| - Each issue of The Rifter® presents official and unofficial adventures, characters, powers, weapons, equipment and fiction for Rifts® and 3-5 different Palladium games and world settings. It's also a forum where we test new ideas, showcase new talent and new sourcebooks and games, and it is a way for fans to get the latest news and sneak previews of upcoming Palladium products, events and secret projects. In short, if you're into one or more of Palladium's role-playing games and like to explore optional source material, and new realms of possibility, then The Rifter® is for you.
| - Each issue of The Rifter® presents official and unofficial adventures, characters, powers, weapons, equipment and fiction for Rifts® and 3-5 different Palladium games and world settings. It's also a forum where we test new ideas, showcase new talent and new sourcebooks and games, and it is a way for fans to get the latest news and sneak previews of upcoming Palladium products, events and secret projects. In short, if you're into one or more of Palladium's role-playing games and like to explore optional source material, and new realms of possibility, then The Rifter® is for you. Issue #37 includes:
* Splicers®: House Shiva - Official Splicers® source material by Todd Yoho.
* Heroes Unlimited™: The Expanded Mega-Hero.
* Rifts®: Short Story by Jason Marker.
* Rifts® source material to tickle any fan.
* The latest chapter of Hammer of the Forge™.
* Stories and fiction.
* News, coming attractions and fun.
* 96 pages - Cat. No. 137. Description and cover art from Palladium Books Web site, copyright ???? Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books.