| - Black Bartholomew is a name based on the famous pirate Black Bart (Bart being a shortened form of the name Bartholomew). Black Bart (real name: John Robert) was a Welsh pirate who lived from 1682-1722. He attacked ships across the central Atlantic, both in the Caribbean and along western Africa. Because he captured more ships successfully than any other pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690- ca. 1730), he was considered the most "successful" pirate of this period. He was lured to piracy because it provided better income than serving on merchant vessels. His behavior was that of a standard pirate, though he preferred tea over rum (however, despite the common perception that he was a teetotaler, he did drink alcohol on occasion, namely beer). He treated his prisoners with moderate cru
| - Black Bartholomew is a name based on the famous pirate Black Bart (Bart being a shortened form of the name Bartholomew). Black Bart (real name: John Robert) was a Welsh pirate who lived from 1682-1722. He attacked ships across the central Atlantic, both in the Caribbean and along western Africa. Because he captured more ships successfully than any other pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690- ca. 1730), he was considered the most "successful" pirate of this period. He was lured to piracy because it provided better income than serving on merchant vessels. His behavior was that of a standard pirate, though he preferred tea over rum (however, despite the common perception that he was a teetotaler, he did drink alcohol on occasion, namely beer). He treated his prisoners with moderate cruelty (not as bad as some pirates, but not as good as some other pirates). He commanded the ship the Royal Rover, then later switched to a brigantine, the Fortune, then later to the Royal Fortune. Black Bart was killed by cannon fire from the H.M.S. Swallow, commanded by Captain Chaloner Ogle near Cape Lopez on Annobon Island (located offshore of modern Equitorial Guinea in western Africa).