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| - Summon Creature
- Summon Creature
- Summon Creature
- Buff spell, available to every job, is used to summon a tamed creature (a.k.a pet) once it has been properly formed. It requires that you have a creature sealing card equipped in one of the available slots of the Alt+Y Form window.
- The Summon Creature spell summons an Elemental to fight for the caster for approximately 45 seconds. It will disappear after the time is up, and any loot it picked up will appear beneath the Elemental. If the caster is on land, it will summon an Air Elemental. If the caster is on water, it will summon a Water Elemental. If the caster is near the water's edge, the spell may summon either type of elemental at random. Targetting a monster and then casting the spell will send the Elemental directly to it. This spell is extremely effective when used against mage opponents as they both attack the mage and distract it from attacking the druid or other players. It is a terrible choice against high level opponents such as Dragons because once the summoned elemental has been killed, the opponent wil
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| - Summon Creature
- Summon Creature
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| - Ab'Dendriel , Ankrahmun, Carlin , Shalmar , Kazordoon, Liberty Bay, Port Hope, Thais, Venore.
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| - In the past players used to be able to summon an unlimited number of creatures including stronger creatures than today like Dragons which can no longer be summoned. When the player logged off or disconnected the summons would turn into wild monsters that behaved the same as a normal creature.
In the early days of tibia, when only Antica existed, even Paladins were able to summon creatures. When the ability was removed the old paladins did not loose this ability, So there is still possible that there is one or two paladins remaining on Antica that can summon creatures.
| - utevo res "creature name"
- utevo res "creature name"
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| - See also:
- One of the most useful spells. Change "creature name" for a creature to make it appear and help you.
- One of the most useful spells. Change "creature name" for a creature to make it appear and help you.
- - a more complete guide to summons.
- Summoned Monster - a more complete guide to summons.
| - Summons a creature to help you.
- Summons a creature to help you.
| - Druids and Sorcerers
- Druids and Sorcerers
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Level Required
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Mana Required
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Reagents Required
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Magic Words
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- The Summon Creature spell summons an Elemental to fight for the caster for approximately 45 seconds. It will disappear after the time is up, and any loot it picked up will appear beneath the Elemental. If the caster is on land, it will summon an Air Elemental. If the caster is on water, it will summon a Water Elemental. If the caster is near the water's edge, the spell may summon either type of elemental at random. Targetting a monster and then casting the spell will send the Elemental directly to it. This spell is extremely effective when used against mage opponents as they both attack the mage and distract it from attacking the druid or other players. It is a terrible choice against high level opponents such as Dragons because once the summoned elemental has been killed, the opponent will select a new target on its own (which may be a cleric).
- Buff spell, available to every job, is used to summon a tamed creature (a.k.a pet) once it has been properly formed. It requires that you have a creature sealing card equipped in one of the available slots of the Alt+Y Form window.
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