| - Make no mistake; Verity Carlo is intelligent, nimble, resourceful, self-reliant and cunning. Problem is, she likes to think she’s tougher, smarter and has more guts than pretty much everyone else. It’s a good part of what allows her to maintain her rootless teen-aged existence hitch-hiking across the United States, living on theft and what little kindness she receives from strangers (although two mace sprays nestled in her backpack attest to how little she’s willing to trust said strangers). Whether it’ll get her killed one day is anyone’s guess…
| - Make no mistake; Verity Carlo is intelligent, nimble, resourceful, self-reliant and cunning. Problem is, she likes to think she’s tougher, smarter and has more guts than pretty much everyone else. It’s a good part of what allows her to maintain her rootless teen-aged existence hitch-hiking across the United States, living on theft and what little kindness she receives from strangers (although two mace sprays nestled in her backpack attest to how little she’s willing to trust said strangers). Something happened to Verity when she was a child, though, something that hurt her so badly that she refuses to form a serious bond with anyone or show any sign of fear. It’s been with her so long that she abandoned several foster homes and (presumably) welcoming families when she was in her mid-teens. Because of that hurt Verity sees most people as marks, dupes or threats. Fear of getting hurt again keeps her moving when she maybe ought to settle down, and makes her abrasive and superior. Whether it’ll get her killed one day is anyone’s guess…