| - This landmass is believed to have been thrown into chaos by the Breaking of the World, and even after more than 3,500 years the inhabitants do not seem to have reestablished any kind of order. The people live in hovels in small, primitive villages. Channellers of both sexes exist. The men are frequently insane, and it is hypothesised that the land's ongoing seismic activity may partially be due to the male channellers unleashing the One Power randomly and chaotically (in essence, the Breaking of the World continues on a much smaller scale on this landmass). However, even the females are unpredictable and dangerous. The non-channelling population appears completely untrusting of outsiders, and kill them on sight. After several attempts to establish trade, the Sea Folk have declared this lan
| - This landmass is believed to have been thrown into chaos by the Breaking of the World, and even after more than 3,500 years the inhabitants do not seem to have reestablished any kind of order. The people live in hovels in small, primitive villages. Channellers of both sexes exist. The men are frequently insane, and it is hypothesised that the land's ongoing seismic activity may partially be due to the male channellers unleashing the One Power randomly and chaotically (in essence, the Breaking of the World continues on a much smaller scale on this landmass). However, even the females are unpredictable and dangerous. The non-channelling population appears completely untrusting of outsiders, and kill them on sight. After several attempts to establish trade, the Sea Folk have declared this land off-limits, and will not travel there. All the known information on the Land of the Madmen is given in The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. Note that the world map disagrees with the measurements given in the text, indicating dimensions more like 4,500 miles from east to west and 2,500 miles from north to south. If the text is accurate, the landmass would bear intriguing size, location and shape comparisons with Australia. The craziness of the men on the island could be a reference to England sending many of their criminals to Australia in the late 1700's to mid 1800's. Some speculate that the Land of the Mad Men is an area the surviving male Aes Sedai fled to, in an attempt to seek refuge from the female Aes Sedai and rebuild. If so the intended effect was not achieved.