Maybe the number 108 has a greater meaning to it. or maybe not. 108 might be represented in the context of Dharmic metaphysical numerology. One for bindu; point at which begins creation and the point at which the unity becomes the many Zero for shunyata; semantic field "zero", literally zero "ness". Eight for ananta; meaning "without end" 8(symbol of infinity).
Maybe the number 108 has a greater meaning to it. or maybe not. 108 might be represented in the context of Dharmic metaphysical numerology. One for bindu; point at which begins creation and the point at which the unity becomes the many Zero for shunyata; semantic field "zero", literally zero "ness". Eight for ananta; meaning "without end" 8(symbol of infinity). All these manifested in Sanskrit. With Lost coming to an end and in season 5 with the charecters looping around time, this could be the answer. Given that they are stuck with destiny on an island with monsters that knows if you have done good or not.. the greater meaning etc.. check this link out. Buddhism Numbers & Symbolism