Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry(奏光のストレインSōkō no Sutorein) is a mecha anime series by Studio Fantasia. It premiered across Japan on WOWOW from November 1, 2006. A manga adaptation is being serialized in the Dragon Age magazine. The concept of the series is loosely based upon Frances Hodgson Burnett's novels, most notably A Little Princess, but also Little Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden. On May 15, 2008, Texas-based licensor FUNimation Entertainment announced its licensing of Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry (also known as Soko no Strain or Soukou no Strain). The anime was available in a complete DVD release on January 27, 2009 across North America.
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| - Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry(奏光のストレインSōkō no Sutorein) is a mecha anime series by Studio Fantasia. It premiered across Japan on WOWOW from November 1, 2006. A manga adaptation is being serialized in the Dragon Age magazine. The concept of the series is loosely based upon Frances Hodgson Burnett's novels, most notably A Little Princess, but also Little Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden. On May 15, 2008, Texas-based licensor FUNimation Entertainment announced its licensing of Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry (also known as Soko no Strain or Soukou no Strain). The anime was available in a complete DVD release on January 27, 2009 across North America.
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| - 2007-02-14(xsd:date)
- February 2007
ja kanji
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| - Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry
| - Mecha, Military, Psychological
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| - 2006(xsd:integer)
- 2006-11-01(xsd:date)
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| - 2006-11-01(xsd:date)
- 2006-11-08(xsd:date)
- 2006-11-15(xsd:date)
- 2006-11-22(xsd:date)
- 2006-11-29(xsd:date)
- 2006-12-06(xsd:date)
- 2006-12-13(xsd:date)
- 2006-12-20(xsd:date)
- 2007-01-10(xsd:date)
- 2007-01-31(xsd:date)
- 2007-02-07(xsd:date)
- 2007-02-14(xsd:date)
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- 2(xsd:integer)
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| - A battle at sub-light speed, an ability that Sara has just qualified to use, comes with both costly and miraculous results.
- Detailing the truth of the Emilys, the war and Ralph's defection.
- Sara's secret is out, and Lottie wants to know why.
- Sara duels with her brother and meets the other Reasoners.
- Sara fights to qualify for higher training. When her precious pendant is stolen, she comes upon a chance she never thought she would have.
- Sara and Ralph fight to the death after their last connection is severed.
- Sara and the Union prepare for battle, while Medlock sees the truth in Ralph's madness.
- Sara, Reasoners, Gambee pilots, and even Medlock and Emily mobilize-- but will they be enough to stop Ralph?
- Sara is about to graduate with her close friends, but a surprise attack on the school changes everything.
- Sara goes out to Gall, a space station, to look for Emily. However, she isn't the only one looking.
- Lavinia attempts to attract Sara, but makes a costly mistake.
- Sara returns to the fray of battle and grows a fondness for her team.
- Sara deals with her new status as a Reasoner, the aftermath of the last battle, and Mariette's vengeance.
| - Meeting
- Gall Space Repair Station
- Infinite Revenge
- Lavinia's Beautiful Trap
- Offense and Defence of the Libertad
- Prelude of Despair
- Reasoner Sara
- Silently Walking Away
- Sub-Light Speed Demon
- The Beginning of Revelry
- The Last Waltz
- The Myself Before My Eyes
- Upcoming Memories
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| - Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry(奏光のストレインSōkō no Sutorein) is a mecha anime series by Studio Fantasia. It premiered across Japan on WOWOW from November 1, 2006. A manga adaptation is being serialized in the Dragon Age magazine. The concept of the series is loosely based upon Frances Hodgson Burnett's novels, most notably A Little Princess, but also Little Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden. On May 15, 2008, Texas-based licensor FUNimation Entertainment announced its licensing of Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry (also known as Soko no Strain or Soukou no Strain). The anime was available in a complete DVD release on January 27, 2009 across North America.