| - According to Derek Karlavaegen's "crude" and heavily stylized maps, Daventry is the name of the entire eastern continent where the major nations of Serenia and Daventry are located, along with many lesser nations. However in his notes he refers to the continent as the continent of "Serenia". Though Alexander refers to the continent as "Daventry", in his interview with Derek. Derek also refers to the continent of Daventry in his earliest notes as well (these were written during a period when all or most of the kingdom of Serenia was missing). The land of Serenia lies in the north beyond the 'great mountains' to the north and Westering Mountains. The Endless Desert lies to the northwest. While Daventry is located in the south of the continent. Not so many years ago, it is said the great Wizard Harlin used his powerful magic to move the Great Mountains north and east of the woods of Serenia and created a vast ocean in between and dividing the continent in two. Most of continent was missing. He surrounded the small village of Serenia he had created vast deserts (he had shifted the Endless Desert around the village itself). He put a chasm between the desert and the woods. These were created to be obstacles to prevent his enemies from reaching him. He had moved much of the continent of Serenia to a place referred to as the North. At the time what was left of kingdom of Serenia itself consisted of unnatural desert he created, and some woods to the north. What was left was a very small location on the northern edge of the continent then known as Daventry. At this time there were only four great countries of the world (as the divided Serenia was not counted amongst them). Around this time, it is said that under Graham the kingdom of Daventry had grown to four hundred and eighty-seven heptanes-square, an area bounded by forests including the Old Woods. The kingdom was said to be a small spot among the many larger lands surrounding the kingdom. Graham had no authority beyond the limits of the fields, and no desire to rule more. Still at least part of Serenia was still around, and was apparently a nearby land (Insects of Serenia and the Surrounding Lands, Volume III: T to Z). Priscilla and Kenneth the Huge ruled from there. Over the years, the continent saw more disasters as a Three-headed Dragon tore across the continent, and settled in Daventry and great earthquakes ripped it apart, creating the Great Tear in the kingdom of Daventry itself. Ever shrinking the size of Kingdom of Daventry down. Some time later, Gwydion landed at the foot of the mountain range that had been exposed to the seas on the northern coast of the small continent, the northern half of the continent and most of Serenia was still missing (it is said the shape of the world is always changing do to magic, and Harlin's magic was great). The shore he had landed on lay close to the edge of the kingdom of Daventry, which was located in a valley between two mountain ranges at the time (a river flowing through the valley). Derek's maps sent around the time of early (KQ4 era) show that most of Serenia was still missing. His map shows the kingdom of Daventry taking up most of the entire continent (and the notes correspond as well). He doesn't mention any other lesser lands or kingdoms that shared the continent, though there is evidence and references to at least a few others that existed during the period. In later revisions of his correspondence, he mentions other western or southern kingdoms around Daventry, and that these come and go as if by magic. The charts around the time of Gwydion's escape do appear to show an entire western protuberance of land on the continent of Daventry that lies west of the beach landing site, where the prince landed at the foot of the Great mountains. he landed near the central eastern section on the northern edge of the continent at the time. The kingdom saw growth for a time after Graham saved the kingdom. However, these western lands are missing in charts made by Derek Karlavaegen a few weeks after Rosella's return from Tamir. Also in Derek's maps it appears that Kolyma has drifted to the southeast of the Daventry continent. At the time of Gwydion's escape Kolyma was located almost directly south of the continent, almost directly south of the Kingdom of Daventry. Sometime later in the same year, as great magics were released across the continent to heal the damage created by both the earthquakes that had rent the land, as well as the land destroyed by the dragon, the northern half of the continent was restored to its original location (in time for Graham to visit the kingdom). The Land of Serenia disappeared again, along with most of the world, during the time of the cataclysm leaving only a small flat disk centered on the Kingdom of Daventry and the surrounding lands. During this period waters from the swamp and lava from the Barren region poured off the edge of the world. As was explained at this time, the Frozen Reaches lay to the northern edge of the world, and naught lay beyond. Interestingly enough, the fish off the coast of Llewdor distinguish between the Kingdom of Daventry and the continent of Daventry. One of the fish mentions it would be impossible to swim across the ocean to reach Daventry, and once there he'd still have to cross the mountains to get back to the kingdom. In addition the magic map version of the chart, also makes reference to the continent; "Route to Daventry". In present times, the continent known to some as Daventry and to others as Serenia, is broken up into many kingdoms and principalities.