| - Software used: 3ds Max
- Target faints when hit. Cannot hit target of higher level.
- A violent shot with sufficient spin from Tohno always aimed at the opponents head. Giving the effect of a Guillotine which is what was used olden day beheadings.
- Guillotines are obstacles from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. They are machines found in the Shadow Temple that rhythmically drop and raise rectangular blades. Guillotines cannot be destroyed, and in order to avoid being harmed by them, Link must quickly make his way under the blades before they drop. If the guillotine drops while Link is beneath it, he will lose a small amount of health.
- Guillotine is a Mystic type Champion.
- Guillotine is an Eel.
- Guillotine is an epic base item.
- The Guillotine was a limited time decoration released on September 4, 2014 during the Clash of Clones 2014 Event. This decoration was not released in the initial event but was still part of the event items.
- Zizi mou
- The Guillotine was originally designed in 2499 as a front line BattleMech. In time though it has been found that the Guillotine was more adept at raiding. The 'Mech was considered old near the end of the Star League but it was one of the most maneuverable 'Mechs that could be fielded and as such there was never any intention of stopping production of the design. As far as weapons most considered the Guillotine to be under gunned but the highly mobile nature of the 'Mech compensated for this lack of striking capabilities somewhat.
- File:Quake1.gif Guillotines are giant metal blades in Quake that come out of the ceiling to injure the player. The Guillotine is exclusive to E4M4. They are very similar to Falling Spikes, but are faster. These can kill enemies also, but it is a dangerous risk to try to lure them under the blade. The blade is so narrow that it is unlikely to kill an enemy without the player being in harmed in the process. The Guillotine drops when the player gets close.
- Guillotine is a darkness-element based monster of which is located within The Law City, Zenebatos.
- The guillotine was a device used by the Global Community to enforce the law instituted by Nicolae Carpathia during the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation for people to either take the "mark of loyalty" or lose their lives through beheading. It was known as a "loyalty enforcement facilitator" -- a term which Chloe Williams in the Dramatic Audio presentation of "The Mark" mockingly calls "the new symbol of peace and tolerance". It was first used on prisoners and then eventually used with the general public. Christians, who were sealed by God during this time, would by the grace of God reject the mark and accept martyrdom when pressed to make the decision in the Left Behind books.
- Ein Skill den der Mercenary ab Level 30 erhält. Einzige Bedingung dafür ist Reflex Hit auf Level 10. Er kann mit einem Schwert oder einer Axt ausgeführt werden und entspricht dem Schaden des Mental Strike.
- Guillotine (破首刀刈撃, はしゅとうがいげき, Hashutougai Geki, lit. "Neckbreaking Sword Cut Attack") is an Art used by Gala.
- A guillotine was a device used for carrying out executions by decapitation. It consisted of a tall upright frame from which a blade was suspended. This blade was raised with a rope and then allowed to drop, separating the head from the body. The condemned were often lead to the guillotine incorporating a public spectacle and executed in plain view, adding to the victim's degradation. The electroguillotine was a type of guillotine used on Onderon.
- The Guillotine is an Environmental Execution that was cut from Manhunt 2. The audio files for the execution still exist in the PC version. It was featured in an early version of Sexual Deviants since a small block of leftover animation code (probably only the motion of the blade) can be found in the file containing the animations for that level.
- The Gullotine is a machine with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves, used for beheading people.
- A simple Guillotine that Arthur pass at the wrong time will lose armor or a life. editor's note: this should be called a Swinging Axe, it's not really a guillotine.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Guillotine Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Guillotine (ハサミギロチン Scissors Guillotine) is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation I.
- Guillotine is a level in which your monkey ball is supposed to roll up ramps that become longer and longer in a semi-circle. A spinning rod holds two platforms that wipe across the top of the ramps. Therefor, if you don't make it over the ramp near it's edge, there is a high chance that you will be knocked off the edge of the course with the one of two "guillotines." If I'm not mistaken, the timing of this level is 60 seconds. The difficulty of this level is advanced compared to an average player.
- The Guillotine was first released into the catalogue in the Habboween 2012 campaign and is featured in the Haunted Carnival furniture range. To buy this furni you would need to pay real life money to acquire pumpkins and this was extremely controversial as regular users could not easily obtain the new items.
- !BGCOLOR="#CCAAFF" width="100"|Job !BGCOLOR="#CCAAFF" width="50" align="center"|Rating !BGCOLOR="#CCAAFF" width="50" align="center"|Level |- valign="top" BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" | Dark Knight | align="center" | A+ | align="center" | 60 |}
- It takes a truly sinister individual to lead the Plague Trooper forces, and GUILLOTINE is just the person for the job. A former US Navy SEAL who became frustrated with the lack of ruthlessness that his fellow SEALs displayed, he joined the Cobra organization and became a Cobra EEL, enduring the grueling aquatic training and jungle warfare school. He quickly rose to a leadership post by breaking the will of anyone who stood in his way. He is qualified to lead any Cobra detachment and can suffer environmental extremes that leave most of his peers begging for relief. It’s rumored that GUILLOTINE was hand-selected by Cobra Commander to design the training program for the Plague Trooper force. He now leads with a fervor that rivals that of Cobra Commander himself.
- Guillotine (ギロチン Girochin?) is an indestructible hazard from Mega Man X7 that appears in Tornado Tonion's Radio Tower stage. It rotates near pits, making the player fall if hit during a jump.
- The humble Dr. Guillotine never wanted his surgical tool to take his name. Those attending his death-bed wrote that he wanted it to be called the Crapper. For history buffs, here is short list of the many contributions the guillotine has made towards the progression of society to eventual world-peace:
- Guillotine is one of Voldo's weapons in Soulcalibur IV. It can be bought in Character Creation for 8,500 Gold after completing Story Mode with Voldo. The Guillotines in Soul Calibur II are large and cumbersome when wielded by Voldo. They are brown with a signature large blade that is sharpened and primed for killing. It is among one of the tortuous devices Voldo uses, along with the Iron Ram and Heavy Jurs. Guillotine is one of Voldo's weapons in Soul Blade.
- Eine Zeit, in der man grundlos in der Öffentlichkeit hingerichtet wird mit einem Instrument namens Guillotine. Die Guillotine kann man sich wie ein Messer vorstellen welches durch Gemüse, Obst oder Fleisch schneidet. In diesem Fall nur durch Fleisch, Muskeln und Knochen. Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Computer Kategorie:Videospiele Kategorie:Schockierendes Ende Kategorie:Bewertete Creepypasta
- In 1996, Henry Starling had a small model of a guillotine on his desk. (VOY: "Future's End") The Clown, a manifestation of fear who was accidentally created in Viorsa's artificial environment, used a pink guillotine to metaphorically decapitate people. Because he was part of a computer that monitored and controlled participants' vital signs, he used the extreme stress levels that accompanied fear to induce heart attacks and thereby kill his victims despite the fact that he was non-corporeal. The Clown executed two members of Viorsa's species before the arrival of Harry Kim and B'Elanna Torres, and during a subsequent escape attempt, he also executed Viorsa. (VOY: "The Thaw")
- An alien overlord, he oversaw an invasion of Earth on several fronts : infiltration, corruption of world governments, frontal attacks, terror incidents and extortion. The organization he led, known as Big Five or Gargoyle depending on the language of the broadcast, was made up of a ruthless group of operatives, some alien like himself, and some opportunistic Humans who seemed to come from every bad corner and movement on Earth. At first, only some world governments knew of this threat, and used operatives to combat it like Japan's Team Unicorn. At a certain point, Guillotine was prepared to use giant mecha and daikaiju to promote his conquest, and on an island fortress, captive scientists built the Giant Robo, a mecha of power, skill and adaptibilty to lead the final conquest of Earth.
- Die Guillotine gab es schon im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert wo sie aber unter der Bezeichnung Fallbeil tätig war. Ihr Gebrauch wurde bis zum 18. Jahrhundert immer seltener bis Joseph-Ignace Guillotin sie 1789 per Antrag wieder Einführte um grausame Hinrichtungsarten abzuschaffen und den Verurteilten einen schnelleren Tod schenken wollte. Unterstützt wurde er dabei durch Charles Henri Sanson den Henker von Paris. Der die Nachteile die das Enthaubten durch ein Schwert oder das Erhängen durch den Galgen aufzählte. Drei Jahre später 1792 wurde der Antrag stattgegeben und die Guillotine wurde als einziges Vollstreckungsgerät der Todesstrafe eingeführt.
- Monsieur Guillotin, Joseph Ignace de son prénom, était un médecin français qui roulait sa bosse et des mécaniques durant le XVIIIe siècle français, celui-là même de la Révolution Française. Seulement, en bon médecin, Joseph Ignace Guillotin pratiquait les dépassements d'honoraires. En fait ça n'a rien à voir mais c'était juste pour dire que moi perso ça me gonfle de devoir payer 40€ non-remboursés pour juste me faire examiner la gorge et chatouiller les pieds par mon docteur, le professeur Tron. Enfin bref.