Because people have often asked me for a clearer guide to Noble and Royal titles, I hereby present the official Chiaroscuro Noble Title Guide(tm) of Chiaroscuro MUSH. These titles, based on the ranking order of 16th Century Britain, are considered to be what one might find on official Imperial Records as to who is what in the realm. For example, one who is a Noble, who then becomes Royal-by-Association, does not automagically get their title changed. The titles of the realm are (in descending order):
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| - Fastheldian Noble Title Guide
| - Because people have often asked me for a clearer guide to Noble and Royal titles, I hereby present the official Chiaroscuro Noble Title Guide(tm) of Chiaroscuro MUSH. These titles, based on the ranking order of 16th Century Britain, are considered to be what one might find on official Imperial Records as to who is what in the realm. For example, one who is a Noble, who then becomes Royal-by-Association, does not automagically get their title changed. The titles of the realm are (in descending order):
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| - Because people have often asked me for a clearer guide to Noble and Royal titles, I hereby present the official Chiaroscuro Noble Title Guide(tm) of Chiaroscuro MUSH. These titles, based on the ranking order of 16th Century Britain, are considered to be what one might find on official Imperial Records as to who is what in the realm. Though Nobles can essentially call themselves what they like - from Arch Duke to Grand High Lord of the West Bluff - such titles will backfire, especially if they represent the ambition of a Noble attempting to sound 'better' than another without just cause. Such titles are prone to ridicule by other Nobles, and such Nobles may demand that other Nobles use their 'official' title when in parlay with them. Titles are also personal in nature; they are not directly inherited (though may come by proxy as a result of inherited land and/or buildings), nor are they promoted through familial association. Each person's title is specific to them, and only they can bring about a change in that title. For example, one who is a Noble, who then becomes Royal-by-Association, does not automagically get their title changed. The titles of the realm are (in descending order):