| - Azuth (pronounced ah-ZOOTH ), also known as the Lord of Spells and the God of Wizards, was a lesser deity who concerned himself with the advancement and preservation of the magical arts. Worshiped by all manner of spellcasters (and wizards in particular), the crafty deity acted as an adviser to the sitting deity of raw magic; he and Mystra shared an amicable relationship akin to that of tutor and favorite student. Other deities found him crotchety, not understanding his dry wit or ceaseless dedication to collecting magical knowledge. Azuth most often appeared as a white-bearded man wearing elaborate, antique clothing and wielding the powerful, gem-topped Old Staff.
- Azuth (Ah-zooth) concerns himself with the advancement and preservation of the magical arts. Worshipped by all manner of spellcasters (and wizards in particular), the crafty deity has long acted as an adviser to the sitting deity of raw magic; he and Mystra share an amicable relationship akin to that of a tutor and his favoured student.
- Azuth war nicht so sehr ein Gott der Magie an sich, sondern eher der Anwender der arkanen Künste selbst. Er war eine düstere Vaterfigur mit einem trockenen und sardonischen Gemüt. Er trug den Alten Stab, ein göttliches Artefakt mit den Kräften eines Stabes der Macht und eines Stabes der Magi, welcher die Kraft besaß Magie zu absorbieren oder zu reflektieren.
- Name: Azuth Divine rank: lesser deity Title(s): The High One, Patron of Mages, Lord of Spells Symbol: human left hand pointing upward outlined in blue fire Home plane: Alignment: lawful neutral Portfolio: wizards, mages, spellcasters in general Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: any alignment Cleric alignments: LG, LN, N, CN, LE Domains: illusion, magic, knowledge, law, spell Favored weapon: "The Old Staff" (quarterstaff) Festivals: none known
- Azuth is a fictional deity in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of D&D. He is the god of mages. His alignment is lawful neutral. The appearance of Azuth seems to be somewhat indistinct, he often manifests simply as an elderly voice or shimmering blue luminescence.
- 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Azutha Azuth (a-zut) zajmuje się postępem i ochroną sztuk magicznych. Czczony przez wszystkich czarowników (w szczególności zaś czarodziejów), długo pozostawał doradcą bóstwa surowej magii. Z Mystrą łączą go przyjazne stosunki, choć ich relacje przypominają nieco kontakty między nauczycielem, a jego ulubionym uczniem. Inne bóstwa uważają go za zrzędę, nie rozumiejąc jego ironicznego dowcipu i nieskończonego oddania gromadzeniu magicznej wiedzy. Azuth najczęściej objawia się jako mężczyzna z białą brodą, ubrany w dostojne szaty, z potężną, zwieńczoną klejnotem Starą Laską w dłoni. Do grona błogosławionych ziemskich sług Azutha zaliczają się Ulubieńcy. Powszechnie uważa się, że są oni zabitymi niegdyś ludzkimi czarodziejami, których wskrzesił sam Pan Czarów, w rzeczyw
- Alias(s): The High One, Patron of Mages, Lord of Spells (Lesser Deity)Symbol: Human left hand pointing upward outlined in blue fire.Home Plane: DweomerheartAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Wizards, Mages, Spellcasters in general, Monks (Shining Hand)Worshipers: Philosophers, Sages, Sorcerers, WizardsCleric Alignments: LE, LG, LNDomains: Knowledge, MagicCoA Specific Domains: Illusion, Law, SpellFavored Weapon: "The Old Staff" (quarterstaff)Allies: Mystra, Savras, VelsharoonEnemies: unknown
- Azuth (ah-zooth) concerns himself with the advancement and preservation of the magical arts. Worshiped by all manner of spellcasters (and wizards in particular), the crafty deity has long acted as an advisor to the sitting deity of raw magic; he and Mystra share an amicable relationship akin to that of a tutor and his favored student. Other deities find him crotchety, not understanding his dry wit or ceaseless dedication to collecting magical knowledge. Azuth most often appears as a white-bearded man wearing elaborate, antique clothing and wielding the powerful, gem-topped Old Staff.