| - Touch (1994) is a girl group that would later to become the Spice Girls, that had many line-up changes formed by Bob and Chris Herbert of Heart management. Bob and Chris Herbert handed out flyers and placed advertisement as well as in a ad in The Stage newspaper up and down UK cities for the auditions of the girl group.
- Touch (タッチ, Tatchi) is a Japanese high school baseball manga by Mitsuru Adachi. It was originally serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shōnen Sunday from 1981–1986. The manga was also adapted into a 101-episode TV anime series, which was one of the highest-rated television anime series ever, three theatrical anime movies which summarized the TV series, two TV anime specials which take place after the events in the TV series, a live-action TV drama special, and a live-action movie released in 2005. Touch was one of the winners of the 1983 Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen or shōjo manga, along with Adachi's Miyuki.
- thumb| Touch (jap. タッチ) ist ein romantischer Shōnen-Manga von Adachi Mitsuru, der auch in eine Animeserie, drei Anime-Kinofilme und einen Realfilm verfilmt wurde. Erzählt wird eine Dreiecksgeschichte zwischen zwei Zwillingsbrüdern und deren Nachbarin.
- Touch means exactly how it sounds: Touching the stylus to the bottom DS screen. However, it is more akin to a 'tap', as the stylus need to be removed in order to keep the game from confusing a touch with a slash, drag, or press, depending on what you do after keeping the stylus in contact with the screen. Several psychs that utilize this touch-screen command are Apport and Force Rounds, among others. This touch screen command is represented in the game with the icon Image:Touch Icon.gif. It is used to activate the following pin psychs:
- "Touch" is a Sesame Street song about touching, holding and feeling. It is sung by Joe Raposo over a film showcasing how people interact with different textures such as squeezing balloons, playing in the sand and rolling in the grass.
- Certain skills require you to touch your target. Touch range is the size of two testing circle radii on the Isle of the Nameless. If you try to activate a touch skill while too far away, you will automatically run into range before the skill is initiated. Like all other skills or effects, height differences do not matter.
* Touch skills do not count as attacks.
* "Can't Touch This!" can cause them to fail.
* The Ranger's primary attribute, Expertise, reduces the energy cost of all touch skills. For a list of touch skills, see or the touch skills quick reference.
- 250px|right Touch es una serie de televisión estadounidense creada y escrita por Tim Kring para la cadena Fox.1 Está protagonizada por Kiefer Sutherland y debutó por Fox el 25 de enero de 2012, antes de comenzar con su emisión regular el 22 de marzo de 2012.3 Se proyectó producir 13 episodios para la primera temporada,4 y el 31 de mayo de 2012 fue su final de temporada de doce episodios.
- Touch is an insert song from Kamen Rider Agito. It was performed by RIDER CHIPS Featuring ROLLY + Hashimoto Jin.
- Touch (タッチ Touch) is a 2005 Japanese film based on a Mitsuru Adachi manga and directed by Isshin Inudou.
- Touch – polecenie występujące w systemach Uniksowych (w tym w Linuksie), z założenia służące do aktualizowania daty ostatniego odczytu i/lub zapisu pliku, w praktyce używane zazwyczaj do tworzenia pustych plików.
- "Touch" is the seventh track by Daft Punk from the album Random Access Memories. Its length is 8:18.
- Touch is one of your character's nine physical stats. The following skills are governed by this stat:
* Physician (×2)
* Cookery
* Fishing
* Weatherlore
* Hideworking
* Woodcarving
* Dagger
* Flail
* Crossbow While this stat may not be crucial to your character's survival, it certainly has its uses and will improve your character's living conditions in several ways.
- TOUCH es un grupo de chicos que han hecho su debut bajo la gestión de la compañía YYJ Entertainment. El grupo comenzó sus promociones en el extranjero por estar en el escenario junto a populares estrellas chinas. Junyong ya es una figura famosa en su escuela secundaria, que atrae a cientos de fans en frente de su dormitorio y sala de ensayo. El líder Hanjun anteriormente fue parte de “Superstar Survival” de JYP Entertainment, y se dice que es excepcional no sólo en el baile y el canto, componer, escribir y tocar instrumentos.
- Mit der Torch-Karte kannst du deiner Waffe oder deiner Suit das Element-Atribut 'Feuer' zuteilen. Beispiel: Eine Waffe vom Typ Feuer macht mehr Schaden bei Gegnern vom Typ Wind, aber Weniger Schaden bei Gegnern vom Typ Wasser. Außerdem kommt 0-Hit, Block und Miss öfter vor (Gegner als Ziel) wenn du gegen Feuer-Monster kämpfst Angenommen du hast deine Suit mit dem Feuer-Atribut versehen, erhälst du weniger Schaden von Gegnern des Typ Wind, aber mehr Schaden von Wasser-Monstern. Außerdem kommt 0-Hit, Block und Miss öfter vor (Spieler als Ziel) wenn du gegen Feuer-Monster kämpfst Das Upgraden des Element-Atributes ist mit der Torch-Karte bis +5 möglich, danach muss die Flame-Karte verwednet werden. Verwende ab dem Upgrade auf +4 stets ein S-Protect, andernfalls wird dein Item im Falle eines M
- Touch var en extremt smittsam sjukdom på P3X-797. Genom att vara rörd av människor som har sjukdomen, är han eller hon också ett offer för sjukdom. En person drabbas av Touch, kallad en av Berörda, skulle få ett utseende som liknar en tidig hominid med framstående panna ås och skulle övervinnas med primala känslor som lust och vrede. Orörda var folket inte drabbats av sjukdomen. De bodde på ljusa sidan av planeten. När det var men någon indikation på att någon var Berörda, var han eller hon omedelbart kom till mörka sida för att bevara Orörda.
- The Touch was an extremely contagious disease on P3X-797. Dr. Janet Frasier referred to it as a parasitic virus that fed on histamines and messed with all of the body's chemicals. By being touched by people having the disease, he or she is also a victim of the sickness. A person afflicted with the Touch, referred to as one of the Touched, would gain an appearance resembling an early hominid with a prominent brow ridge and would be overcome with primal emotions such as lust and rage.
- Touch is one of three ways to deliver a spell or power, the other two being Target and Self. This is a good delivery system for combat oriented mages, as it allows more accurate usage of spells and allows friendly fire to be avoided. These spells generally cost less in terms of magicka to cast then their ranged counterparts meaning a 10 Fire Damage spell with a Target property will cost more magicka than the exact same spell with a Touch property. In terms of spells per minute, touch can cast the most, allowing quicker level ups in magic. When creating magic, almost all effects can be made to be used via touch. Touch is best used with Destruction or Restoration spells as these spells require precision to be effective.