| - When Abraham Lincoln invents peanut butter; or more correctly, Mary Todd Lincoln invents it to ward off spirits, and plans to use it to win over the South by reporting a black man invented it in "Black Mystery Month", his assassination at the hands of John Wilkes Booth delays this until President Grover Cleveland leaves a jar of the peanut butter on George Washington Carver's doorstep. Roger mentions Grover Cleveland while inhaling helium balloons in "Toy Whorey".
- Dialogue >> Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States of America and a character on Mystery Train Island.
- thumb|250px|Grover Cleveland.Stephen Grover Cleveland (New Jersey, 18 maart 1837 - New Jersey, 24 juni 1908) was de 22ste en 24ste President van de Verenigde Staten. Als 22ste president volgde hij president Chester Arthur op in maart 1885, om vervolgens opgevolgd te worden door Benjamin Harrison in maart 1889. Als 24ste president volgde hij Benjamin Harrison terug op in maart 1893, om vervolgens te worden opgevolgd door William McKinley in maart 1897. Hij was een Democratische president.
- Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States.
- Cleveland was a Democrat, but in those days, conservative Democrats, or Bourbon Democrats like Cleveland dominated the party. He didn't really do anything. By the end of his term, he was unpopular because he completely ignored an economic depression. He believed in laissez-faire economics, which didn't work very well.
- Grover Cleveland was the 22nd President of the United States of America, and our first Muppet president. He spanked the country on two nonconsecutive occasions.
- Grover Cleveland (1837–1908) was President of the United States and holds the distinction of being the only man to do so for two non-consecutive terms, becoming the 22nd *and* the 24th President. Although a Democrat, Cleveland had a reputation as a reformer and attracted support from reform-minded Republicans during his first campaign, and when in office he fought against corruption and the patronage system. He retained respect for his character, despite the infamous 1883 campaign attack slogan "Ma ma, where's my pa?" over an illegitimate child.
- Stephen Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837June 24, 1908) was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States; as such, he is the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms (1885–1889 and 1893–1897) and to be counted twice in the numbering of the presidents. He was the winner of the popular vote for president three times—in 1884, 1888, and 1892—and was the only Democrat elected to the presidency in the era of Republican political domination dating from 1861 to 1913.
- Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837 - June 24, 1908) was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. He served two non-consecutive terms. He first was elected president in 1884, succeeding Chester A. Arthur. He then lost the presidency to Benjamin Harrison, but won it back in 1892. He was the American President both during the period that Marty visited in 1885 to rescue Doc Brown, as well as the point in 1893 when the Doc completed his Time Train and departed with his family to upgrade the time machine and reconnect with Marty and Jennifer.