| - Akanbar is a MUD with a medieval fantasy theme that is free to play. It offers the chance to purchase enhanced skills with real money. Role playing is encouraged and often enforced. Player killing is restricted. There is an HTML 5 client available.
- Genre: Medieval Fantasy Free to play: Skill training based on a crystal accrual, which amounts over time and with player levelling. Crystal purchases and monthly subscriptions are offered, but by no means necessary. Roleplaying: Encouraged and often enforced Playerkilling: Permitted with certain restrictions Playerbase: Ranges from 5-15 online depending on time Website: Hostname: akanbar.com Port: 23 Elysium: Templars, Storm Wardens, Runesmiths, Monks, Merchants Golgonath: Forsaken, Pyromancers, Black Legion, Demonologists, Crafters Ysallyra: Shadow Warriors, Assassins, Shamans, Conjurers, Traders
| - Akanbar is a MUD with a medieval fantasy theme that is free to play. It offers the chance to purchase enhanced skills with real money. Role playing is encouraged and often enforced. Player killing is restricted. There is an HTML 5 client available.
- Genre: Medieval Fantasy Free to play: Skill training based on a crystal accrual, which amounts over time and with player levelling. Crystal purchases and monthly subscriptions are offered, but by no means necessary. Roleplaying: Encouraged and often enforced Playerkilling: Permitted with certain restrictions Playerbase: Ranges from 5-15 online depending on time Website: Hostname: akanbar.com Port: 23 Set in a mystical, medieval land are three eternally opposed cities: the Republic of Elysium on an island off the western shore, the Empire of Golgonath in the volcanic east and the Forest of Ysallyra in the distant and shadowed north. Elysium and Golgonath unendingly re-enact the battle between good and evil, while Ysallyra looks on dispassionately, sometimes refraining from choosing sides. Over all hangs the shadow of the Dragon Wars that devastated the land more than two centuries ago. Each of the three cities hosts five guilds, four combat-oriented and one mercantile. The mercantile guilds are not only a peaceful option for those interested in a support-oriented lifestyle, but also a mainstay of each city's survival. The guilds are as follows: Elysium: Templars, Storm Wardens, Runesmiths, Monks, Merchants Golgonath: Forsaken, Pyromancers, Black Legion, Demonologists, Crafters Ysallyra: Shadow Warriors, Assassins, Shamans, Conjurers, Traders Each of the combat guilds possesses at least one skill unique to its alignment, history or its home city's history. Those of mercantile guilds, on the other hand, all choose from the same pool of crafts and thus can conceivably make their living anywhere. Akanbar boasts a small but dedicated group of volunteer administrators - some who handle our code, some who facilitate roleplay, and some who manage both areas.