Food Production is a critical occupation in the world of Twilight:2000.
Food Production will prove to be your biggest headache in managing your resources as you try to build and then expand. When you first enter a planetary system you will immediately need to stabilize food on your Starbase, and then on planets you either format or conquer, at least the worlds you intend on keeping a population on.
Food Production will prove to be your biggest headache in managing your resources as you try to build and then expand. When you first enter a planetary system you will immediately need to stabilize food on your Starbase, and then on planets you either format or conquer, at least the worlds you intend on keeping a population on. When on a planet's Government Screen, the arrow to the left of the food total shows it either increasing or using more than it grows. The number fluctuates daily as some is eaten and some is made. Your Farming Stations will produce the most food on your Tropical planets. One strategy is to maintain a small population on one of them while producing excess food, then distribute as needed with your Cargo Cruisers.
Food Production is a critical occupation in the world of Twilight:2000.