Glory discovers the identity of the Key.
* Action Dress Rip: Glory tears off her dress after it gets sliced by a shattering mirror.
* All Men Are Perverts
* Bait and Switch: It appears Glory has worked out Dawn is the Key, but she actually assumes it's Tara, because Tara is new to the Scoobies.
* Beware the Nice Ones: Giles and Willow both show their sinister sides.
* Bath Kick: Glory as Loofah Girl.
* Black Eyes of Evil / Power Floats / Shock and Awe / Mind Over Matter: Darth Rosenberg makes her debut.
* Buffy-Speak
* Call Back: Glory's house starts to shake and she asks, "Did anyone order an apocalypse?" Earthquakes heralded The End of the World as We Know It in "Prophecy Girl" and "Doomed".
* Cliff Hanger
* Comically Missing the Point: Sadface!W
Attributes | Values |
| - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S5 E19 Tough Love
| - Glory discovers the identity of the Key.
* Action Dress Rip: Glory tears off her dress after it gets sliced by a shattering mirror.
* All Men Are Perverts
* Bait and Switch: It appears Glory has worked out Dawn is the Key, but she actually assumes it's Tara, because Tara is new to the Scoobies.
* Beware the Nice Ones: Giles and Willow both show their sinister sides.
* Bath Kick: Glory as Loofah Girl.
* Black Eyes of Evil / Power Floats / Shock and Awe / Mind Over Matter: Darth Rosenberg makes her debut.
* Buffy-Speak
* Call Back: Glory's house starts to shake and she asks, "Did anyone order an apocalypse?" Earthquakes heralded The End of the World as We Know It in "Prophecy Girl" and "Doomed".
* Cliff Hanger
* Comically Missing the Point: Sadface!W
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| |
| - Glory discovers the identity of the Key.
* Action Dress Rip: Glory tears off her dress after it gets sliced by a shattering mirror.
* All Men Are Perverts
* Bait and Switch: It appears Glory has worked out Dawn is the Key, but she actually assumes it's Tara, because Tara is new to the Scoobies.
* Beware the Nice Ones: Giles and Willow both show their sinister sides.
* Bath Kick: Glory as Loofah Girl.
* Black Eyes of Evil / Power Floats / Shock and Awe / Mind Over Matter: Darth Rosenberg makes her debut.
* Buffy-Speak
* Call Back: Glory's house starts to shake and she asks, "Did anyone order an apocalypse?" Earthquakes heralded The End of the World as We Know It in "Prophecy Girl" and "Doomed".
* Cliff Hanger
* Comically Missing the Point: Sadface!Willow is upset over her first domestic quarrel. Giles seeks to comfort her by saying it's over now.
* Conveniently-Timed Attack From Behind: Glory shoves Willow against the wall.
* Corner of Woe: After their fight Willow sits alone on a pile of pillows in a corner of the Magic Shop. Tara sits alone on a bench at the Culture Fair.
* Cry for the Devil: The look on Glory's face when she describes what it's like to be insane -- she's clearly talking from experience.
* Dissonant Serenity: Giles interrogating Slook.
* Don't Split Us Up
* Door Judo: Giles suddenly yanks open the door to the Magic Shop, then slams it into the face of Glory's minion Slook as he falls inside.
* Everything's Better with Chocolates, Mimosa and Bubble Baths: Glory
* False Reassurance: Buffy finds Dawn has been playing hooky.
* Fate Worse Than Death
* Finger-Lickin' Evil: Glory licks the blood off Tara's fingers.
* Fingertip Key Analysis: Glory instantly realises Tara isn't the Key when she tastes her blood.
* Flechette Storm / Mind Over Matter: Willow breaks a mirror with telekinesis and sends the shards flying at Glory. When that doesn't work, she breaks out the little black bag.
* Foe Yay: Glory (naturally) to Tara
* Freudian Slip
* Gayngst
* Gory Discretion Shot: Giles does something in the instant the girls turn away that reduces Slook to quivering terror. All we hear is a Sickening Crunch.
* Incest Subtext: Especially given that a doctor earlier assumed Tara was Willow's sister.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: The Scoobies explaining triangles to Dawn. Buffy is not in the mood to see the joke.
* Intertwined Fingers: Brutally subverted -- Tara has had a fight with Willow and is sitting alone on her bench when a women entwines fingers with hers. Tara turns with a big smile...only to find herself facing Glory, who proceeds to torture her for information by crushing Tara's fingers until they bleed.
* Is That the Best You Can Do?: Glory to Willow.
* It's All My Fault: Dawn over how Tara and Spike have been injured protecting her.
* Money Fetish: Anya complains about customers 'undressing the merchandise with their eyeballs' without paying for it.
* "No" Means "Yes": Lampshaded
* Oblivious Mockery: Ben is fired for not turning up for work for two weeks, a fact that Ben wasn't even aware of until then.
* OOC Is Serious Business: Buffy blows up at Willow when she gets giggly with Dawn instead of studying, then stands over her little sister watching her do the homework. Eventually Buffy reveals that the principal has warned that Dawn will be taken away from her if Buffy doesn't show she's a suitable guardian.
* Promotion to Parent: Buffy has to take over this role for Dawn, despite her desperate attempt to foist the task off onto Giles.
* Pet the Dawnster: Spike reaches out to stroke Dawn's hair, but quickly pulls his hand away when she turns to face him.
* Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: I...OWE YOU PAIN!
* Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Willow after Tara is Mind Raped.
* Saying Too Much: An insane Tara recognizes Dawn as the Key. Right in front of Glory.
* Some Kind of Force Field: "Thicken!" Willow uses a spell to slow down Glory.
* Spiteful Spit: After all Willow's efforts to kill Glory fail, she resorts to spitting in the face of a Physical God.
* Survival Mantra: Ben feels himself start to change and begins repeating "I'm Ben! I'm Ben! I'm Ben!" over and over until he morphs.
* Tempting Fate: Buffy says she'll go back to college next year when she's more herself again. In Season 6 she suffers a year-long Heroic BSOD and her brief attempt to go back to college is a complete failure.
* That Came Out Wrong: Tara is being held at the psych ward overnight for observation.
* Played for drama earlier on with Tara's comments about Willow frightening her.
* There Was a Door: Glory enters Tara's dorm by blasting away the entire wall.
* Tome of Eldritch Lore: Darkest Magick. It even has its own lock.
* To the Pain / Black Bug Room: Glory describes to Tara what being Mind Raped will be like.
* Vehicle Vanish: Willow runs through the crowd towards Tara & Glory while trying to remember a protection spell. A Chinese dragon passes between and Glory vanishes leaving an insane Tara on the bench.
* Violently Protective Girlfriend: Willow gets Wicca on Glory's ass.
* Walk in Chime In: Buffy's Big Damn Heroes moment as Glory is about to kill Willow.
* We Will Meet Again: After Willow slows Glory down long enough for her and Buffy to escape.