| - technical, all
- Είναι ένα Λειτουργικό Σύστημα Υπολογιστή.
- Acridfusion has added this page for the storage of useful information for his €£iT€ |-|Å×0® internship. Below you will find some useful codes, procedures, and other random things i've learned about using alternate OS's and thier APPs.
- Linux. commonly referred to as GNU/Linux is an open source, free operating system kernel. The kernel was patented by Linus Torvalds in the early 1990's. The linux kernel is the base for several operating systems, including Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Debian, Linspire, Red Hat, Fedora Core, Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux, and many others.
- Audiosurf does run under Linux using Wine, however there are a currently a number of bugs and it will occasionally crash at program changes (Quest3D on which Audiosurf runs, is structured such that various menus and the like are like independent programs; changing from title to character select, or ride to scoring screen are examples of such switches). These items also apply to users of Mac OS X using Darwine or Crossover for emulation. The following tips can help certain problems.
- Linux je počítačový operačný systém, ktorý je údajne zadarmo a teda aj bez záruky.
- Linux ist ein Betriebssystem und das Gegenteil von Windows. Es wurde von einem Studenten entwickelt, der bei seinem Dozenten Tannenbaum nicht richtig aufgepasst hat und, um ihn zu ärgern, erfolgreicher sein wollte. Es ist kommerziell unbenutzbar und wird von anderen untalentierten Studenten, die bei Wikipedia als Trolle herausgeflogen sind, als Linux-Distributionen verschenkt.
- GNU + Linux is an free, open source operating system. Variants of GNU + Linux with pages on this wiki include Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora.
- Является предметом поклонения линуксоидов (также известных как красноглазые). Ведро можно скачать на сайте kernel.org. Поставляется в виде исходников в тарболле. Вы должны уметь правильно собирать ведро. Это знание является страшной тайной, и то, как это делать, знают только линуксоиды (или по-другому — инноды). Автор проекта, он же и его логотип, он же пожизненный Диктатор Кода — Линукс Торвальдс.
- Linux is an open source operating system along with some binary blobs. Open source is our friend. Operating systems that use Linux kernal include Mandriva Linux, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE etc. Microsoft want to destroy Linux. Linux is far better than Microsoft and threat of malwares and viruses are low.
- Linux is an open source monolithic Unix-like POSIX-compliant kernel created by Linus Torvalds. Unlike some complete operating systems Linux is a base for OS developers to create an OS with software of their own while using a pre made widely-supported kernel.
- Linux es un alien de gera
- Linux is a channel that broadcasts 24 hours a day.
- Linux is the ubersex operating system.
- Nombre: Linux
- 什么是 Ubuntu? Ubuntu 是一个由 社区 开发的,适用于笔记本电脑、 桌面电脑 和 服务器。 无论您是在家庭、学校还是工作时使用,Ubuntu 都包含了您所需的所有程序:无论是文字处理和电子邮件,还是 Web 服务和编程工具。 Ubuntu 永远 免费。您无需支付任何许可费用。您可以下载、使用以及与您的朋友、家庭、同学或同事分享,而绝对无需任何代价。 我们 每6个月推出新的桌面版本和服务器版本。这意味着您总是能够享受开源世界所提供的最新、最好的应用程序。 Ubuntu 十分注重安全。对于每个桌面和服务器版本,您可以获得 至少18个月的免费安全升级 。如果您使用的是长期支持版本(LTS),那么您可以获得桌面版本3年、服务器版本5年的支持。LTS 版本并不收取额外的费用,我们将在相同的免费条件下为每个人提供我们最好的服务。Ubuntu 新版本的升级也总是免费的。 您只需一张光盘,就可以提供一个完整的工作环境。其它软件可以在线获取。 图形化的安装程序可以将您 轻松快捷地进行配置和运行。标准安装不超过25分钟。 您的系统一旦安装完成就可以 立即使用了。 对于 桌面版本 ,您将拥有完整的创作、网络、绘图、图像处理程序和游戏。
- Linux is named "Linux" because when Linus Torvalds was studying at the University of Helsinki, he was using a version of the UNIX operating system called "Minix". Linux was also originally going to be named "Freax", a portmanteau of "freak", "free", and "x". "Red Star OS", a North Korean operating system, is also Linux based; although its current version resembles Mac OSX rather than Linux, in which previous versions resembled Windows XP.
- Seattle Linux see I, Victor Odlivak, teach a course at the Experimental College called "Linux for Everybody". Section I deals with the basic Linux Desktop and applications. I cover a dozen different versions of Linux and give out free DVD/CD's. Section II shows small and large businesses how to set up Web Servers, Mail Servers, file Servers including (Samba, FTP, NFS), MySQL databases and Primary Domain Controllers. I am also available for consultation. Please see the web page above. I also regularly attend the Bellevue Linux Users Group mentioned on my Webpage. Click on "about me" link to find out more information.
- GNU/Linux est un système d'exploitation libre. On appelle distribution un système d'exploitation basé sur le noyau Linux. Il existe plusieurs distribution Linux, toute ont leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. Pour commencé sur Linux il faut privilégié des distributions comme Ubuntu, Mandriva, OpenSuse qui sont simple à installé .La mascotte de Linux est Tux un manchot que l'on retrouve dans des jeux comme supertux ou supertuxcar. Pour terminer il existe un site très bien fait ou l'on explique les avantages et les inconvénients de Linux :
- Linux - system operacyjny stworzony przez Fina Linusa Torvaldsa (od jego imienia wzięła się nazwa systemu). Linux jest darmowy, działa na wielu platformach (pecet, Macintosh, Amiga), może pracować zarówno w trybie tekstowym, jak i GUI. W zamyśle Linux miał być alternatywą dla komercyjnego UNIX-a. Kod źródłowy Linuksa jest ogólnie dostępny i każdy może go modyfikować. Dzięki temu bardzo szybko pojawiają się wszelkiego rodzaju poprawki, dodatki czy też sterowniki urządzeń.
- There are number of operating systems that can be used for an HTPC, but Linux, by far, is the most cost effective. It's free. With that said, it's also the most difficult. Due to the amount of customizable options, regular users may find it hard to setup or maintain. For those that are not afraid to roll-up their tech sleeves, here are some distributions to check out:
- Linux - system operacyjny prawie bez wad[potrzebne źródło], przeznaczony tylko dla hakerów, bo nikt inny nie umie go obsłużyć. Hasło reklamowe tego systemu brzmi cud nad Vistą.
- Linux is a Unix-like and POSIX-compliant kernel assembled under the model of communist Russia. It was first developed on 8 April 1991 by the KGB. While originally designed and compiled against the Vector-06C, it was very quickly ported to Intel's i386 architecture in order to infiltrate American corporate networks. Today, Linux-based operating systems are in use around the world, allowing the FSB to access the information of millions of computers and the networks to which they are connected.
- Doom was ported to Linux in 1994 by Dave D. Taylor of id Software. The last Linux Doom binaries were provided by id on October 13, 1996 through the company's FTP server. It was this version whose source code was later released (the DOS version could not be released due to copyright issues concerning the sound library). Originally, the code was distributed under the Doom Source License, but it was later reissued under the GNU General Public License.
- Hier erscheint demnächst T Zero's Linux "Filetopia mit Wine" Tutorial...
- Beispiel: cat /proc/meminfo cat /proc/modules
* /root Homeverzeichnis root
* /srv Webserver-Verzeichnis
* /srv/www/htdocs (public HTML-Seiten)
* /sys ??
* /tmp Temporäre Dateien (ungeschützt)
* /var log-Dateien
- Linux jest to system operacyjny. Jest dużym konkurentem Windows. Głównym powodem konkurencji z Windowsem jest to, że większość dystrybucji można nabyć za darmo. Istnieje dużo dystrybucji np. Debian, Fedora Core, Ubuntu, Knoppix i wiele innych. 40pxTo tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli chcesz wesprzeć Software – rozbuduj go.
- Biblioteki:
* Qt
* Tutorial do Qt 3 (ang)
* Tutorial do Qt 4 (ang)
* wxWidgets
* fox toolkit
* GTK oraz jej API dla C++ GTKmm (dawniej GTK--)
* Ultimate++
- If you are a Linux user in Tsukuba, try the Tsukuba Linux User's Group. There is also the Tokyo Linux User's Group.
- Linux is an open-source operating system created by Linus Torvalds. It was designed to be a clone of Unix allowing software designed for that operating system to work on linux as well.
- Linux is the captain and founder of the crew Meet Your Makers.He is also the king and founder of the flag Poseidon's Curse. Linux created the crew Meet Your Makers on July 2nd 2009, followed by his flag Poseidon's Curse 5 days later. After reaching around 40 crew members he decided to make it an elite crew so he expend all the non elite members except for his close friend Privas. Linux still lives on in his Player vs Player crew. After awile of captaining his crew, he decided he started to miss his old crew Wayward Boyscouts. So he joined back with them.
- Linux is an extremely powerful operating system based off of Unix. It was created when Linus Torvalds thought he could do better than Minix.
- Docking Station was the first Creatures title ported to Linux, thanks to the work of Francis Irving and Ben Campbell.
- Linux, inbentáo orihinalmente por Linus Torvalds pa zé una berzión de libre dihtribuzión der zihtema operatibo UNIX er kuá tiene todah lah karahteríhtikah ke ze puén ehperá de un moderno i flekzible UNIX. Inkluye multitasking (murti tarea), memoria birtuá, libreríah kompartíah, direhzión i maneho propio de memoria i TCP/IP.
- Linux è un piano segreto del KGB, dei comunisti e soprattutto di Pingu (contemplato nel simbolo del sistema operativo) per distruggere l'America, conquistare il mondo e poter quindi iniziare una nuova partita a Risiko. Si tratta di un fantomatico sistema operativo di cui tutti parlano ma che nessuno installa.
- NWN2 will not run on Linux like NWN1 did. NWN1 was written with the graphical API OpenGL, which can be ported to Linux (and Mac), while NWN2 is being written with the DirectX graphical API, which needs Windows (or Xbox/Xbox360) to run, and can't be ported, atleast not officially. Note, however, that unofficial ports (such as a PlayOnLinux port) do exist.
- CUPS Need experienced linux users to help on this page!
- Linux (also known as GNU/Linux) is a Unix-like computer operating system. For details on Linux itself see Wikipedia:Linux.
- Hello. Welcome to Fisher Price Linux, probably the greatest distribution of Linux ever made. It's so small, it fits on a microscopic disc, that most people lose the second they open the box. No, wait a minute, there isn't a box, because this is Linux!!! Yeah, yeah, baby! Now, shall we continue?
* Yes
* No
- "One prominent example of free, open-source software is the Linux operating system, a derivative of the Unix operating system written by AT&T in the 1960s and now available without cost. (Unix® is a trademark of The Open Group, but the source code to many variants of AT&T's work is freely available.) Linux is one of many modern derivatives of Unix — which is not itself under the GPL. Thus Apple Computer, which uses the Berkeley Software Distribution variant of Unix as the foundation for the Mac OS X operating system, is entitled to charge for its software. Linux, initially the work of Linus Torvalds, is maintained by a large open-source community. International Business Machines offers Linux with many of its servers, or customers can install it themselves. IBM has contributed code to the L
- Linux è un sistema operativo derivato da UNIX - ma non certificato come sistema UNIX - e sviluppato da Linus Torvalds nel 1991 e offerto alla comunità mondiale di sviluppatori liberi affinchè provvedesse e contribuisse a renderlo un sistema usabile a tutti gli effetti. Non va confuso Linux quale kernel (o nocciolo centrale di una distribuzione) dal Linux generico inteso come distribuzione provvista di ogni struttura e servizio utili allo sfruttamento da parte di ogni tipologia di utenza. Linux è il nocciolo centrale di un sistema operativo attorno al quale si collegano tutte le restanti strutture che formano poi il sistema operativo che viene usato in un computer. Slackware Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, Mandriva Linux, Ubuntu ed altri sono sistemi operativi che annidano al loro interno il kerne
- Linux (commonly pronounced /ˈlɪnəks/) is a generic term referring to Unix-like computer operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Their development is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration; typically all the underlying source code can be used, freely modified, and redistributed by anyone under the terms of the GNU GNL and other free software licences.
- [[Plik:Tux.svg|thumb|150px|Logo Linuksa przedstawia objedzonego i otyłego pingwina, jednak nie ma to na celu sugerować (jak sądzą niektórzy) ociężałości tego systemu.]] [[Plik:Tux Born to Frag.jpg|thumb|150px|Tux – pingwinek mieszkający w Linuksie]] [[Plik:Linux at Google.png|thumb|150px|Co wyrocznia wie o Linuksie]] Motto linuksiarzy Nauczyciel informatyki o Linuksie Linuksiarz o Linuksie Mark Twain o Linuksie Dziecko Neostrady o Linuksie Pan Jerzy o Linuksie Dziecko Linuksa
- Linux es la nom de un sistem de opera de computadores cual ia es creada, inisial como pasatempo, par Linus Torvalds, un studiante joven a la universia de Helsinki en Suomi. Torvalds ia es interesada en Minix, un varia petida de la sistem de opera Unix, e ia deside developa un sistem con cualias superior e plu potente. La varia prima de Linux es publicida en la anio 1991 e Torvalds continua a labora a el asta 1994 cuando el publici la varia 1.0. Aora, sentos de companias, organizas e personas publici se propre sistemes de opera baseda sur Linux.
- Here is a question asked many times on the forums by people, and it was not surprising I was sent a PM by someone whose thread was closed - after all, it is on the 'Do Not Request' list. Here is an extract of my conversation, and I hope it will help answer some of your questions. Regards, To: MattJ ... Any idea why the linux port is on the black list? Is anyone working on it now? ... Yes, I love Miranda, and I am glad I have never managed to install Linux without it going horribly wrong (always read the minimum specs... ;-) ). If I ever moved over to linux, I don't know what I would do! :-)
- Linux (dt. []) oder auch GNU/Linux (siehe GNU/Linux-Namensstreit) ist ein freies Multiplattform-Mehrbenutzer-Betriebssystem für Computer, das den Linux-Kernel verwendet, auf GNU basiert und Unix ähnlich ist. Erstmals in größerem Stil eingesetzt wurde Linux 1992 nach der GNU-GPL-Lizenzierung des Linux-Kernels.
- Certains systèmes que l'on ne citera pas font tache sur un ordinateur. Linux étant un système multitache, c'est pire. Le Linux est une espèce de manchot (de pingouin diront certains trolls de mauvaise foi). Les manchots vivent sur la banquise, dans des régions impropres à la vie humaine. Ainsi, comme ils vivent à l’écart de la société pervertie des gens normaux, les manchots se sont qualifiés de libres (parfois précédé de l’adverbe logiciels). Se sentant parfois trop libres, les manchots s'adonnent à des excès d'alcool, notamment la bière et la pizza froide. Cette mauvaise habitude a donné par la suite l'expression « libre comme dans la bière libre » (free as in free beer). Son ennemi juré est le Windows, le petit du Microsoft.
- Linux (pronunțat ˈlɪnəks în engleza americană și ˈlɪnʊks în Canada și Europa) este o familie de sisteme de operare de tip Unix care folosesc Nucleul Linux (în engleză kernel). Linux poate fi instalat pe o varietate largă de hardware, începând cu telefoane mobile, tablete, console video, continuând cu calculatoare personale până la supercomputere. Linux este cunoscut în principal pentru utilizarea sa ca server, în 2009 i se estima o cotă de piață între 20-40%. Cota de piață de desktop este estimată între 1-2% și 4.8%. În ultimii ani, Linux a început să devină tot mai popular atât datorită unor distribuții precum Ubuntu, openSUSE, Fedora, precum și datorită apariției netbook-urilor și a noii generații de telefoane inteligente (în engleză smart phone) care rulează o versiune embedded de Linux
- Linux () jest uniksopodobnym systemem operacyjnym. Linux jest jednym ze znamiennych przykładów wolnego i otwartego oprogramowania (FLOSS); będący jego bazą kod źródłowy może być dowolnie wykorzystywany, modyfikowany i rozpowszechniany. [[Grafika:NewTux.svg|thumb|right|Pingwin Tux - maskotka Linuksa narysowana przez Larry'ego Ewinga]] [[Grafika:Pantallazo.png|thumb|right|Nowe możliwości pulpitów linuksowych: Compiz i Beryl (Ubuntu)]]
- Linux er den første softwaren produsert kun av edle tekstiler. Linux stammer fra Norrønt, og er sammen satt av ordet Linum som betyr myk, og ordet uxi, som betyr vare. Mykvare = software. Den originale ideen om lage en programvare kun av edle tekstiler kom fra den finnske skredderen Pellkkii Nessavarisaki Kompellkkaasurkimaka. Kompellkkaasurkimaka er fremdeles et forbilde for Linux og alle som arbeider for Linux får utdelt hver sin Kompellkkaasurkimaka-underbukse når de begynner i jobben. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
- Linux is one of the greatest pieces of evidence we have to prove that hackers are Satan-worshipping terrorists who intend to destroy the American way of life! Every aspect of Linux is designed to challenge the God-fearing values of our nation, including these facts:
- Linux (i/ˈlɪnəks/ lin-əks or /ˈlɪnʊks/ lin-uuks) is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released 5 October 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Most of the infrastructural code of Linux and Free BSD:s are however GNU programs developed by the Free Software Foundation, FSF, founded by Richard Stallman starting in 1983. FSF prefers the full name to be GNU/Linux.
- Les jeux Creatures disponible pour Linux sont :
* Docking Station (gratuit) (aide à l'installation)
* Linux Creatures Internet Edition Il est également possible d'utiliser la version Windows de Creatures 3, soit en le copiant depuis une installation existante et en faisant qualques modifications de configuration, soit depuis le CD grâce à un script d'installation. Cela permet de créer et d'utiliser des mondes couplés sous Linux sans avoir à acheter Creatures Internet Edition.
- Linux is an open-source operating system used by a growing number of personal computers. It is also one of the platforms on which Neverwinter Nights can be run. The executable files for Linux are available as a free download from BioWare, but getting the game running requires a purchase of Neverwinter Nights for Windows (or for Mac OS X, but those tend to be more expensive and harder to find). This purchase provides the CD key(s) needed to run the game, plus a fairly nice "Windoze" coaster (called by some a "CD" or "DVD") that can be used to prevent water damage to one's desk from cold drinks.
- Linux is a UNIX-like operating system, like Mac OS X. The Linux kernel was written by Linus Torvalds in the late 90s. Its logo is the moderately famous Tux the penguin. Here are some distrubutions
* Debian
* Ubuntu
* Fedora
* OpenSUSE
* CentOS
* Knoppix
* Linux Mint
* Chrome OS
* Chromium OS (open-source version of Chrome OS)
* Gentoo
* Arch Linux
* RedHat (discontinued) And here are some desktop environments (DEs):
- Confucius says: "A person who prefers Linux on their home computer is like a person who prefers to be under the hood of their car instead of driving it." This is probably why /g/earheads prefer Linux, but we're abo/v/e that. Linux has been a favorite of neckbeards everywhere since the 90s, but now it's really been catching on: when people do a 360° and moonwalk away after seeing the unholy abomination of Windows 8, or their jaws drop in shock when they see how Windows 10 went full 1984 on the users' privacy, yet realize they can't afford an iComputer, they look at Linux and say, well, why the fuck not.
- Linux è un termine che può assumere più di un significato. A seconda del contesto infatti può indicare il kernel originariamente sviluppato da Linus Torvalds, oppure il sistema operativo basato su tale kernel. Il nome Linux a dispetto dell'assonanza tra il nome dell'ideatore e quello del sistema (LINus UniX) è da attribuire a Ari Lemke, l'amministratore che rese per primo disponibile Linux su Internet via FTP. In particolare Linux era il nome della directory in cui risiedevano i file del nuovo sistema operativo. il nome scelto da Torvalds era Freax, una combinazione tra "free", "freak" e "x", per indicare la caratteristica di un sistema Unix-like.
- The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration; typically all the underlying source code can be used, freely modified, and redistributed, both commercially and non-commercially, by anyone under licenses such as the GNU General Public License. Typically Linux is packaged in a format known as a Linux distribution for desktop and server use. Linux distributions include the Linux kernel and all of the supporting software required to run a complete system, such as utilities and libraries, the X Window System, the GNOME and KDE desktop environments, and the Apache HTTP Server. Commonly used applications with desktop Linux systems include the Mozilla Firefox web browser, the OpenOffice.org office application suite and the GIMP image e
- Linux (IPA pronunciation: /ˈlɪnʊks/) is a Unix-like computer operating system family. Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free software and of open source development; its underlying source code is available for anyone to use, modify, and redistribute freely. The first Linux systems were completed in 1992 by combining system utilities and libraries from the GNU project with the Linux kernel, which led to the coining of the term GNU/Linux. From the late 1990s onward Linux gained the support of corporations such as IBM, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, and Novell.
- Es un sistema operativo, fue creado por linus torvalds en 1991 como una alternativa a los sistemas Unix de la época. Es muy eficiente y tiene un excelente diseño. Es multitarea, multiusuario, multiplataforma y multiprocesamiento. En la plataforma Intel corre en modo protegido, protege la memoria para que un programa no pueda hacer caer al resto del sistema, comparte la memoria entre programas aumentando la velocidad y disminuyendo el uso de la memoria, utiliza toda la memoria libre para cache.