he is hit on multiple sides and he backs up. A shroud of mist is on the field and after it clears, Preyas appears as Ventus and says that was too close for comfort. Calthor smiles and says that is impressive – it appears he underestimated them once again but no matter and says let us continue – the student vs. master with Marucho saying my pleasure. Meanwhile, inside Amazon’s mind, Amazon is trying to get out and is punching the barrier he is in. He says he can’t battle his own sensei and friends – he won’t do it! The deep voice from before says that you will for I hold all the cards. Amazon laughs and says sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Mystery Voice, but I’m the ace and I’m not being controlled by anybody. The voice says keep on trying but it would be much easier if you would just submit. Amazon snickers says as if as his mind starts to rumble a bit and he falls down, saying he felt that but he better get through before he can’t even stand up. Then, he sees a small crack in the barrier that’s preventing him from getting out. He then says thank you, Sensei as he cracks his knuckles and says okay, let’s break this iron wall and goes back to attacking the wall with full force. He keeps on doing it but then, he breaks through and says okay, time to wake up from this nightmare. Suddenly, Amazon grabs his head in pain with Calthor wondering what is going on but then, he stands up in pain and speaks weakly but saying sensei. Preyas then asks if that’s really him as Amazon says listen, sensei – he doesn’t know what has happened to him but if he needs to be eliminated to protect everybody – please do it as he goes back in pain and goes back to his mad state. Inside his mind, Amazon is pushed back in and the border is closed again. The deep voice says you have gotten lucky with that small crack in the wall but you will not get that lucky again. Amazon say hah, dream on pal – he’s getting out of here and nothing will stop him, not even you Mystery Man as he goes back on the attack against the wall. Meanwhile, back in the battle, Amazon is hitting Preyas hard with a series of punches which injures Preyas but thanks to his Ventus abilities, he is able to dodge most of them. Marucho says they need to get rid of that Gate Card as he says “Ability Activate – Wind Star Striker!” as Preyas has wind appear around his fist like a ball and he punches down on the ground, destroying the Gate Card. But it doesn’t affect Amazon who is still in his Subterra form but Calthor calmly tells him to switch back to Aquos and Marucho tells Preyas to do the same. Preyas then attack from each other – blow for blow without anything stopping them with Preyas saying that Amazon certainly learned from him well. Amazon is still crazed as Calthor says this first round was his from the beginning as he says “Double Ability Activate – Spike Energy plus Reef Annihilation!” which gives Amazon a huge boost of power and he completely obliterates Preyas, defeating him this round. As Marucho picks him up, Preyas says he has never had a battle this intense with Aquas saying no kidding and she’s a BakuGod Bakugan. Marucho’s says don’t worry – Amazon’s in there so there’s still a chance. Lindsata says we will do better this time Ginryu as Calthor smiles and grabs Amazon while saying “Well, ready for round two?” Meanwhile, the 2nd round of the brawl is about to begin as Marucho throws down his Gate Card and everyone throws out their Bakugan. Marucho then says it’s time to kick things up with a little armor and brings out his BakuArmor Wavenami. Preyas says oh yeah while doing a cool pose as Marucho then says “BakuArmor Ability Activate – Wavenami Tidal Surge!” which causes Preyas to fire multiple blasts at Amazon but Calthor then says “Double Ability Activate – Foam Shield plus Steam Mirage!” as Amazon releases foam bubbles from parts of his body and it makes a shield that the blasts go through but Amazon is not there. Preyas then asks where did he go as Ginryu says he can handle that as Lindsata says “Ability Activate – Lunar Sight!” as Ginryu’s eyes turn green and he searches and finds Amazon who is right in front of him and invisible. Ginryu is taken back as Amazon roars and gives him an uppercut on the chin, which in turn makes him visible, as it knocks Ginryu down as Ginryu says well that stun a bit. Amazon tries to go at Ginryu again but Aquas steps in as Marucho says “Ability Activate – Thunder Monsoon!” as electric rain and lightning fall on Amazon, shocking him. Amazon backs up as Marucho says for Preyas to attribute change to Haos while he says “Ability Activiate – Shine Shard!” as Preyas fires pieces of sharp, bright ice shards at Amazon, which knocks Amazon back a ways while he goes back to Aquos. Meanwhile, inside his mind, Amazon is still attacking as the shield starts to crack again due to the shock from the electricity. He says only a few more hits as he gets back to it. Back in the battle, Calthor says that BakuArmor is troublesome – time to get rid of it as he orders Amazon to change to Darkus and says “Ability Activate – Swipe Steal!” as Amazon rushes by Preyas and takes away his BakuArmor and destroying it. Preyas then worriedly says they really need to fix that stuff as Marucho says no kidding while Amazon changes back to Aquos. Calthor says that ability is very helpful as Lindsata says did you forget about us as Ginryu comes from behind and punches Amazon in the back. Amazon then tries to attack back but Lindsata says “Ability Activate – Element Bend: Water!” as Ginryu moves water to strike Amazon from all sides. Calthor says time to get rid of one nuisance as he orders Amazon to change to Subterra and says “Ability Activate – Avalanche Quake!” as Amazon shakes the ground under Ginryu and Lindsata and throwing rocks on them, which takes them out of the battle even thought not officially losing. Marucho then calls out to them as Aquas does with Ginryu and says you may be a friend Amazon but you will pay for that. She says now Marucho as Marucho says “Ability Activate – Piranha Frenzy!” as Aquas multiples herself into smaller clones as they all attack Amazon at once. Preyas says let’s go to as Marucho says “Ability Activate – Jet Guardian!” as Preyas covers himself in water and fires himself like a jet at Amazon, right on target. Amazon backs up as Calthor says time to get rid of the 2nd nuisance as he orders Amazon to Ventus and says “Double Ability Activate – Spore Poison plus Aerial Arrow!” as Amazon covers himself in poisonous spores and flies in the air and aims for Preyas. But at the last second, Aquas knocks Preyas out of the way and takes the direct hit, even though Preyas does take damage from the impact but Aquas takes the hit from the poisonous spores and starts to weaken. Preyas gets up quickly as Marucho says they have no choice and says "Gate Card Open - Ocean Mine Disruption!" as several mines appear around Amazon. Marucho says this Gate Card can only be used when there are Aquos Bakugan on the field and once all those mines hit - the enemy's Power Level will drop to zero. Calthor smiles and says thank you, he was waiting for that as he says "Ability Activate - Twist of Fate!" as Amazon takes his hand and literally "turns" the Gate Card the other way and the mines appear around Preyas! Marucho then wonders what happened as Calthor says Twist of Fate is an ability unique to Torrent Amazon that allows him to reverse the effect of any Gate Card onto the opponent or himself if there is a benefit or a consequence. And it just so happened this Gate Card you used benefits him so thank you. Marucho says oh no - watch out Preyas but it's too late as the mines close in and knock Preyas down with Marucho being pushed down by the blast. Preyas is down as is Marucho as Calthor laughs and says this was fun with Dan saying come on guys, you can't quit now.. Everybody is wondering if this brawl is really over with Dan saying it can’t be. Meanwhile, in Amazon’s mind, Amazon says no – enough playing around as he backs up and builds up a blast of water. He then says he’s tired of playing 2nd wingman and won’t be staying here any longer and says Ocean Bomber! and fires a blast at the gate – completely destroying the gate and the voice saying loudly no but dispersing. Amazon jumps up, does an Irish heel tap and runs through; saying hold on sensei, I’m back! The scene shifts back to the battle, where everybody on the Brawlers side is beaten down and Torrent Amazon is still staying strong and powerful but still acting a bit crazy. Calthor laughs and says this is absolutely pathetic – he expected more of a fight from one with the powers of an Attribute Master and a BakuGod. Dan yells out to Marucho to get up, buddy with Baraxx saying stay strong, Lindsata. Suddenly, Amazon grabs his head in pain and then, his old self regains control and yells out to everybody to not give up on him yet – they can still win and he can be free; keep trying please! He then loses control again but then Marucho slowly gets up and brushes himself off while saying no problem – they are not giving up yet. Preyas then does a spinaroonie and lands on his feet while saying he has some fight left him all the time but still breathing heavily. Lindsata, Aquas and Ginryu also rise slower than the others but firmly and say they aren't giving up either - not now, not ever. Calthor is surprised and says they should be down and out, he then says no problem and orders Amazon to destroy them for good and says “Ability Activate – Blast Bomber!” as Amazon charges up his attack after the good one loses control again. But while that happens, Marucho says sternly that they are not going down – not until they get back their friend Amazon as he starts to glow a bright blue. Preyas then says he feels the same way and Calthor won’t stop them as he also glows blue. Everybody is in amazement with Aquas wondering what is going on. Calthor says that’s a nice light show but futile as Amazon fires. Marucho and Preyas yell out loudly as the light around them intensifies and it fires into the sky while making Amazon’s Blast Bomber attack neutralized. As Calthor covers his eyes and says this is impossible – out of the sky in a shroud of mist comes a huge Aquos Mechtogan with the almost the same symbols like on Infinitor. After it lands and the mist clears, Mira looks up in surprise and says everybody look and everybody looks up in amazement as it powers itself up in a blue light. The Mechtogan then announces he is the MechtoFusion Mechtogan Swiftstar – created and summoned from the strong desires of loyalty and friendship from my creators Marucho and Preyas. Marucho is like wow, we summoned a MechtoFusion Mechtogan with Preyas saying oh yeah – this is awesome. Swiftstar looks down and says Marucho, you were able to summon me because you have never given up in freeing your friend Amazon and he is here to serve and provide any assistance that he can. Marucho adjusts his glasses and says in that case, let’s get busy with Lindsata getting up and says agreed. Aquas and Ginryu rise too and say let’s finish what we started as Calthor laughs and says just because you summoned a Mechtogan doesn’t guarantee you victory and orders Amazon to attack while saying “Ability Activate – Swift Swim!”, increasing Amazon’s speed. But just as he is within an arm’s length of hitting Swiftstar, Swiftstar disappears but reappears right behind Amazon and knocks him down. Calthor is in surprise and says that Mechtogan certainly has some speed as Swiftstar picks Amazon and says that’s not all he has as his top half spins around quickly and fires Amazon into the ground, injuring him but also making him dizzy. After Swiftstar stops spinning, he says Master Marucho – might I recommend that you combine myself with my creator. Marucho says are you sure we should try it so suddenly but Preyas says it may give them the edge they need to get Amazon back. Marucho says okay and yells out “Bakugan and Mechtogan – Fuse!” They both combine and in a flash – they are now one as it says “All right – time to bring it on as Aquos Swift Preyas!” Everybody is in amazement as John and Laura say that’s one amazing warrior and good looking too. Preyas then does some poses to check out his new look while Aquas says that will never get old. Swiftstar says they need to get to the battle at hand with Preyas saying oh yeah, forgot about that - let's get busy. Meanwhile, Amazon is struggling to keep control with him saying with his hands on his head if you fire one strong blast at him – it should do the trick. He then loses control again but then Marucho says Aquas, let’s help him out and says “Ability Activate – Tundra Pillar!” as Aquas uses her power to summon pillars of ice from the ground and it holds Amazon in the air with the pillars covering his hands and feet – making abilities useless. Calthor snickers and says that’s nothing and prepares to activate an ability but Lindsata steps in and says not so fast and says “Ability Activate – Elemental Chains!” as Ginryu fires some chains that wrap around Amazon. The ability card in Calthor’s hand leaves and he wonders what is this as Lindsata smiles and says have you forgotten – Ginryu can negate the abilities of all enemy Bakugan for a limited time and it’s power is strongest against an attribute changer but they won’t need a lot of time. Amazon is struggling both in mind and body as he yells out to finish him off quickly before his body decides to break out. Marucho says okay and says Preyas, let’s show him something special and orders Preyas to attribute change to Pyrus! Calthor says loudly that’s impossible but Preyas says not so as he changes to Pyrus, which amazes everybody, especially Dan who says he looks awesome in red and yellow. As Preyas changes to Pyrus, lines appear throughout Swiftstar that are red combined with blue. Marucho then says time to heat things up and end this and says “Fusion Ability Activate – Flare Water Ball!” as Aquos Swift Preyas prepares a concentrated ball of mixed water and fire inside. Aquas then says let me join in this strike as Marucho says all right and says “Ability Activate – Hydra Stream!” as she fires a blast of three water jets into the ball, making it stronger. Lindsata and Ginryu then say don’t forget about us and she says “Ability Activate – Hydro Flood!” as Ginryu adds even more water and power to the ball which shines bright. Amazon’s then starts to break the ice and chains as Amazon says hurry guys – before he escapes. Preyas says Amazon, we about to set you free as Ginryu says with the power of as Aquas finished with Teamwork! and the blast fires straight at him. It blasts Amazon just before he breaks free and he cries out in pain but is smiling while saying thank you, dudes with Preyas saying "Strike three - this ball game is over!". The blast encompasses everything as everybody shields themselves. As the smoke clears, they see that Amazon is still standing weakly and badly injured. Marucho says that’s impossible with Calthor saying since that is now done – Amazon attack but then, he sees Amazon weakening but then, he turns and is smiling at Calthor. Calthor asks sternly why are you smiling at him as Amazon starts laughing and says he’s back in control and he may be done in this battle but at least he won’t be serving him anymore. Amazon then looks at Preyas and says “Sensei – you rock and thanks” as he gives a thumbs up but then he gives out and lies down defeated. He then returns to ball form and flies straight to Marucho, who grabs him and is excited they got him back. Calthor, however, looks calm and smiling as ever as he says Aquos Brawler with Marucho looking sternly at him. Calthor says that was a very impressive battle and he witnessed a rare occurrence with your partner – attributing changing to Pyrus is extremely rare. He then says he feels he has enough time playing around with you Brawlers so he will be shifting his plans ahead of schedule but he is in a nice mood so he’ll give them a hint on his first target of conquest. Lindsata says what might that hint be as Calthor says it is simple this - it is a dark place – perfect for mortal reptiles. Lindsata raises her right eyebrow as Baraxx in the distance wonders what it means as Calthor opens a portal and prepares to leave but before he does, he says since they are so smart, they will figure it out soon – later, Battle Brawlers as he leaves. The scene shifts back to the Brawlers gathering around Torrent Amazon who is in Marucho’s hand in his ball form but silent. Preyas flies over and nudges him a bit saying come on buddy – wake up already. Then, he starts moving and pops in, causing Preyas to flip over and fall down, getting stuck upside down in Marucho's pocket. Amazon shakes his head and says whoa, that was some ride as he looks over at Preyas who is still stuck. Amazon says sensei, wonder are you doing stuck and gets him out. After Preyas shakes his head and sits on Marucho's cupped hands with Amazon, Preyas says it’s really good to have you back with Amazon, yeah – he is glad to be back on the right side. Aquas then flies over, lands on Marucho's hands too and says Amazon, I said I was going to get you out back at Calthor’s lair but I failed and I am so sorry. Amazon says hey, he’s a forgiving guy and don’t worry about it – he heard the noise when they were escaped so he figured something happened so he wasn’t worried one bit. Aquas says thank you with Amazon looking at himself and says it looks like he’ll have to get used to his new name and form – Torrent Amazon has a nice knack to it. As Amazon pretends to be bodybuilding, he says with these new powers and abilities – he feels on top of the world and who knows, he could be stronger than the old man. Drago then comes forward and says sternly say that again Amazon and he’ll send him back to New Vestroia. Amazon immediately says sorry Drago – didn’t mean it, I was….um……kidding. Everybody bursts out in laughter as Amazon takes his place on Marucho’s shoulder and says this feels right. As everybody celebrates the win and Amazon’s return, Lindsata and Baraxx are together as Baraxx helps her up while asking concerningly that was a tough fight – are you all right. Lindsata sits back onto her chair and says you shouldn’t worry but yes, she is fine but she is still concerned. Firebaxx then pops out and says yes, it seemed like Calthor was not shaken after losing his newest creation. Lindsata says yes and that cryptic hint – Lindsata believes his plans are about to come into the light. Lindsata says we must all be prepared for the inevitable as Baraxx says we will be ready, whatever the situation. Meanwhile, the scene now shifts back to Calthor’s lair where Calthor has just arrived calmly. Everyone is waiting for him as Tivala asks if everything went according to his plan. Calthor says yes – they are now in possession of Torrent Amazon but they were able to summon another MechtoFusion Mechtogan – those Mechtogan are becoming a problem for him. Calthor then asks Clay if everything is prepared with Clay saying everything has been set up according to his exact specifications. Calthor then says he needs some time to himself and then, they will move out and begin his master plan. He says it won’t take long for the Brawlers to figure out the hint he gave them so prepare yourselves and await for my command. They all say as you command, Master Calthor as he leaves. After he returns to his room, Sivac comes forth and says it is almost time to begin. Calthor says yes but first he has some creating to do and then they will strike. All his Bakugan then come out and ask if the Brawlers are more of a threat now with Calthor smiling and saying while they may have a few new toys, they are still no threat to him. (End of episode)