| - A web series partnered with Screw Attack, Behind the Bytes is a video game parody in the form of a steamy behind-the-scenes tell-all. It features interviews with three recurring characters: industry insider Jeff Tozai, gaming journalist Chad Makepeace, and socialite Clarissa Ankle. Together, they dish out dirt on some of gaming's most beloved icons. Behind the Bytes can be viewed on ScrewAttack and YouTube. There's also a Twitter account that doles out juicy, scandalous tidbits in between episodes.
* Alternate Character Interpretation: In-universe. The idea the whole series is built around.
* Ambiguously Gay: Tails.
* Ancient Conspiracy: To make Bowser the king of the world and usher in a new era of reptilian mutants.
* Bad Boss: Shigeru Miyamoto, due to his insanity.
* Big Eater: Tails again.
* Black Comedy
* Dirty Communists: Luigi. He's close with the Beijing regime.
* Executive Meddling: Duke Nukem 3D was supposed to be Duke's middle-finger to the patriarchy and a victory for feminists everywhere, but Apogee Software's CEO Commander Keen recut it into a total mess of misogyny.
* Freudian Excuse: Commander Keen's overbearing mother turned him into an evil arch-misogynist.
* From Nobody to Nightmare: Chris Redfield--from homeless hobo to steroid-abusing Nazi freak.
* Kill'Em All
* Kissing Cousins: Chris Redfield prefers to keep it "in the family" vis a vis his cousin Claire.
* Lady Drunk: Ms. Ankle is never seen without a glass of some alcoholic drink or another.
* Mad Scientist: Miyamoto, who meddled in God's domain by creating the Wind Fish. And may be harvesting organs from children to live forever.
* Money, Dear Boy: Duke Nukem, a devoted feminist, agreed to do the ultra-sexist Duke Nukem Forever so he could fund his women's crisis center.
* Obviously Evil: Luigi. He's in close with the Chinese Communist Party, killed Che Guevara and JFK, and shot Claire Redfield. He keeps getting more and more depraved with each episode.
* The Prima Donna: Both Link and Zelda before hooking up.
* Protection From Editors: In-universe. Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 both get made as pet projects by Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield, respectively, and suffer for it.
* Reality TV: Parody of the "documentary" style reality show, specifically steamy tabloid exposés.
* The Resenter: Luigi despised Mario ever since he was left out of Super Mario 64 while Yoshi got a cameo.
* Running Gag:
* Odd similes involving cake.
* "Of course, Luigi hated (person X)..." (except for Commander Keen, who is almost as vile as he is)
* Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Navi was cast in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time because she was screwing Miyamoto.
* Tabloid Melodrama
* Who Shot JFK?: The gunman on the grassy knoll was... Luigi.
* Those Wacky Nazis: After going mad with steroid abuse, Chris Redfield becomes a Nazi fanatic.