| - FMweek invited speaker: Prof. E. Allen Emerson↑ (University of Texas, Austin↑) co-recipient of the 2007 ACM Turing Award↑ Submission server:
* Spotlight event: Authors of papers presented in the tools track will be invited to participate in the Tool Exhibition. A special spotlight session of the Exhibition will feature all these tools. Complete and up to date information can be found at . There will be tutorials, workshops, a Doctoral Symposium, and a Tools Exhibition. FM2009 is also part of the 1st FMweek (Formal Methods week, ), which will bring together a variety of events in the area.
| - FMweek invited speaker: Prof. E. Allen Emerson↑ (University of Texas, Austin↑) co-recipient of the 2007 ACM Turing Award↑ Submission server:
* Spotlight event: Authors of papers presented in the tools track will be invited to participate in the Tool Exhibition. A special spotlight session of the Exhibition will feature all these tools. FM2009 is the sixteenth in a series of symposia of the Formal Methods Europe association, and the second one that is organized as a world congress. Ten years after FM'99, the 1st World Congress, the formal methods communities from all over the world will once again have an opportunity to meet. FM 2009 will be both an opportunity to celebrate, and an opportunity to join in when enthusiastic researchers and practitioners from a diversity of backgrounds and schools come together to discuss their ideas and experiences. The Programme Committee of FM2009 comprises 82 members representing 46 countries. For the technical symposium, papers on every aspect of the development and application of formal methods for the improvement of the current practice on system developments are invited for submission. Of particular interest are papers on tools and industrial applications: there will be a special track devoted to these topics. Many have already joined the celebrations. Springer has offered a prize for the best paper; this award will include free electronic access to the Formal Aspects of Computing journal for one year, and a choice of Springer books up to a value of EUR 250.00. The authors of a selection of the accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to anniversary special issues of Formal Aspects of Computing or Formal Methods in Systems Design. Complete and up to date information can be found at . There will be tutorials, workshops, a Doctoral Symposium, and a Tools Exhibition. FM2009 is also part of the 1st FMweek (Formal Methods week, ), which will bring together a variety of events in the area.