Akoshissss was the barren moon of Trandosha. It played a minor part in the Clone Wars by playing host to Bitt Panith's secret base, where Krossen was created. The lab was later destroyed during the Battle of Akoshissss.
Akoshissss was the barren moon of Trandosha. It played a minor part in the Clone Wars by playing host to Bitt Panith's secret base, where Krossen was created. The lab was later destroyed during the Battle of Akoshissss.
Akoshissss era la luna estéril de Trandosha. Durante las Guerras Clónicas albergó el laboratorio secreto de Bitt Panith donde se creó a Krossen. El laboratorio fue destruido durante la Batalla de Akoshissss.
Akoshissss was the barren moon of Trandosha. It played a minor part in the Clone Wars by playing host to Bitt Panith's secret base, where Krossen was created. The lab was later destroyed during the Battle of Akoshissss.
Akoshissss era la luna estéril de Trandosha. Durante las Guerras Clónicas albergó el laboratorio secreto de Bitt Panith donde se creó a Krossen. El laboratorio fue destruido durante la Batalla de Akoshissss.