| - "Across the universe, those who would defile the world fear your wrath."[PH3:159] Prerequisite: 21st level, seeker Spirit of the Hunt: In time, your body proves a hindrance to your efforts. The threats to the world far too often encompass more than physical destruction. The mightiest of creatures, particularly beasts that originate from beyond the bounds of the cosmos, seek not merely to destroy the world but to transform it. When your mortal life is at an end, you will join the spirits in safeguarding the world. In this form, you can hunt forever.
| - "Across the universe, those who would defile the world fear your wrath."[PH3:159] Prerequisite: 21st level, seeker Spirit of the Hunt: In time, your body proves a hindrance to your efforts. The threats to the world far too often encompass more than physical destruction. The mightiest of creatures, particularly beasts that originate from beyond the bounds of the cosmos, seek not merely to destroy the world but to transform it. When your mortal life is at an end, you will join the spirits in safeguarding the world. In this form, you can hunt forever. Relentless Hunter (21st level): Your Wisdom score increases by 2. You ignore all penalties from cover, superior cover, concealment, and total concealment when you make ranged attacks against enemies within 10 squares of you. Faultless Tracker (24th level): You gain darkvision and tremorsense 10. Deathless Hunter (30th level): Once per day when an enemy's attack reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer, your current hit point total changes to 1 instead, and you gain resist 20 against that enemy's attacks until the end of the encounter. When that enemy drops to 0 hit points, you drop to 0 hit points.