Attributes | Values |
| - Stronghold the Moving Fortress
fr name
| - Fortin, la Forteresse Ambulante
es lore
| - Invoca esta carta de Modo Especial en Posición de Defensa como un Monstruo de Efecto . . Mientras controles un "Artilugio Verde", "Artilugio Rojo" y "Artilugio Amarillo", esta carta gana 3000 ATK.
el name
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Romaji Name
| - Kidōtoride Sutorongu Hōrudo
hr name
| - Pokretna Utvrda Stronghold
ja lore
| - ①:このカードは発動後、効果モンスター(機械族・地・星4・攻0/守2000)となり、モンスターゾーンに守備表示で特殊召喚する。このカードは罠カードとしても扱う。②:自分フィールドに「グリーン・ガジェット」「レッド・ガジェット」「イエロー・ガジェット」が存在する場合、このカードの効果で特殊召喚されたこのカードの攻撃力は3000アップする。
wc6 dp
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it lore
| - Evoca Specialmente questa carta in Posizione di Difesa come Mostro con Effetto . Mentre controlli un "Congegno Verde", "Congegno Rosso" e "Congegno Giallo", questa carta guadagna 3000 ATK.
pt name
| - Bastião, a Fortaleza Móvel
| - Special Summon this card in Defense Position as an Effect Monster . While you control "Green Gadget", "Red Gadget", and "Yellow Gadget", this card gains 3000 ATK.
pt lore
| - Invoque este card por Invocação-Especial em Posição de Defesa como um Monstro de Efeito . Enquanto você controlar um "Dispositivo Verde", "Dispositivo Vermelho" e "Dispositivo Amarelo", este card ganha 3000 de ATK.
it name
| - Roccaforte della Fortezza Movente
stat change
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| - Treats Trap Cards as monsters
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ko lore
| - ①: 이 카드는 발동 후, 효과 몬스터가 되어, 몬스터 존에 수비 표시로 특수 소환한다. 이 카드는 함정 카드로도 취급한다. ②: 자신 필드에 "그린 가제트" "레드 가제트" "옐로 가제트"가 존재할 경우, 이 카드의 효과로 특수 소환된 이 카드의 공격력은 3000 올린다.
de lore
| - Beschwöre diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung als Effektmonster in die Verteidigungsposition. Solange du „Grüner Apparat“, „Roter Apparat“ und „Gelber Apparat“ kontrollierst, erhält diese Karte 3000 ATK.
ko name
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related to archseries
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de name
| - Stronghold, die mobile Festung
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es name
| - Bastión, la Fortaleza Móvil
wc6 sets
| - Special Gift Collection
Special Summon Collection B
All Traps
All Traps Alternate artwork
All at Random
All at Random Alternate artwork
fr lore
| - Invoquez Spécialement cette carte en Position de Défense comme un Monstre à Effet . Tant que vous contrôlez "Gadget Vert", "Gadget Rouge" et "Gadget Jaune", cette carte gagne 3000 ATK.
gx02 sets
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tr name
| - Hareket Eden Kale Stronghold
card type
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effect types
| - Effect, Condition, Continuous
database id
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| - Special Summons itself from your Spell & Trap Card Zone
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| - * Green Gadget
* Red Gadget
* Yellow Gadget
th name
| - ป้อมเคลื่อนที่ สตรองโฮลด์
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gx02 name
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alt name
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ar name
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Ja Name
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wc6 lore
| - After activating this card, it becomes a Monster Card and is Special Summoned into your Monster Card Zone in Defense Position. This card will have 3000 ATK Points if the cards "Green Gadget," "Red Gadget," and "Yellow Gadget" are all face-up on your Field. .
gx1 name
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wc6 name
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is Card
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