| - The Fair Voting Practices and Procedures Act of 2009 was a piece of legislation proposed by Kamino of the Democratic Open Community that was designed to prevent fradulent voting. It was passed and reads... D.L. 0901 IN PARLIAMENT JULY 13, 2009 AN ACT Sponsor(s) Kamino Providing for the Consideration of the bill (D.L. 0901) to establish fair and uniformed voting practices and procedures. SECTION 1. TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘Fair Voting Practices and Procedures Act of 2009’ SECTION 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The table of contents of this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short Title. Sec. 2. Table of contents. Sec. 3. Illegal Intervention Practices. Sec. 4. Other Illegal Practices. Sec. 5. Voting Procedures. Sec. 6. Law Format Sec. 7. Organizing SECTION 3. ILLEGAL INTERVENTION PRACTICES. It shall be illegal for any member of the Democratic Open Community, her allies, hostile states, non-aligned nations, the people of planet bob, Cyber Nations administrators and/or any outside persons or groups, to: •Bribe members of the Democratic Open Community to vote in a particular way. •Promise members of the Democratic Open Community Parliament with gifts of titles, positions, or any benefits. •Make agreements for future legislation in the hopes of gaining votes for future legislation (i.e. You scratch my back, I scratch yours) SECTION 4. OTHER ILLEGAL PRACTICES It shall be illegal for any member of the Democratic Open Community to create any legislation that has other, unrelated legislation attached in the hopes of passing other laws that normally may not have passed Parliament on an individual basis. SECTION 5. VOTING PROCEDURES. All votes shall only have the options of "Yes", "No" and "Abstain" in the voting process. All laws that are vetoed by the Prime Minister must be done so with in seven days; further more any veto overrides by Parliament but be done with in seven days after the Prime Ministers Veto. SECTION 6. LAW FORMAT. All laws proposed before Parliament shall be written in a comprehensive format for easy understanding by all members of the Democratic Open Community; the bill can then be rewriten by a scribe without changing the meaning or wording of the proposal. To set the Democratic Open Community apart from all the other pathetic alliances (because we rule!), Refer to this Act for reference on how to write a bill. The format is as follows: SPONSER(S)/COSPONSER(S) PURPOSE TITLE of the law a TABLE OF CONTENTS the overall TEXT of the law SECTION 7. ORGANIZING The scribe will assign a code for each law/proposal to maintain a standardized order of bills submitted before Parliament. The code is a way to organize a bill/law in a manner that is consistant.