| - The Kanye Cluster is a small clump of stars roughly controlled by House Arrogentpriqius, known across the Imperium by those who bother to keep their business cards, which take the form of vox logs mixed with ultra-accessible samples generally polished and cleaned beyond all talent and originality, and often rips off the more ingenious business vox logs of more talented artists across the galaxy. General perceptions of House Arrogentpriqius agree across the board on their utterly intolerable and sickening arrogance, a bafflingly vast collection of wealth in spite of their limited and barely functional talents, and an affinity for "just for show" political marriages, specifically Houses Alexisphifer and Ambaroze with a cyclical on-off period of marriages and divorces with intentions to profit from media hype and exploiting marriage benefits whilst they were the most profitable. House Arrogentpriqius exploits the sector for its resources. Its produce is visually attractive, although generally of low quality. Every day it outputs staggering volumes of plastic and metal materials, which are often used in producing jewellery, compact discs and the iconic "shutter shade" visors for use in spotlights and eyewear on high-light environments. The cluster suffers from high rates of disability within its populace, however House Arrogentpriqius largely ignore these statistics to the point where they continually demand that everyone must stand up and work for them. However, in a more positive and contradictory light, the House have tasked their subordinates with a mission to battle dropout and illiteracy rates, while partnering with community organisations to provide underprivileged youth access to music education The cluster neighbours The Kashidaan Cluster, however is located within a different sector. Rumours persist about House Arrogentpriqius recently arranging a political marriage with inhabitant rulers of the sector, however this information flies in the face with the fact that the sector was lost to Hive Fleet Erebusduring the 1st Tyrannic War.